You contradict yourself quite a bit.. You have already admitted to cheating or is it ok if it's just a little
And you sir are a master of semantics...I have admitted to having small overages, which used to be legally sold to dispensaries, definitely in the "grey area" when interpreting the written law word for word. I'm now admitting that I'm miffed because that "grey area" has been closed by the behavior of others. I've also admitted to be trying to figure out how NOT to cheating by these changes to the law.
The law as written limits usable weight to an unachievable standard. You simply can't grow, harvest and dry 2.5oz per card on the number. Lawmakers, Politicians, cops and DA's all will acknowledge that. The possible overages achievable with a legit 12 plant perpetual grow is...what? Good grower...say 6 in flower..2 stages, harvesting 3 plants a month...maybe 9oz dry? 6.5 oz overage...lawmakers, cops,DA's, Government....all knew that loophole existed when the law came out. Now, they also knew that only people TRYING for max yield would grow that much. The 70 year old woman in a wheel chair suffering from whatever god awful condition she has...won't grow excessive amounts..she'll just tend a small garden..and be happy with her meds. And if she is too ill to grow, someone else that's growing can be her caregiver. And that caregiver will grow her plants responsibly. The law transfer the plant count to the care giver so that the care giver can maintain a second strain if needed. Not so the care giver can double his production.
The "intent" of the law was to allow an uninterrupted supply for the patients. It did that. The intent of the law was never for a care giver to amass patients for plant count, then max production and profit wildly.
The self growing patient, staying within their plant count, isn't the reason laws are being tightened. The abuse comes with care givers. (I'm sure not all) But the ones maxing yields by growing out everything they can yield.
It's the abuse of "economy of scale" that causes the laws to be tightened.
If you have 5 patients, god bless you. If you grow max yields and use all 60 plants....then god shouldn't bless you...your ruining things for everybody. The more plants, room, and equipment that you have, the more efficient your grow, and the higher your 'per plant' yield.
The amount of "overages' becomes grower with 60 plants should out produce 5 growers with 12 plants each....economy of scale...
A single grower, staying within 12 plant counts..can overproduce, a few oz's per month after his 2.5 oz....a caregiver, maximizing 60 plants.. should produce overages of 5lbs a month, after supplying thier 5 patients.
There is quite a bit of difference, both in "intent" and in profit.