Belief Without Evidence WTF?


Well-Known Member
Well let's see. If you can (probably doesn't) discern the difference between "god's people" which kill in the name of God, and the God itself, I would say that if you advance to the Holy Bible's new testament and actually read it (maybe again?) you would clearly see that Jesus Christ was not a proponent of war and the slaughter of people. His "followers" did it through various crusades, but hahaha, there aren't any more of those, heisenberg. Nowadays people can make rational decisions themselves. However there are many that choose the right to remain lost as individuals. Who has your back? Jesus Christ has slaughtered how many with his own hands? 0, heisenberg. Go check the "other gods", just look at the first picture? why did that giant adult smurf god cut off other smurf dude's head? Because there was candy inside???????????????
I was hoping for something that distinguished Jesus in terms of validity or being real. If you are just saying he was nicer, then that's fine. Relatively speaking, Jesus is a pretty nice deity with pretty passive ideas, even if he is not totally above cruelty. His dad is a different story. I will grant you that your made up God as expressed via Jesus is a pretty okay guy. Fortunately the choice is not restricted to which version of God to follow, since the idea of any god has yet to gain serious plausibility.

As for who has my back, my friends and family of course. I prefer this pragmatic approach to covering my ass rather than gambling on which hollow idea of God to worship. My loved ones have earned my trust and confidence, proven it to me many times, and to me that deserves more than faith in a nearly unintelligible system of deity worship. What message would I be sending to them if I passed over their selfless expressions of love in favor of some absurd god, especially one as cruel and unworthy as the Abrahamic God, despite Jesus's kid gloves. I have a better sense of integrity than that. This sense of integrity; this critical introspection, among other things, also affords me confidence in myself which allows me to feel okay even if no one had my back. I am an honest man; I am a responsible man; I am right with myself, which makes me a courageous man as well. When I need inspiration and fortitude, I find it within myself. When I need a helping hand or a shoulder to lean on, I find it, justly, among my friends. I fail to see how I could find anything even close to this reassurance and security from surrendering my intelect to belief in a deity, especially the Christian version.


Well-Known Member
I was hoping for something that distinguished Jesus in terms of validity or being real. If you are just saying he was nicer, then that's fine. Relatively speaking, Jesus is a pretty nice deity with pretty passive ideas, even if he is not totally above cruelty. His dad is a different story. I will grant you that your made up God as expressed via Jesus is a pretty okay guy. Fortunately the choice is not restricted to which version of God to follow, since the idea of any god has yet to gain serious plausibility.

As for who has my back, my friends and family of course. I prefer this pragmatic approach to covering my ass rather than gambling on which hollow idea of God to worship. My loved ones have earned my trust and confidence, proven it to me many times, and to me that deserves more than faith in a nearly unintelligible system of deity worship. What message would I be sending to them if I passed over their selfless expressions of love in favor of some absurd god, especially one as cruel and unworthy as the Abrahamic God, despite Jesus's kid gloves. I have a better sense of integrity than that. This sense of integrity; this critical introspection, among other things, also affords me confidence in myself which allows me to feel okay even if no one had my back. I am an honest man; I am a responsible man; I am right with myself, which makes me a courageous man as well. When I need inspiration and fortitude, I find it within myself. When I need a helping hand or a shoulder to lean on, I find it, justly, among my friends. I fail to see how I could find anything even close to this reassurance and security from surrendering my intelect to belief in a deity, especially the Christian version.
This. And seriously, you guys believing hardcore in God and shit. Are just wasting time when you die.. Same shit that happens to a ant when you step on it is going to happen to you.. Done and gone.. No eternal Cloud Clubs with your friends.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
lol, this dude ^^ mad cause im tellin the truth and he cant handle it. fyi high school was over for awhile but iguess you aint get the memo. lol
you wouldnt know the truth if it slapped you in the face ....and threatining people with your imaginary hell lmao lame as fuck , prove your hell exists before trying to scare people with it you weirdo .


Well-Known Member
This. And seriously, you guys believing hardcore in God and shit. Are just wasting time when you die.. Same shit that happens to a ant when you step on it is going to happen to you.. Done and gone.. No eternal Cloud Clubs with your friends.
So if we are gone for eternity how are we wasting time? At the end what will anything we do matter? What is the point of complaining? Why don't you drop tons of acid, eat all the shrooms, shoot all the heroin, take all the x, everything until you die?


Well-Known Member
usually the offended party will need to atleast know my name before they could track down my family and kidnap it and cut their shitt off in front my my eyes before they cut my shit off. But that's just rediculous. I can add some special photoshop effects to durka durka if I wanted. oh, and thx for telling me durkas name, now I will send my evil henchman out to blow up his family while he watches, then I crush his head under a front tire of a ford fiesta
C.O. ...OLY carp man, posting pictures of kali durga like that will get your sht cut off. I'd be careful with that... and with the overuse of question marks, I'd say.



Well-Known Member
I prefer this pragmatic approach to covering my ass rather than gambling on which hollow idea of God to worship
A truly unique picture you have painted of what faith is all about. I never saw it as hollow and empty before... you should direct movies and let your dismal creative energy flow on screen for EMO people to watch, like those that love Twilight


Well-Known Member
sounds like you should not have won the great sperm race after your dad nutted inside of your mother. should have been one of those other sperms that got the egg, or maybe a condom could have blocked your path. Then all of the atheists at RIU could laugh how you died like a worthless sperm cell.
This. And seriously, you guys believing hardcore in God and shit. Are just wasting time when you die.. Same shit that happens to a ant when you step on it is going to happen to you.. Done and gone.. No eternal Cloud Clubs with your friends.


Well-Known Member
So if we are gone for eternity how are we wasting time? At the end what will anything we do matter? What is the point of complaining? Why don't you drop tons of acid, eat all the shrooms, shoot all the heroin, take all the x, everything until you die?
This was the Columbine theory...

"Do you believe in god??"
"Then suffer with us."

"Do you believe in god??"
"Then go to heaven." Then they blew their head off.


Well-Known Member
This was the Columbine theory...

"Do you believe in god??"
"Then suffer with us."

"Do you believe in god??"
"Then go to heaven." Then they blew their head off.
i tell you what they got a story on netflix about a girl that died there and it was fuckin crazy. she was a believer in god and the shit she was doin and sayin before she died was pretty wild


Well-Known Member
This whole show is bad ass, but click to 6:15.



Active Member
first off iwant to apologise to rawbudzski. im sorry man, iwas wrong for saying those things. and iwant to say sorry to all the believers and unbelievers because, im on here talkin bout im a Christian and not representing 1in my actions. im sorry yall, ilove yall and if iever hurt anybody's feelings, im sorry. ijust want to post some things iread, thats all, please forgive me.
Proverbs ch.8 v.13

The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth do I hate.

33 Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not.
35 For whoso findeth me(wisdom) findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the Lord.
36 But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death.
ch9 v10
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

to the believers, keep your faith and dont be fooled. to the unbelievers
ch.9 v6
Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.
ch.8 v.35
For whoso findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the Lord.