My "undercover" cfl grow! Coming along ok?


Well-Known Member
So I started two plants from two seeds that came out of a GOOD, GOOD bag of smoke. First I germinated them (wrapped them in a wet paper towel and put them in a humid area). It literally only took 3 days and I had 4 inch long roots, they had broken away from their seeds AND the first leaves were appearing! Here's a pic...

Next I planted them in a SMALL cup and drilled holes in the bottom for drainage. Then kind of just hung a light over them in the open, ONE seemed to take off fairly quick and the other never got passed the point in this picture....

Now, to make a long story short, I transplanted the bigger of the two into a bigger pot (its final resting place). I got rid of the small plant because the bigger one started to show (what I believe) pistils. The replant pot was filled with my own mixture of medium. It consisted of (AROUND) 3/4 Organic Miracle Gro Potting Soil and the rest a mix of "building sand", VERY good outdoor topsoil and a LITTLE plant food (can't remember the EXACT name, but it looked like pebbled rocks). Next, I moistened the new top soil and hole for the root ball with water that had a SMALL amount of SuperThrive in it. Then in she went....

Before all of this was done, I created a grow box out of an old small dresser. The bottom drawer is permenatly shut (until I want it to be :-o ) and the top drawer got turned into a flip out door for examination and watering! You'll be able to see what I'm talking about when you look at the following pictures! A hole was cut in the back of the dresser so the fan could point in and give this plant air, two small holes were cut in the sides of the dresser so that it could easily "draft" threw. I ran my lights threw holes cut in the top of the dresser and then "coated" the interior of it with thick aluminum foil. Pictures are as follows...

With the box covered.... incognito!!!

With the box uncovered... a dresser huh??

Here's the light at the end of the tunnel when you open it! lol

The hole and fan blowing threw the back!

Looking in now....

And last but not least, here she (what I hope is a SHE) is up close!!! The "burns" or deficiencies on the first and the little bit on the second leaves are from the transplant. I'm sure they'll fall off eventually, look at the new SUPER GREEN leaves growing from the middle now though! The roots are starting to catch in the new soil and she's about to take OFF.... yesss!

SO what do yall think? Female? Good setup? Should I cut off those leaves that look bad and continue with the good? Or just let them fall on their own? I need some input.... My REAL question, what are the odds of this being a female?!

I'm still in vegetative stage, and I plan to LST so it stays low and bushy... when can I start the training? I've always heard after the 3rd nod. Remember, this is a personal grow... nothing big and spectacular! Thanks to any replies ahead of time, need all the help I can get!! :leaf::leaf::leaf: :-P

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
not there not pistils it will be a month or so till you see them. take the foil out it can put burn spots on your leaves
yeah i would wait a little while before you lst 3rd or 4th node


Well-Known Member
I'm not expert by any means but EVERYTHING I've read says aluminum foil is bad, I'd rip it out and at the least spray paint the inside white (flat or matte finish not gloss) it creates hot spots and doesn't reflect well especially when wrinkled.

What are the temps like in there with the light on? Those leaves look bad but I'm just about to start my first grow so again I'm no expert but I would think it was heat or nute burn from what I've read MG doesn't really need nutes added to it, again not 100%, the only other thing I would think that may cause that would be PHing your water, or too much not enough...

How often are you watering? Are you PHing your water?

As far as the plants apparent naughty bits I have no clue

Otherwise nice little cabinet, I'm finishing mine up this weekend and plan on planting when I get back from my trip to DC next week.


Well-Known Member
not there not pistils it will be a month or so till you see them. take the foil out it can put burn spots on your leaves
yeah i would wait a little while before you lst 3rd or 4th node
Where will I see the pistils, what are those? I'll take out the foil, the temp is about 70-75*.... it varies. And ok, I'll wait a while before I LST! And yes, PH is balanced correctly to the other guy and I'm on 18-6 light cycle right now.... forgot to add that!

EDIT** - I water when the soil is dry about an inch or 2 deep....

PS: This shows where the pistils will grow and that's what this looks like to ME.... not saying I'm right though!,r:10,s:0


Active Member
you'v still got ages before you will seee pistils ,that plant is still a baby, what you're seeing there is the lateral branches developing. i would leave them at least six weeks before starting 12/12 and then about a week+ after switching you see what the sex is. Good luck with the grow :joint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply bro.... that's what I needed to hear. Not trying to be a d*ck but I don't need advice or opinions on HOW to grow (kinda got a green thumb :P ). I just really needed some questions answered on the plant itself you know? The only other questions I needed answered is when to LST and switch to flowering! Those questions have been answered throughout this thread thus far, so I will continue at the pace I'm at! If anymore questions pop up regarding ANYTHING, I'll most definitely ask AND keep y'all updated on the grow! Nonetheless, thanks for all the replies everyone and any comments are welcomed!


Well-Known Member
Oh yes.... one more thing! You could see how tall the plant was when I transplanted it, when I put it in the new pot I buried it "deeper"... not by much, but some! Reason I did is because she was getting top heavy as hell! This isn't a problem is it? Doesn't seem to be, I'm trying to keep it as "bushy" as possible anyways!


Well-Known Member
plants can double and triple in size after flowering starts
What does this have to do with the question?!

I plan to start flowering at about the middle of December, I have a schedule I follow - plant 4-5 good seeds, veg 3 months using LST in my grow box, start flower, pull males, let flower for 3 months, harvest!!! :bigjoint:

Anyways... I just now started it on "Superthrive" and "Miracle Gro - for plants that love lime!". I know, I'll get some bashing because of the Miracle Gro thing but I've always had great yields from it and never had a problem. I even use their "3 month time release potting soil", ALWAYS have! By the time your going to change over to 12/12 the nutes are used/out of the soil, really at about 2 1/2 months. Every grow I've started with "Superthrive" from the VERY beginning as well, even while I'm germinating the seeds! (look at my first picture and you'll see why!!!) Superthrive has no real nutes in it, it's like a B vitamen complex... hell it even smells like a bottle of vitamens. But I'll tell you what, that ST will make some CRAZY rootballs and solid/thick "trunks" - we all know bigger the roots, the bigger the tokes! :eyesmoke:

To make a long story short: the Baby plant gets pure distilled H20 every Sunday and Thursday, Superthrive and Miracle Gro get flip flopped every other "nute day" (once every 2 weeks on a watering day). This is all during veg. (changes once I go on 12/12) which is what I'm just trying to get threw right now! Always had good grows in this setup though, using these products and they're ALL available at Walmart!!! YES!

Anyways, here's a couple pics of my "upgraded box" and the plant after being on Superthrive and Miracle Gro.... COMPARE THEM TO THE OTHER PICTURES UP TOP!

Gotta find a way to strap the 3 dangle lights to the roof.... it's coming along!


Well-Known Member
I was just kiddin' dude....they won't really grow much higher when you flower...So grow them as close as you can to the lights then switch it.


Well-Known Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6449192 said:
wow waita set him up for failure hahaha
he deserves an answer like that. motherfucker seems to already know everything, why bother posting here? Dude says he has a greenthumb, yet his plant is a crispy critter.


Well-Known Member
he deserves an answer like that. motherfucker seems to already know everything, why bother posting here? Dude says he has a greenthumb, yet his plant is a crispy critter.
Uncalled for.... the question was "is it ok to transplant deeper so its not as long and skinny. But your right, motherfucker knows it all so stay the fuck off my post... unless YOU need answers !


Well-Known Member
I understand and I do need to humble myself at times... but STILL the question has not been answered. Period. The answers on the original post have been answered, that's over with. The question I needed answered was can I plant the small plant "deeper" to avoid the tipping issues it was having before....? I guess I answered the question myself though! I did it and it seems to be taking off just fine. Oh and I'm telling you the crispy'ness was from shock of the transplant, nothing more. It's gotten used to and re-rooted in its new soil so it's kickin' ass again! 2 months of LST and counting before flower time ;)


to answer your question on whether or not u can bury your plant deeper yes u can ive done it many times. it doesnt seem like u want to here it but judging by u thinking it was flowering by like day 7 tells me you've never grown a plant to flowering or even close and marijuana is its own almost separate art from normal gardening so it would be wiser not to piss off people trying to help you that have been growing successfully for years and are not trying to patronize you but only wish to help your poor excuse of a plant