passing drug tests (fake urine)


Well-Known Member
are you serious d?? It's my big fake cock that i got to take my ua's with.. Lmao.. It has a lil pouch built in that holds the urine, you simply flip the switch and the urine flows out of my big fake cock right into the collection cups..
The quick fix comes with a hand warmer to keep it warm and a temp stripe as well so you know what the temp is.. I also bought a big ass box of handwarmers online for like ten bucks or so..
people think of everything....


Active Member
people think of everything....
lol right, just quite smoking for a while its not that hard. Once you get passed the first 2 weeks your golden. <- from exp! i had to be sober for 2.5 years, they stopped testing me 1.5 years into it because they kept wasting money testing me.


Well-Known Member
For some reason this reminds me of the first episode of Workaholics when there's a drug test at work and Blake breaks into the room where the piss is being stored since he knew that him and his friends were going to fail and he pissed in everyone's cups so everyone in the office failed, including the boss. HAHA.


Well-Known Member
fuck this dumb online urine shit.

go to a head shop
buy 30 dollar synthetic urine
microwave it, use the heating pad, and tape it to ur thigh


idk how people fuck that up


bud bootlegger
lol not in the US military, drug tests happen all the time for health check ups. i know too many people who get kicked out for failing drug tests.
so you're saying nobody in the military smokes or does drugs, yet you know too many people who have been kicked out for failing drug tests, lol..


Active Member
Well most of the people who get kicked out of the military arnt really IN yet. they get kicked out the day they go to be shipped out for basic training, they go with everything a night before to a hotel next to the airport, they test you that night and in the morning you will get a unwelcoming wakeup telling you to leave and months later you get your paper work.. Also if you smoke weed /do drugs during your time serving, your contract with the military is void. all your cons for joining the military are then gone, and in some cases you can get a dishonorable discharge. depending on where you are in your serve. i know you probably arnt up with the military's rules so im not trying to sound like a dick but they have a ZERO tolerance for drugs. and almost every cases they will not accept you again after you fail a drug test. so i bet you people arnt going to take the risk. lol like i said i come from a military family.


Active Member
shit worked for me you know what worked good for me i drank a thing of pickle juice the viniger in it cleans your system but the fake piss i got worked plus it came with a warmer to warm it to body temperature


Well-Known Member
all you have to do to pass a drug test is drink water...
no fancy detox drinks, no powders, or pills... definitely no fake dicks (like the person supervising wont notice its a fake dick, and if its not supervised what do you need the $30.00 strap-on for?? hmmmmm..?)
I recently got off of a 5 year Probation stint, got supervised testing from two different agencies the whole time... And i dont test dirty no matter what foreign substance is in my body...
If they bitch about a low creatinine level take extra creatine and b-12(makes piss yellow) supplements a few hours before you drink the water (1-2 gallons) 1-2 hours before you pee. always pee before your test...
Mouth swabs only test for hard drugs within 24 hours, and pot within a few days-1 week...(as long as you were sober for that period of time)
I mean literally 24 hours, ive done shit at hour 24 and had it not been detected, and then done shit at hour 18 and then had it detected so its really ineffective when using a mouth swab for immediate results...