all you have to do to pass a drug test is drink water...
no fancy detox drinks, no powders, or pills... definitely no fake dicks (like the person supervising wont notice its a fake dick, and if its not supervised what do you need the $30.00 strap-on for?? hmmmmm..?)
I recently got off of a 5 year Probation stint, got supervised testing from two different agencies the whole time... And i dont test dirty no matter what foreign substance is in my body...
If they bitch about a low creatinine level take extra creatine and b-12(makes piss yellow) supplements a few hours before you drink the water (1-2 gallons) 1-2 hours before you pee. always pee before your test...
Mouth swabs only test for hard drugs within 24 hours, and pot within a few days-1 week...(as long as you were sober for that period of time)
I mean literally 24 hours, ive done shit at hour 24 and had it not been detected, and then done shit at hour 18 and then had it detected so its really ineffective when using a mouth swab for immediate results...