I think it has a little to do with both genetics and the reaction to the light being taken away, plants grow in the dark right? During the day they photosynthesize the light provided into sugars and once the lights go out it can start to utilize those sugars, correct? The longer the dark period, the longer it has to use the sugars it built up during the past light period, right? (I'm not being a smart ass, I'm actually asking if what I believe is true as we go along here, I know I read this shit places but I just dont know if all of it was some tool on a forum spewing bullshit or out of my cannabis books). As well as when the lights go out, the plant reaches for the light and the longer the lights-on period is, the more they are going to stretch (there are more factors like amount of light and diet I believe also), same scenario as it growing out of the shade except its going the only way it can, up because it doesnt sense light anywhere else, ever put a plant half in half out of the light with flouro's or cfl's, that bitch will lean over 90 degree's saying "gimme a Y" pointing towards the light, no?
But say now you run 24 hours of light.......now the plant has no dark period to stretch, so they stay short and stout but the root development isnt as good, 20/4 gives a good mix of both. As well as the plants will pre-flower faster under a longer night period like 18/6.
At least thats what I've read, a lot coming from the assorted cannabis books I have, also a lot comes from the forums, so I'd say at least 80-85% of what I say has come from some kind of reputable source but double check 100% of it on your own before repeating it and looking stupid (then again, who double checks reputable sources???) but thats what I believe to be true.
Anyhow, I took some pics for you guys and I'm feeling like a tool, I think I was more excited to see pistils and they grew in my head while it was lights out and I was talking about them here, LOL... J/K, but reality was harsher when I got down there and they werent as burly as they were in my head this afternoon but still...I've never seen pistils for at least 10 days in to 12/12. But I still came out of my garden smiling today as they look like they are setting up nicely and if all goes well I should have some good yielders I think....
My LST'd jilly bean
jilly bean scrog
One of my jilly bean clones
My LST'd querkle looking a little droopy, if I dont let this plant almost dry out to death she crinkles her leaves up like I over water her, this was right after a watering.
A side shot of one my "the void"
Randoms, I have like 5 more plants that I didnt show....