Belief Without Evidence WTF?


Well-Known Member
ima continue to ask the same question that sativa high is, but im turnin it around on him. why dont YOU give me proof god doesnt exist. you sayin that he doesnt isnt a valid answer either. you can try and say it whatever way you want, but you're an athiest you believe none of the gods are real. now do you have anythin sayin you're right? OH SHIT you dont! so once again you're just as bad as a radical religious person just sayin "oh haha i dont see no evidence faggot morons yall are stupid" thats all ive seen from you bro and lemme tell you that aint shit in an argument


Active Member
Genesis ch.6 v.15

... The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, the height of it thirty cubits.

a cubit can vary person to person so them #'s you got aren't stable.


Well-Known Member
Genesis ch.6 v.15

... The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, the height of it thirty cubits.

a cubit can vary person to person so them #'s you got aren't stable.
they said noah was 600 when he built the arc...thats the only thing i have to say to discredit that story. not to say there wasnt a flood, but noah def. didnt build that arc


Active Member
they said noah was 600 when he built the arc...thats the only thing i have to say to discredit that story. not to say there wasnt a flood, but noah def. didnt build that arc
yeah, isee what you mean but at the same time iknow/knew people who believed in God so much they lived to see very old ages. my great great grandma up stairs watching tv right now, people dont even be believing me when isay great great so ibelieve it.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
the bible gives the exact lengths. and yes it took many years and the people called noah crazy also.
yeah so how come we can dig up dinosaurs yet we cant dig up a single bone from noahs flood lol if everything was wiped out at the same time we should be able to find everything at that one level lol


Well-Known Member
i cant believe this is still going on. cool that the talk is mellow but somehow it just doesn't hold as much w/e. im ready to meet an atheist who doesnt care about anything but wheres my lighter for the peace pipe


Well-Known Member
i can imagine a dandelion with razor blades for roots, and each petal is an albino elephant... Prove it doesn't exist. you cant. but its just so irrational that you wont believe it unless you were born into a society that worshipped it. The atheist relies on the lack of scientific or rational evidence from the believer to prove god exists. A completely faith based idea is irrational, and that is where the atheist finds his home, in rational ideas which can be backed by physical not (anecdotal)evidence

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
and we arive at the same point ....................still not one scrap of evidence aq god exists , so frustrating for some lmao
...yeah, but you're still dodging questions like a politician. Have you read the bible? Do you understand the basic works in it? Do you understand that those basic works make up the 'esoteric' aspect of 'religion'. It is hidden or veiled not by people but by your own understanding. A clear understanding may come if you can move your 'creative power' into golgotha - the place of the skull - where the 'cross' is - where matter and the immaterial join. :) Dude, you're not frustrating to me at all, but I can't speak for everyone.


Well-Known Member
i dont know about, but i have seen albino elephants and a rose with razors for roots brother

i can imagine a dandelion with razor blades for roots, and each petal is an albino elephant... Prove it doesn't exist. you cant. but its just so irrational that you wont believe it unless you were born into a society that worshipped it. The atheist relies on the lack of scientific or rational evidence from the believer to prove god exists. A completely faith based idea is irrational, and that is where the atheist finds his home, in rational ideas which can be backed by physical not (anecdotal)evidence

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
i can imagine a dandelion with razor blades for roots, and each petal is an albino elephant... Prove it doesn't exist. you cant. but its just so irrational that you wont believe it unless you were born into a society that worshipped it. The atheist relies on the lack of scientific or rational evidence from the believer to prove god exists. A completely faith based idea is irrational, and that is where the atheist finds his home, in rational ideas which can be backed by physical not (anecdotal)evidence
...ok, good. Now what?


Well-Known Member
tsh is a retard brother. this guy just piles up arguments from other outstanding atheists on here and puts his twist into it. well, the stupid twist if you may... he thinks he is smart and that is the funny part to it... that he dont see how dumb he looks to others, but in his mind he is extremely extremely intelligent.

...yeah, but you're still dodging questions like a politician.

Have you read the bible? Do you understand the basic works in it? Do you understand that those basic works make up the 'esoteric' aspect of 'religion'. It is hidden or veiled not by people but by your own understanding. A clear understanding may come if you can move your 'creative power' into golgotha - the place of the skull - where the 'cross' is - where matter and the immaterial join. :) Dude, you're not frustrating to me at all, but I can't speak for everyone.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
tsh is a retard brother. this guy just piles up arguments from other outstanding atheists on here and puts his twist into it. well, the stupid twist if you may... he thinks he is smart and that is the funny part to it... that he dont see how dumb he looks to others, but in his mind he is extremely extremely intelligent.
...I find him harmless. He knows he's harmless. The whole damn thing is harmless! Sorry, got a little nicholson there. :)


Well-Known Member
...yeah, but you're still dodging questions like a politician. Have you read the bible? Do you understand the basic works in it? Do you understand that those basic works make up the 'esoteric' aspect of 'religion'. It is hidden or veiled not by people but by your own understanding. A clear understanding may come if you can move your 'creative power' into golgotha - the place of the skull - where the 'cross' is - where matter and the immaterial join. :) Dude, you're not frustrating to me at all, but I can't speak for everyone.
if he read the bible he would know that not everything in it is babblin nonsense and they do have truth in the bible. thats askin too much from him tho


Well-Known Member
if he read the bible he would know that not everything in it is babblin nonsense and they do have truth in the bible. thats askin too much from him tho
If you read the Bible you find a lot of crazy shit.
Bitches gettin their Dad drunk to fuck him.
2 month Ceremonies for Dad's death, but burry mom in the yard.
There's more.


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't it be nice for you if atheism were so easy to dismiss. Unfortunately atheism is a non-position. Knowing what someone does not believe tells you nothing about what they do believe. None of the atheists I know have ever seen a dinosaur bone or spend much time thinking about them. None of them have ever told me they think men from space probe them, and I don't know any ghost hunters. If someone believed in ghosts, wouldn't they also believe in an afterlife and therefore a God? You haven't seemed to think this through. It seems, the words coming out of our mouths are not easy to counter, and so you seek to put some there that are. What petty and transparent tricks you rely on..

“In fact, "atheism" is a term that should not even exist. No one ever needs to identify himself as a "non-astrologer" or a "non-alchemist." We do not have words for people who doubt that Elvis is still alive or that aliens have traversed the galaxy only to molest ranchers and their cattle. Atheism is nothing more than the noises reasonable people make in the presence of unjustified religious beliefs.”
― Sam Harris
You're right in saying atheism takes no position. However people like sativa take a position by saying god does not exist. They take a stance and request evidence while claiming they have their own evidence. If others need evidence to cover their position then why shouldn't sativa? :) (smile means I'm ready for a friendly debate or conclusion).


Well-Known Member
ha ha ha your desperate dude ,your hysterical over a slight miswording i typed ,i was supposed to type 'your ignoring facts not evidence ,i can understand your excitment that i typed something incorrectly but it still dosent back up your argument in anyway , how could it even be possible to have evidence something dosent exist you total moron ? anyway more to the point still not one scrap of evidence your god exists lmao .
what facts am I ignoring then?
Besides I don have an argument, you do. Check post 58 to see your argument if you forgot already.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
if he read the bible he would know that not everything in it is babblin nonsense and they do have truth in the bible. thats askin too much from him tho
...I see what you're saying. :) But I also see how fckn confusing that thing can be!

Hey, I just realized that I've hit 'like' homeostasis! hummmmmmmmmmmmmmm.