Belief Without Evidence WTF?


Well-Known Member
Here you go this is what many people believe is the reason god allows evil....
.... Pretty much "free will".

Yes evolution is contradictory to the bible, I have nothing to say to that. I'm not ignoring evolution, I'm just saying yes, I believe evolution.
One point on the free will have to remember the Bible states in Genesis that God did not give us free will, we took it and got kicked out of paradise for it. It's a massively overlooked point by Christians.

I'm agnostic,waiting for the proof either way and depending on what's proven until then.

One thing I think is totally hilarious is that most Christians think evolution and intelligent design both have to be mutually exclusive when in theory "God" could have used evolution in his intelligent design.

All pure speculation obviously, but I don't see why either side refuses to budge on any points...I personally like proof tho, and until I get proof God exists or doesn't I'm gonna just keep trucking through life with what I do know and is proven to be true and trying to be the best person I possibly can be.

EDIT: Forgot to say, the idea of organised religion is completely stupid tho...believe what you personally believe,not what some dude in a frock or a story book says.


Ursus marijanus
Technically "the knowledge of good and evil" and free will are distinct.
I am very curious btw why "young Earth" and Christianity have been so thoroughly yoked together ... cn


Well-Known Member
Because the Bible chronologically states that the Earth is roughly 12000 years old,tends to get them lumped together.

One cannot have free will with such a restricted consciousness as to not know the difference between good and evil. They were naked until they ate the apple then chose to cover themselves up...eating the apple gave them the consciousness to make that decision rather than living in blind ignorance. Ie. They gained free will... Iv debated it with theologians and they've been stumped by it too ;)

Again it's just a fable but still, its a very badly invented one.

But if people choose to believe it that's groovy,just don't expect everyone else to or even dare claim publicly its fact, cos you'll be torn open for it because it doesn't make sense.

God however is open for debate cos it could be true (or false), I just ain't taking that leap ;)


Active Member
The opium was so good then and they had no tv so just out of plain human suffering they created gods. The rest is money.


Well-Known Member
The opium was so good then and they had no tv so just out of plain human suffering they created gods. The rest is money.
Agreed on the money thing, I'm just waiting for the various doctrines to start being considered businesses, I can't understand how they arnt already to be honest.

Case in point being the about the extremely flash HQ of an international money making machine!


Active Member
If I may add, there is no God, otherwise we wouldn't be here, he/she would have extinguished us when he/she had the chance. Humans are just plain, wrong for this world/universe.


Well-Known Member
how is it seriousley possible people believe in gods without evidence , anything else in life requires evidence, to believe its true , yet when it comes to believing in a god , stupid people disregard this vital point , why is this ? its truly shocking
People believe in time travel without evidence. People are just dumb.


Well-Known Member
Hey! What happened to OP Sativa? I haven't seen him post since his vessel was hit by a Glacier a few days ago. I hope he survived...


Well-Known Member
Hey! What happened to OP Sativa? I haven't seen him post since his vessel was hit by a Glacier a few days ago. I hope he survived...
He managed to escape, he's trapped in an ice cave now. He's hanging out with the polar bears that shit on him. But he will be back soon, no doubt about that.


Well-Known Member
Because if he banished Satan, why has he kept us?
He says there is no god. So who said I was basing my post off a religion?
Not every religion has a Satan. So ignoring religion and focusing on a god alone my question goes unanswered and always will be.

In other words this guy doesn't believe in religion, so why is he assuming god isn't real because god wouldn't want us?


Well-Known Member
Time isn't real.
Where's your proof? Oh look you have no proof, just like religious people. So why do you call religious people dumb when you're no different? I guess you might think of yourself as dumb, in that case I guess you can call religious people dumb. If you don't think you're dumb then you're a hypocrite.


Well-Known Member
He says there is no god. So who said I was basing my post off a religion?
Not every religion has a Satan. So ignoring religion and focusing on a god alone my question goes unanswered and always will be.

In other words this guy doesn't believe in religion, so why is he assuming god isn't real because god wouldn't want us?
I believe god is real and not real(not conscious), and he doesn't even know we exist.


Well-Known Member
Where's your proof? Oh look you have no proof, just like religious people. So why do you call religious people dumb when you're no different? I guess you might think of yourself as dumb, in that case I guess you can call religious people dumb. If you don't think you're dumb then you're a hypocrite.
I've given proof over and over. If you didn't read it, I'm sorry.


Well-Known Member
I've given proof over and over. If you didn't read it, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I didn't see your proof. Besides like you any religious person can say they have proof, it doesn't mean it's legitimate proof.
If you have proof that time doesn't exist then you should be a millionaire for proving time is an illusion only. So your proof is nothing, at least no more legitimate than a religious persons "proof" of god.