What Age Did You Start?


Well-Known Member
I didn't start until I was 17... Everyday since...
I don't think my girlfriend started till she was 19, and she smokes as much as me now...We take down a half ounce every couple of days...Just enough to remain functional enough to hold down full time jobs...lol

Matt Rize

Hey, welcome to the club! I got teased for having facial hair in 6th grade...haha...kids are so fucking dumb....
idk, the boys made fun of me, they were jealous. but the girls thought it was great, they mature early so we went thru it together.


Well-Known Member
I started when i was 15, my twin bro and older sister started years before me, and my brother kept begging me to try it, told me id like it.
we go out into his tool shed, sit down, relax, but i wasnt hitting it right. so i didnt feel anything and my brother was fucking ripped. So he hit me upside the head for wasting his weed, pulled out his grenade pipe, made me take hella hits from it, then clamped a hand over my nose and mouth.
i was so gone, i felt like it was slow motion, I started sobbing cause i was freaked out, but then laughter over took the sobs and then it was awesome. I have been smoking on the regular since i was 16 though.


Well-Known Member
mine was through a real protopipe. I remember that for sure, they even had a debate whether it was a real or not and it was because it had the PP stamp on it and the bottom came out.

edit: I've owned 2 protopipes since then my self as car pipes, works real good.
I have a PP awesome little pipe never leave home without it and I was 15 the first time I smoked back in 1980.

Brick Top

New Member
Hey, welcome to the club! I got teased for having facial hair in 6th grade...haha...kids are so fucking dumb....

I started getting teased in 7th grade, in the gym locker room. The other guys nicknamed me "Horse" and would call me that in the halls and in classes and especially when I was talking to girls, etc. Maybe you can guess why, and it wasn't because I did heroin.

Brick Top

New Member
Who here had parents that would let them smoke?

I wouldn't go so far as to say my mother let me, as in she didn't mind. But she knew and she didn't say anything or try to do anything to stop me. She knew she couldn't.

I would get high in my room with the door open and she never said a word. A number of times I would go to grab my bong and find that she had evidently come into my room, smelled it, thought it stunk really bad and emptied it to try to get rid of or lessen the odor and then put it back where I kept it because I would find the old stinky water had been poured out.

Maybe she thought it was sort of like jerking off, you know, one of those boys will be boys things and you can't stop them so you might as well not make an issue out of it.


Well-Known Member
My moms tried to hide her smoking from me! Until one day when I left the pistol grip double chamber with an ice catcher and a freshly packed bowl of some fire!! She hit it and asked me wtf that was!! I told her that's were the allowance goes!!