New Grow Room, First Grow


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I realize that tin foil isn't ideal, but I'm on a really tight budget and it was either 79 cents for tin foil or 10 bucks+ for the reflective aluminum sheet stuff. Hopefully my space is small enough and well ventilated enough that it won't matter too much.

Double sided tape and emergency blankets are cheap can get a 12 pak off amazon with free shipping for $12


Active Member
cool, thanks for the idea. I'll look into that for the future. +rep

edit: just found the emergency blankets and they are really perfect. I had no idea those even existed so thanks again for that!


Well-Known Member
Hey I am just curious how often you water? The reason I am asking is I am watering about every six days cause it takes that long for the soil to get dry and I water once and feed once. Are the 12 days between feeding to long? I should have added 25% perlite to the pro mix I am using for faster drainage.


Active Member

So there was a minor crisis when I awoke this morning. One of my lights had fallen and was resting against the plant. It was only on for about an hour and a half, but unfortunately some damage was done. Not very happy, but what can ya do...


On the positive side, I THINK we have a female here. Here's a pic, it's not the best but it was really hard to get a good one. Any thoughts, or is it just too early to tell?


The other plants in veg are doing well, growing slowly but surely. I LST'd the largest yesterday.


Decided to wait to plant any more as I'd rather not use up my seeds. If the bigger plant turns out to be a male I'll germinate a couple more, but if it's a female I'll have 3 fems (2 clones and the big one). I'll probably wait about a week or so for next update unless I can confirm sex.


Active Member
Hey I am just curious how often you water? The reason I am asking is I am watering about every six days cause it takes that long for the soil to get dry and I water once and feed once. Are the 12 days between feeding to long? I should have added 25% perlite to the pro mix I am using for faster drainage.
I water about every 4-5 days or so, so I think you're doing just fine. If you go by the rule of sticking your finger down an inch or so to feel for moisture you should be just fine.


Well-Known Member
Cant tell from the pic but i dont see pre flowers yet my man those things at the node every plant has i forget what the excate name for them is but the pre flowers will grow next to the more towards the leafs stem. Sry to hear about the fallage that sucks balls ALWAYS secure with zip ties to the point the light will not lower anymore without haveing to wiggle the cord back through the ziptie to raise my closet had a large dowel for hanging clothes and such i hang my lights from it and ziptie in place:-) I water like every 3 days tops if you have a good amount of air moving over the topsoil then you can water more;-)


Well-Known Member
Where the tie down on that lst how did you do it? I use paper clips or wire hangers when thay are that small.


Active Member
Hehe, they are actually those individual dental floss picks. They work amazingly well for small plants, just requires a little bit of work to get the leaves through them. As for the pre-flowers, thanks for that info. It's hard to tell in the photo but there are actually 2 different sets of those pistils on 1 node which is what made me think it could be female, but you're probably right and it's just too early. Thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
Try to get a better pic cuz i cant see any pistils is the above pic. The lower node the things pointing up at an angle are not pistils unless you see a visible white hair protruding out of said pistil you can not be certain the lowest node in the pic has the things im talking about there more on the outside of the node pre flowers form right where the branching is happening on the node like right in the corner between fan leaf and new branch not on the outside. Also with Lst you want to keep the top down to change the plant hormonally and trick it into thinking the lower branches are top colas so keep the top down until the side branching is as tall as the top then its just a matter of keeping everything even so if the "main top" get to high or too short then LST accordingly by letting up on the tie down or tying it further down,


Active Member
Yeah, I just added another "stake" to the top this evening. When I did it the first time everything was horizontal but the main cola turned up towards the light after a day or so. I was waiting for a bit more growth first, but it should be fine now.

Unfortunately I can't really get a better picture because my grow box doesn't allow it. I think you're right though and they are just the normal pistils of the plant, as I don't see any hairs protruding yet. I'll keep an eye out for them though.


Well-Known Member
Hey weed farmer

I have a quick question for you. I am new at this growing stuff and about 10 days behind wite. I have a soil grow on the go and today I checked my soil run off EC. On one plant it was 2.2EC and on the other one it was 1.5EC. I fed them 6 days ago with 1EC. I am confused. Can you help me out on this. Thanks

Wite hope you don't mind me posting a question on your thread dude.


Well-Known Member
I dont check that shit my man dont have the funds to buy the readers and such.. I only check my PH and i barely do that but ive never had a problem besides when i dont use make it rain method sry i cant be any help buddy i run all fox farm gear soil and nutrients never had a problem in almost a year of growing with this gear and when i did larger plants i used supernatural which is ph stable got root rot once simple and easy to fix but i like to keep things simple and cheap until i get a bigger grow space or feel the herb i grow is not dank enough im a firm believe in starting small before you go big get the basics down then go for the gold. Hope you get your answer i would post in the noobie section or read the shit out of the forum you might be able to get a list together of possible problems and go through them one by one giving a day or so between fixes.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. After doing some searching found out that run off ppm in soil is not important until you do your flush.


Active Member

HELL YES! I found the first few hairs today and I'm now about 95% sure that the big plant is a female. If anyone on here can help me to confirm based off this pic (I know it's not amazing quality, I don't have a macro lens unfortunately) I would be very appreciative.


This plant is getting SUPER bushy now. Ever since I reorganized my lighting it has really filled in nicely. Later today I am going to be redesigning my grow box because I have noticed a couple light leaks and, as I feared when I first made it, the duct tape I used to hold up the tin foil just isn't staying up. I guess that's what I get for going the cheapest route possible. I will update pics once I make adjustments.


Here are the rest of my babies. All are doing fantastic, and all have been started on nutes except for the smallest.



Active Member
Hey thanks man, so excited! Just moved 2 more plants into my new flowering box. I'm probably going to need to reconfigure everything again at some point but for now we're good to go.


Active Member


She is really starting to take off. There are about 7-8 really nice bud sites developing and she is really starting to fill out. I finally rearranged my flower and veg room, so now I have a 3' x 2' x 4(h)' area for flowering. This setup is going to work extremely well as it is easy access to the plants and there is plenty of room for vertical and horizontal growth. I can fit probably 6 plants in here all told, which is perfect since I'm going to be attempting to keep a perpetual grow going.

Quick question, should I be trimming any of the lower fan leaves or any of the ones that are in the way of bud sites yet, or just let it go for a few more weeks?



Still no pre-flowers yet, but I'd imagine I'll see them in about 3-4 days tops. I'm seriously considering keeping a male if 1 shows, separating it from the females, and just extracting a bit of pollen to pollenate a couple of the lower branches for a few seeds. I have about 10 seeds left total, but I wouldn't mind having a bunch more in case I want to trade for something else at a later date.



It's really hard to get good pictures in my veg room because it's so small. However, right now I have my 2 clones doing well in there and I have my humidity dome with 3 more smaller clones that are doing extremely poorly, but I'm hoping will root and recover. I also just germinated 2 more thc bomb seeds and planted them into rapid rooter plugs so we'll see how those turn out.


Active Member
Next time you design a box, just paint it white, use some masking tape or painters tape to cover the cracks before painting. You can use inexpensive paint, I bought a gallon of flat ultra pure white for about $7 at Walmart. Depending on the brand, its roughly 75-85% reflective, much better than foil at about 50%, no hot spots, easy to "install", no worries about it falling off walls, rippling, etc.

As for your clones, what is your cloning process? I just started cloning for the first time recently, and have had decent success with rooting powder I got from Home Depot, but recently a friend had me try Clonex, to me, it seemed that the powder actually worked better and quicker.

I'll be watching your progress, I have an Aurora Indica that is about a week and change behind your ladies on the 12/12 schedule, just barely showing preflowers now.


Active Member
Yeah, next time I'm actually going to invest a bit more into my grow room and will be a bit more professional, but for the moment this is working. I didn't realize just paint was that much more reflective, so that will be good to know for the future.

As for cloning, I'm using Clonex rooting gel. I cut just below a node at an angle, strip the bottom couple leaves for extra root spots, then dip in Clonex thoroughly and plant directly into rapid rooter plugs. I think next time I'll try planting into rockwool and just use my plugs for seeds as that seems to be FAR more effective. The problem is, after planting into the plugs the clones almost immediately drooped all the way over and it's been about 5 days since and they haven't recovered and most of the leaves have wilted. I don't want to disturb the roots if they are forming, so I'm just going to leave em alone in my humidity dome and see how it goes.

I cloned my last batch of plants like 2 weeks before I harvested and put them into rockwool. It took almost a full month for them to start growing, but 2/4 survived and are now thriving so I think I'll just do that next time.