Why Are People Anti-Religious?

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... The only significant thing that happened during that 500 years was nearly half of Europe died in the black plague. There were no technological advances, no increase in critical thinking. That is why it was called "the dark ages"...

Disagree. there were tremendous, durable advances during the "Dark Ages" interval, call it 800 to 1400 AD.
The longbow.
The pike.
Hops for beer.
Improved hydraulics and irrigation.
The square-rigged ship.
Gunpowder, by gum!
Some others in this synopsis ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medieval_technology

The Middle Ages were not the barren time that it is often depicted, and more often insinuated, to be. The massive rate of technical advance of the last few centuries is quite unusual in history, and it cannot but color modern prejudices. Imo we might be headed into another era of more leisurely advancement of core technologies. cn
i have many many reasons for hating all religion , the biggest ones are , indoctrination of our children , the deaths throughout history and still today in the name of religion , and the lie that it is , it makes people think that this life is not the only one they will get , and makes them live it worshiping and conforming to a lie that they will get another better life after this one , wich in my opinion is absolutely awfull , and a total waste of this wonderfull time they have on this planet .
Well, this first answer should be obvious to you, since we dont believe in god, how can we blame it for religion. The non religious feel that the religious made god in their own image. So no, we dont blame god, we blame the religious. Let me ask you this, did all the religions but yours invent their own god or are they correct about god? A lot, or most of us feel that it wasnt a god that did all the negative things religion has done, it was the religious who did all the bad religious stuff. So, we hate the religion and the religious, but we, much like you, have no problems with god
@ MJstudent: This is in the "Spirituality" forum so if you are so easily offended by anything spiritual I suggest you stay clear of here. So you think I'm "pushing religion"??? What about you pushing anti-religion, ever think that that is a religion too? Humanism is a religion and I don't want to hear it. If I said you were a fool for believing in aliens would that offend you? Well, that's your religion and I don't want to hear it; you're pushing your religion.

@ mindphuk: Religion does harm people; I agree, and there are many more superstitions than truth, but that does not mean there is no truth. Truth is only revealed to those truly seeking enlightenment. My paradigm is the Bible, and it is all about faith. You can't have faith and evidence; they are dimetrically opposed. We don't make the rules; we follow them or we are lost.

You say it hinders from learning good critical thinking skills. Maybe you need to bone up on your own critical thinking skills instead of believing lies and using your own lack of study as a crutch. The greatest, most brilliant men (and women) in history were believers and attributed their knowlege and wisdom to God. When the Catholic church ruled, it told it's subjects they were too stupid to understand the Bible, and they would interpret it for them. The only significant thing that happened during that 500 years was nearly half of Europe died in the black plague. There were no technological advances, no increase in critical thinking. That is why it was called "the dark ages".

God gets to set His own standards of holiness; we don't dictate what those standards are. Not to single out gays, and lesbians but along with that, there are many things that are sinful. Women were treated as slaves until the law was given to Moses. God actually liberated women and set them on the same level as man.

The Bible does not conflict with science. That being said, while the Bible contains gems of science, the Bible is not a science book. On the other, you are throwing in Islam with Judeo-Christian beliefs. The Bible does not condone murder nor allowing someone else to be murdered if you can prevent it.

@ Dislexicmidget: What you describe is the history of the Catholic "church". It was and always will be a method for control. Even the word "vicar" means "in place of". They want you to believe that the priest takes the place of God, that you can't access Him for yourself. That is nonsence but millions have been suckered into that.

Like I said from the outset here, there is a world of difference between being religous, and truly finding a relationship with God. If any of you are offended, feel free not to participate in this thread. Do not assume that I am pushing anything on you; that is not my goal in the least and would only do harm if it were.

If saying "God doesn't exist" or "I don't believe in God" means that I'm pushing anti-religion on people than I guess taking a shit in a public toilet is forcing people to know what I ate this morning.

It's my right to say "Hey, God doesn't exist" just as it is your right to say "I love God". It's not "pushing" until someone starts saying "you should do this" or "you should do that" in reference to their non-religious or religious beliefs.
Or was your initial question just an excuse to start arguing? Did you really want to know? Obviously its the religious we dislike most.
Well, this first answer should be obvious to you, since we dont believe in god, how can we blame it for religion. The non religious feel that the religious made god in their own image. So no, we dont blame god, we blame the religious. Let me ask you this, did all the religions but yours invent their own god or are they correct about god? A lot, or most of us feel that it wasnt a god that did all the negative things religion has done, it was the religious who did all the bad religious stuff. So, we hate the religion and the religious, but we, much like you, have no problems with god

...there's a lot of really good stuff in here. I still have a problem, though, with being lumped-in with the extreme of the 'chaste'.
@ Beefbisquit: You need to read up on your religions. Humanism is a religion; it seeks to replace God with self. But call it what you want; makes no difference to me.

I guess you think that the "Age of Enlightenment" was the first attempt at rooting God out of humanity. Once again, maybe you should study instead of parroting stupid, non-truthful statements. What was it that Satan offered Eve? It was "enlightenment". People naturally choose enlightenment over God almost every time. They think they are going to get the keys to the universe and learn things that nobody else knows.

So, during the 100,000-250,000 years you spoke about... if they did not write anything, it appears they were either did not actually exist or they were really dumb because they left no record, no writings, nothing. You're wrong about the other gods being before the Jewish/Christian God; you're assuming you know everything because *perhaps* you read a few chapters in Genesis or something. There are many other books that go all the way back before Noah's flood that gives clear accounts of God's interaction with men. The Jewish people can trace their entire ancestry all the way back to Adam and Eve; that is a fact and it is born out by DNA evidence. Also, DNA evidence points to one common ancestor in the not too distant past, certainly not over 10,000 years.

If crital thinking is allowed to subjugate God's laws and commands, is that a good thing? Thinking you know everything is the most arrogant thing I've ever heard. The Creator that gave us brains certainly intended us to use it, but in the right way.

You are very right about "Before the 1500's..."; Catholicism saw religion as a way to control the masses and make subjects out of them. It was a political / power scheme - NOT a way to God.

You really show your ignorance of scripture by saying the Bible says it's ok to rape women. The Bible clearly says that rape is a sin punishable by death.

Your comments about the scientists just reinforces what I've been saying about religion. What I've been trying to convey (and I guess few have picked up on it) is that religion is toxic. The difference between religion and truly finding God is as different as night and day. Religion is evil. Religion is man inventing God in his own image, setting up his own commandments, his own heirarchy and control systems. This was attempted by Adam and Eve's first son, Cain, and furthered by Nimrod and Seramis at Babel in what today is Iraq.

@ Cannabineer: I absolutely agree with you my friend. Any religion that claims to have all the answers is just a big lie. The Bible tells us that "we see through a glass darkly. We see in part and we know in part..."; "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing but the honor of kings to search it out"; line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little". Anyone that thinks they have all the answers probably has none of them, imo.

Phil, this thread was not started for a debate; I'm not here to force my beliefs on anyone. I'm not a religious person and I don't force my beliefs on anyone. Telling or explaining is not "forcing" by any means, so Morgan lets not blow this out of proportion. The original intent here was to find out why people are so anti-religious and posting in a Spirituality forum. Doesn't that strike anyone else as odd?

Everyones opinions are welcome here. Do not think that I am somehow offended by your comments one way or the other. Think of this as an exploratory thread in humanity.
i really do miss my friend. i'm not a "bad" guy.
I believe that FDD. Maybe he's just trying to find his balance. Maybe he feels weak and insecure in his faith and is unable to hang out with his old friends. I would approach him directly about it and just be straight up "Are you too good to hang out with me anymore?"
1. (Philosophy) the denial of any power or moral value superior to that of humanity; the rejection of religion in favour of a belief in the advancement of humanity by its own efforts
2. (Philosophy) a philosophical position that stresses the autonomy of human reason in contradistinction to the authority of the Church
3. (Literary & Literary Critical Movements) (often capital) a cultural movement of the Renaissance, based on classical studies
4. interest in the welfare of people

a. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
b. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.
2. The life or condition of a person in a religious order.
3. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.
4. A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.

Just thought I should help refresh your memory on what religion is.
... If crital thinking is allowed to subjugate God's laws and commands, is that a good thing? Thinking you know everything is the most arrogant thing I've ever heard. The Creator that gave us brains certainly intended us to use it, but in the right way...

Yah but that is very near the nub of it. The concept of God's laws and commands is at the very core of religion. Religion, by its nature, claims to be about the most important thing(s), so important that merely living concerns disappear into the noise.
So imo it is extremely important to KNOW that the commands and laws being discussed are the Real Thing. Anything less is at least a big waste of heart&mind, and at worst ... going up the wrong ramp on the expressway of everything.

And that is simply impossible, as over 2000 years of mankind's finest minds have borne out to date.

I have (for myself) found it wisest to question the reality of any sort of creative, involved god. As such I dislike the Bible for being both exclusively self-promoting and very strict in terms of lifestyle and intellectual culture.
So that leaves me impaled on the horns of the ancient dilemma ... something said to be so decisively overwhelmingly read-me first! important as the Bible needs to be subject to the most dispassionate, merciless scrutiny. Imo. Under this scrutiny, it does not fare well. I cannot in good conscience tolerate Biblical doctrine, with all its naked-meme properties, under the aegis of "strong", critical faith. I would have to select the coward's option, "yes baas" faith, and I still have some fight left, dagnabbit!

In practice, I don't militate against religion or religious people. I (sincerely hope that I) am not so arrogant as to throw the baby (community with good people) out with the bathwater (an internally-inconsistent idea complex that is, imo, perfectly suited to parasitize our neurochemistry).

Technically the apple of Eden was not about enlightenment. Best translation I found calls it the fruit of "knowledge of good and evil", i.e. moral discernment. The distinction, if one endorses the Biblical view if man, the universe and everything, is (forgive the pun) crucial. cn
If your true intention was to understand others beliefs, then I would suggest not arguing with them. Just listen. If you feel people are wrong, thats ok, allow that to be part of your "understanding". If your desire is to understand, then just listen. If you dont understand, ask a question. A real question too, not a question which is really an objection. You will begin to understand us more. If I want to understand christianity, I go to church and listen, not go and argue.

And the Old Testament, due to its lack of specificity, can be understood as condoning rape in certain instances. Such as in Deuteronomy I think it is, where it says if a husband dies befor producing offspring, the husbands brothers must have sex with the wife untill she is pregnant. Trust me, its in there. It doesnt at all mention a womans concent. On multiple instances a wife is reffered to as given to a husband by a wifes family, and the union sealed with sex. Again, no mention of concent in the womans side. If you see traditional weddings of the geographic area you would be auprised at how littlethe wife says at her marriage, and how much the wifes father and husband make deals. Not much concent. Sooooo...this opens up interpretation to rape in todays deffinition.there are a lot of things in the old testament, rape, genocide, slavery...lots of stuff condoned.

These are some of our problems
Why are people anti-religious? It makes no sense to me except if you are trying to excuse yourself to justify your own unbelief. I don't believe in the tooth fairy, santa clause or the easter bunny but I've never seen people devoted to destroying kids beliefs in them. If you don't believe in God, whatever; I'm sure He is not wringing his hands over your decision. But why are some of you doing your best to destroy other peoples faith?

Some of you want "proof" of God. The proof is everywhere but fools can not and will not be allowed to see it; that's the way it works. Only those that come to God with a true, seeking heart will find him; He will not be manipulated.

It's very understandable that some have an axe to grind with God's "children"; there is a reason for that; it's called "religion". People that have religion do not necessarily have God. In fact, they are often the biggest hindrance to other people's quest to find God. So is it God you're mad at, or is it really the misguided, religious nut jobs pretending to know God?

You don't really see people starting wars and just causing problems all over the world because of the Tooth Fairy. Too many religions and too many hardcore radical religious people that are willing to go from the less extreme, "knock on the door and harass you in your home", to the more extreme "blow shit up because you don't believe what I believe".
Religion was man's answer to his inquiries about the sun, moon, rain, life, and so on. We had no answers back then so we did what we could to figure out what everything is all about and why. We all know now because of science. We know there is no sun god, no rain god, no zeus, no icarus. But yet people insist on having some kind of god. Makes no sense to me.
If your true intention was to understand others beliefs, then I would suggest not arguing with them. Just listen. If you feel people are wrong, thats ok, allow that to be part of your "understanding". If your desire is to understand, then just listen. If you dont understand, ask a question. A real question too, not a question which is really an objection. You will begin to understand us more. If I want to understand christianity, I go to church and listen, not go and argue.

And the Old Testament, due to its lack of specificity, can be understood as condoning rape in certain instances. Such as in Deuteronomy I think it is, where it says if a husband dies befor producing offspring, the husbands brothers must have sex with the wife untill she is pregnant. Trust me, its in there. It doesnt at all mention a womans concent. On multiple instances a wife is reffered to as given to a husband by a wifes family, and the union sealed with sex. Again, no mention of concent in the womans side. If you see traditional weddings of the geographic area you would be auprised at how littlethe wife says at her marriage, and how much the wifes father and husband make deals. Not much concent. Sooooo...this opens up interpretation to rape in todays deffinition.there are a lot of things in the old testament, rape, genocide, slavery...lots of stuff condoned.

These are some of our problems

Arguing - respectfully, receptively, not concealing an evangelical* counterstrike as argument - is the most active and fruitful sort of listening. Imo. cn

*The term "evangelical" tends to be specific to Western religion. Here I want to use it non-prejudicially, more "ecumenically" ... as an adjective for the promotion of any ideology, divine or otherwise. Militant humanists evangelize just as much as some of the door-to-door tract wavers.
Why are people anti-religious? It makes no sense to me except if you are trying to excuse yourself to justify your own unbelief. I don't believe in the tooth fairy, santa clause or the easter bunny but I've never seen people devoted to destroying kids beliefs in them. If you don't believe in God, whatever; I'm sure He is not wringing his hands over your decision. But why are some of you doing your best to destroy other peoples faith?

Some of you want "proof" of God. The proof is everywhere but fools can not and will not be allowed to see it; that's the way it works. Only those that come to God with a true, seeking heart will find him; He will not be manipulated.

It's very understandable that some have an axe to grind with God's "children"; there is a reason for that; it's called "religion". People that have religion do not necessarily have God. In fact, they are often the biggest hindrance to other people's quest to find God. So is it God you're mad at, or is it really the misguided, religious nut jobs pretending to know God?
Most people are mad at how many religions try to control your life. Christians do it with feear of eternal hell and catholics do it by touching young boys...I mean censoring every possible thing. Another reason people try to be anti-religious is beause santa, tooth fairy and easter bunny don't teach you how to live your life they just give you presents for doing the samething you would do everyday anyway. Most religions try to say you should not hurt someone and you should not have un protected sex with a bunch of women but it is these things that make us human so why shouldn't we do everything in this world that we can in the highly likely event that there is not after life and there is no heaven for us too go too.
Originally Posted by potpimp
... If crital thinking is allowed to subjugate God's laws and commands, is that a good thing? Thinking you know everything is the most arrogant thing I've ever heard. The Creator that gave us brains certainly intended us to use it, but in the right way...

you call the guy arrogant, then make the statement that we have a creator lol massive assumption there .

There's so much ignorance and stupidity in this post it's going to be hard to address everything.

@ Beefbisquit: You need to read up on your religions. Humanism is a religion; it seeks to replace God with self. But call it what you want; makes no difference to me.

Humanism is a philosophy, not a religion. Much like determinism and utilitarianism are philosophies, not religions. But everyone is entitled to their opinion even if they're wrong; so enjoy yourself.

I guess you think that the "Age of Enlightenment" was the first attempt at rooting God out of humanity. Once again, maybe you should study instead of parroting stupid, non-truthful statements. What was it that Satan offered Eve? It was "enlightenment". People naturally choose enlightenment over God almost every time. They think they are going to get the keys to the universe and learn things that nobody else knows.

"Stupid, non-truthful statements."

I believe you mean, "Stupid, false statements", stupid.

So, during the 100,000-250,000 years you spoke about... if they did not write anything, it appears they were either did not actually exist or they were really dumb because they left no record, no writings, nothing.

No, they didn't write anything down because they didn't have a spoken or written language. They spent most of their time scavenging for food, living short, cold, brutal lives. They definitely existed, we have fossils. Unless of course god put the fossils there to trick us into thinking we're 'enlightened', or some other nonsense.

You're wrong about the other gods being before the Jewish/Christian God; you're assuming you know everything because *perhaps* you read a few chapters in Genesis or something. There are many other books that go all the way back before Noah's flood that gives clear accounts of God's interaction with men.

This is just straight up wrong. If you spent 5 seconds typing in"oldest religion" on google, I wouldn't be wasting my time explaining this to you.

I was a Baptist. Went to church until I was able to figure out that god probably wasn't real, so about age 10.

The Torah was revealed to Moses at Mount Sinai about 1300BCE, Hinduism dates back past 5000BC, and there were Sumerian cultures that existed long before the Hindu cultures. For someone who spouts so much slander about other peoples knowledge; you don't know fuck all, bud.

The Jewish people can trace their entire ancestry all the way back to Adam and Eve; that is a fact and it is born out by DNA evidence. Also, DNA evidence points to one common ancestor in the not too distant past, certainly not over 10,000 years.

I would love to see where you got this gem from. From www.carryonchristiansoldiers.com?

Let me try to wrap my head around this....

So Adam fucked Eve, they made a kid. Then he fucked his daughter (or his son fucked his Eve) to make more kids. Then Adam and Eve fucked their grand kids, who also fucked their parents at some point, to make even more kids. And let's not forget the fact that people apparently lived to be 900 years old back then, so Adam was probably fucking his great great great great great great granddaughter at some point. Seems so plausible! I always wondered where the jewish people came from, and now it all makes sense.

So now we have Jewish people (and statistically normal amount of mental disability, which is very strange considering you're suggesting they inbred for a generations and generations)

If crital thinking is allowed to subjugate God's laws and commands, is that a good thing? Thinking you know everything is the most arrogant thing I've ever heard. The Creator that gave us brains certainly intended us to use it, but in the right way.

If critical thinking leads to better treatment of humans, and an overall increase in the quality of life, then fuck yeah critical thinking should totally usurp "god's commands". It's your blind faith that doesn't allow you to see how general happiness, and utility for everyone would be increased without your conviction to an old book of fairy tales.

You really show your ignorance of scripture by saying the Bible says it's ok to rape women. The Bible clearly says that rape is a sin punishable by death.

Nope, wrong again.

Deuteronomy 22:28-29
King James Version (KJV)
28 If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found;

29 Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days.

So, if you rape an unengaged woman, you have to pay her father 50 sheckles - marry her - and never divorce her. Who in the fuck would make someone marry their rapist?

Answer: God

Your comments about the scientists just reinforces what I've been saying about religion. What I've been trying to convey (and I guess few have picked up on it) is that religion is toxic. The difference between religion and truly finding God is as different as night and day. Religion is evil. Religion is man inventing God in his own image, setting up his own commandments, his own heirarchy and control systems. This was attempted by Adam and Eve's first son, Cain, and furthered by Nimrod and Seramis at Babel in what today is Iraq.

"Truly finding god", what an ambiguous and useless statement. Every Christian sect thinks they've "truly found god", you're no different, and you have the same amount of evidence to support your claims. Zero.

Slowly the agnostic and atheist population is growing. It's never been as acceptable to be an open atheist/agnostic as it is today, and I'm praying (lol) for a snowball effect.
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