Sugar Water?????


Active Member
ok iv;e heard from someone if you mix boiled water and let sit at room temp.then mix with couple scoops of sugar and spray on your leaves every couple days it helps them?? is this true


Active Member
Um.. Any of you read high times? Last months grow edition had an article in it about adding a type of raw sugar called sucanat to your water to give the plant a sweeter taste/smell with a small hint of carmel corn taste/smell. I purchased some and started feeding my plants with it, we will see how it turns out but yes its been done before and if high times suggests it, thats good enough for me!

P.S. I got my bag from the organic section of my grocery store, they say to use 2teaspoons per 1gallon. You don't need boiling water either just hot tap water so that the sugar will disolve.

Edit: Found the article here you go, it talks about sweet leaf and sucanat read the article!
SWEET LEAF Infuse your buds with the power of complex carbohydrates and you’ll taste the sweet sensation of sugar supplements in your sensi. ::



Active Member
I used suger water on a week old plant(indoors/small vented box with 3 23 watt cfl), it gave it a noticable growth boost but if you dont keep useing it the plant will look a littel strained but, but it healthy and grows fast, i think im shuld give it a littel bit of suger everyday and it will be strong.

I think it makes it easer for the plant to make suger of its own putting more energy into growth

Dose this sound reasonable cuz im no expert?