i think you're having trouble seeing what im saying, i did have to deal with that shit for a long time, people who fuck around and shoot someone in a rushed situation because they panic go to jail, and lose their shit,go ahead and say what im telling you is BS, but iassure you if the cops had rolled up and the kid was bleeding on the ground, you'd have never writtent his post because you'd still be down at the station getting asked why you shot the kid..."was it because he was mexican?" "you said he had a knife, but he said you hit him first and his friend says it too" all that bullshit nobody wants to deal with, so save the BS sad story, all i said was pulling a gun or even talking bout pulling a gun, isn't the correct course of action, i agreed with you he should be punished, as soon as they asked someone to buy alcohol they were panhandling in front of your store, call the cops then, get a criminal trespass against them, you let it progress to the point of potential violence and for that you are at fault, if i had some junky in front of my studio (my business...of my own) i would call the cops, not cuz i'm a pussy, not cuz I like cops, but because i don't need to deal with bullshit.
feel me?
EDIT: didnt see the quote wasn't mine, im a stoner, but the general message still stands..not trying to instigate a fight here...