Can I substitute an intake system with an open window and a c02 bag?

Funds are low and the room has all the equipment it needs except for an intake.

edit: I can't even open a window because then the room won't be light-proof.


Active Member
unless your running a huge grow room or your grow room is sealed you rly dont need an intake its way more important to exaust air then bring it in. enuff air will enter the room threw lil openings like outlets and the small cracks under your doors and what not. in thory you could prop a window open while you light are on..but its not a good idea..thats an open door to pests like mites and it would leak the stench of you plants outside..bolth things you dont want..
unless your running a huge grow room or your grow room is sealed you rly dont need an intake its way more important to exaust air then bring it in. enuff air will enter the room threw lil openings like outlets and the small cracks under your doors and what not. in thory you could prop a window open while you light are on..but its not a good idea..thats an open door to pests like mites and it would leak the stench of you plants outside..bolth things you dont want..
I think I see what you mean. You're saying that the power of the exhaust is enough to draw out air from nooks and cranberries in a small room by the negative space it creates... and I'd only need an intake if the power of the exhaust was enough to collapse the walls...

How big is your grow? How many Lights? What is size of your extractor? You can have a passive intake to allow air to be sucked in by the negative pressure the extract fan creates. A passive intake could be a hole connecting to another room or even the window, leave it open a few inches, cover window with blinds then black mesh behind blinds. then make a wooden window cover or simply glue plywood over it. Cover whole thing with black/white foil to further block light escape, cut a hole in plywood cover with mesh to stop bugs entering. I made a little hatch in mine so I could still open and close window
Actually there's a hole in my wall that connects to my bathroom and all that bathtub piping... then that hole leads to the basement or outside (one of the two)... should work if I open that up and replace the board covering the hole with some screen or a vent.


Well-Known Member
Actually there's a hole in my wall that connects to my bathroom and all that bathtub piping... then that hole leads to the basement or outside (one of the two)... should work if I open that up and replace the board covering the hole with some screen or a vent.
just make sure it doesnt conect to your waste pipe, otherwise you will be sucking all the gasses into your room.