Catnip and Green crack


Active Member
Sup bro--following along. Didn't realize you had a journal til just now. You asked me about my PPMs in a different thread...mine hover in the lower 1000s, like around 1200-1300. Running the LUCAS formula which is probably a little different from what you're running.

Looks good though--I did GC on my last grow and it turned out GREAT. Definitely a hit and smoked really well. Plus it looked pretty lol. Keep up the good work! Hopefully we can fix this common cold we seem to have.



Active Member
Sup bro--following along. Didn't realize you had a journal til just now. You asked me about my PPMs in a different thread...mine hover in the lower 1000s, like around 1200-1300. Running the LUCAS formula which is probably a little different from what you're running.

Looks good though--I did GC on my last grow and it turned out GREAT. Definitely a hit and smoked really well. Plus it looked pretty lol. Keep up the good work! Hopefully we can fix this common cold we seem to have.

I have no doubt we WILL fix the cold. I think in my case I may have been receiving some type of lock out, i just bumped the ppms to around 600 or so, this is their first time eating over 500. So i'll be watching them very closely the next few days. Everything in the grow room is thriving... I'm still getting between .5 - 1 inches per day. I just had the largest plant break the 20 inch mark, it's touching the top bar right now. The others aren't far behind, 'crazy roots' my fastest rooting clone, is about to touch bar 1.

If you have pictures of your green crack grow I'd love to see it. It's pretty rare to find people posting about growing it, I had to dig just to find a few good pictures of what it looks like mature. So yea, post that here if you want. Thanks for subing, I don't really get that many people posting here... besides lordjin. Much love.


Active Member
I have no doubt we WILL fix the cold. I think in my case I may have been receiving some type of lock out, i just bumped the ppms to around 600 or so, this is their first time eating over 500. So i'll be watching them very closely the next few days. Everything in the grow room is thriving... I'm still getting between .5 - 1 inches per day. I just had the largest plant break the 20 inch mark, it's touching the top bar right now. The others aren't far behind, 'crazy roots' my fastest rooting clone, is about to touch bar 1.

If you have pictures of your green crack grow I'd love to see it. It's pretty rare to find people posting about growing it, I had to dig just to find a few good pictures of what it looks like mature. So yea, post that here if you want. Thanks for subing, I don't really get that many people posting here... besides lordjin. Much love.
Of course man! Yea, people don't really start paying attention until you start posting pictures of fat colas lol. Once the bud porn hits, people love looking at your journal. Guess everybody on this forum is incredibly superficial and shallow...only look if your plants put out lol.

Anyway, my GC grow I did before I was really posting here on the forum. I do have one pic though, this is from around day 30 I think. Could be a little earlier, like day 25. I dunno something like that lol:



Active Member
Of course man! Yea, people don't really start paying attention until you start posting pictures of fat colas lol. Once the bud porn hits, people love looking at your journal. Guess everybody on this forum is incredibly superficial and shallow...only look if your plants put out lol.

Anyway, my GC grow I did before I was really posting here on the forum. I do have one pic though, this is from around day 30 I think. Could be a little earlier, like day 25. I dunno something like that lol:

Oh my god... I can't wait till I get some big fat buds on my ladies... Those are sexy as hell.

Also as for how people are on these forums... I think it has allot to do with your medium and your light source. How many people you know doing pure low pressure aero without dwc? Everyone's got their plants in dirt. Hey, that's cool with me... But if you saw my plant in dirt, vs the plant in my aero... You would slap me when I told you which was the youth of the two. Unbelievable. I don't even believe it.


Active Member
Haha yea man, us hydro users don't get much love. It's alright though, we just took it to the next level and things are a little less forgiving, but hopefully a little better yielding. :-D



Active Member
Today I'm combining days, I didn't post last night, I didn't take pictures last night. I did get a nice camera though and I took some high res shots. So, lets see how they upload... maybe you'll get to see a close up of some new forming bud sites.


That's all for now...


Active Member
Planning on getting the following to facilitate my veg room, so that I'm not wasting any time at all.

2x 400gph pumps(one of these is a backup just in case my other fails)
1x 400w MH Light
2x Osculating fans(one for veg one for flower room)
1x Air pump
2x 5 gal bucket(for mothers)
10x Spray aero clone spray heads
1x Power strip

So here's the plan. I'm going to make a little aero cloner which I already have the rubbermaid tub for. I already have the pvc for that as well. Just need to drill some holes in the pvc, add some air stones, and I'm done. Hang the 400W MH light in the clone/veg room. This way while I have plants in flower while I also have plants in veg, including moms. Five Gallon buckets are going to be used as bubble buckets, with 1 or 2 air stones in each. These will house the mothers. This will make it possible to take the cuttings I need for my OP. I'm planning on building a second aero for my flower garden as well, but I need to have more plants coming out of the veg room, and I need them to be bigger. This would potentially allow me to veg for the same time as flower, making yields larger in the future.


Active Member
Day 23 of flower brings little surprises for me. I go to check my ppm, which i've adjusted up since a few days ago, and it hasn't budged. Locked at 910, which for me is really more like 630. This whole time I've subtracted the 280 that my hard water provides from my actual. Also PH hasn't moved and is very steady at 5.8. So everyone is eating enough, no new nute burn spots, and the new buds that are forming look really good. Looking forward to the frosty portion of this flower. Stay tuned for more.


Oh this is what my plants listen too.



Active Member
Today I walked into the room to find some trichs developing. It's not really that photogenic due to that fact that 1, my phone sucks, and 2, it's really small.

PH: 5.8
PPM: 580(reduced from 610, it was increasing slowly so obvious it was too much.)
TEMP: 65-75

I have to confess a part of me wants to dump GH nutes right into the bin. I like to cook by guesstimating, but against all intuition of my ID I haven't. I've been measuring everything like a good boy. :eyesmoke:


My little buds are getting bigger...



Active Member

Ph: 5.8
Added 3 Gal of 5.8 water
PPM 580



Active Member
I had a chance to visit the hydro store. I picked up 2 buckets, 4 air stones, an air pump, and some air cord to get my bubble bucket vision going. I hate soil right now as it stands and I will never use it again. The one plant that I did have going in soil was just about dead. I anticipated this happening based on her growth which was slow and horrible. Every day walking in the closet was more of a "What's going to be wrong today" rather than "I'm excited to see new growth." So I took her and did the logical thing. I chopped her up in to many little pieces. Then I applied some rooting hormone, and cloned the shit out of her. Eleven clones in total, 3 of which are larger than the rest. The best one of those three will become the new mother, the rest will just end up in the system for next grow.

I also picked up another water pump, another 396 GPH pump, the same exact brand that I got before, because it's been performing well with no surprises. This pump is going into my 12 site veg center which is a huge 32 gallon rubbermaid tub that I got, originally anticipated for my next flower system, but allocated towards my vegetative room due to the fact that I want larger, not huge, plants. Not only that but because I have the space I really want to use it. One month of veg before each grow would really benefit my overall yield. I suppose the real question is how much can 2 T5s put out in the realm of light. Will it be enough to see a more improved growth rate than the mother before. I think the answer is complex, but it breaks down to the simple fact that one was soil and the other is hydro. We will find out when I have a bush in my closet.

Finally, I picked up some seeds online. I really wanted something exotic and beautiful in my garden. Blackberry seeds (along with some freebies) are the choice I have made. I ordered them a few days ago and they should be here within a week or two. Once they get here I will germinate them with the paper towel method which seems to work very well. I will also note I bought feminized seeds, I don't feel like dicking around with any males in my garden.

If you're unfamiliar with blackberry here is a few bits of what I found.


Not to mention a little article I found on purple pot. Worth a read, if anything.


Active Member
Today is day 31 of flower. Some of them are about 2 weeks behind like I've mentioned already. So far so good.

The big buds I'm starting to see on some of the plants, look completely different on others. See how some pictures look a little bit whiter than the others, those a my freaks. Three out of the nine have gone in the the direction of what looks like sativa. The rest seem to be looking more indica. Strange things are happening in my guarden. Strange strange things.

IMG_0360.jpgIMG_0356.jpgIMG_0355.jpgIMG_0366.jpgIMG_0362.jpgIMG_0363.jpgIMG_0364.jpgIMG_0354.jpgView attachment 1873155IMG_0358.jpgIMG_0359.jpgIMG_0361.jpgIMG_0357.jpg


Active Member
Every day I walk in there is a little bit of something to see. All the plants are growing buds right now, and it's an exciting thing to be a part of. After all, I only give 30 mins of my time each day to check the ph, and ppm. Make sure the pump isn't sucking air(which has yet to happen).

So I switched back to firefox, just so I can upload large pictures. I hope you enjoy this, as I know how deep down inside you're a lazy ass who doesn't want to click, I don't hold it against you, really... <3

Ph: 5.9
PPM: 520
Temps: 67-75
Changed the res yesterday. So I don't have to do that for another 2 weeks. Yay. Switched the ladies over to Lucas formula completely. Before I was adding more N. I haven't noticed a difference in growth yet so we'll see.


Well-Known Member
Just making my rounds in all my subbed journals. Coming along. Good, good...

Sometimes those little attached images just spin and spin without loading. That's why I don't do that anymore. I'm a journal views whore. I gotta do everything I can for my readers.


Active Member
Just making my rounds in all my subbed journals. Coming along. Good, good...

Sometimes those little attached images just spin and spin without loading. That's why I don't do that anymore. I'm a journal views whore. I gotta do everything I can for my readers.
thanks for stopping by... It's nice to know you're subbed for this. I saw some of the post you had conflicting with another member, I wouldn't worry about what he says man. Everyone thinks there shit doesn't stink. To each his own. I'm gonna throw up another update in a few mins. I'm really happy with my progress so far.


Active Member
Ph: 5.8
Temp: 65-75
Water Temp: 63
PPM: 520

The small white buds with the hairs below at at day 17 or so.


Active Member
Temps are at a brisk 75 degrees F this morning. Couldn't ask for more. Oh, then there's this.



Active Member
Ph: 5.8
PPM: Raised to 620 Lucas formula (8ml micro 16ml bloom per g)
Temp: 'nights' are 63 day is 73
Res temp: 65


This is my veg tub that I made. Easy right?

I got a wif of this thing today, it's smells stupid good. It's not even funny how rank this little plant is.
I really like the way it looks from this perspective. Makes me feel like I actually grew something big. Next grow is def going to get more veg time.

Bubble buckets(wut wut dwc) I made for the mothers that are still rooting atm, some nutes, a broom.

Pretty controlled grow so far... Going to tie down the colas when they get a little bigger, I don't want them snapped in half one day randomly.


Well-Known Member
Starting to pull yourself together it looks like. You'll find your happy medium soon enough. I've grown GC once it turned out pretty damn tasty too.
It looks like you may have a slight Cal-Mag def. very low def. though. The way you can start to tell, is when the veins in the leaf stay green but inbetween the veins it yellows up.
I'd check out the Lucas formula if I were you, since your using GH products anyways lol.


Active Member
Starting to pull yourself together it looks like. You'll find your happy medium soon enough. I've grown GC once it turned out pretty damn tasty too.
It looks like you may have a slight Cal-Mag def. very low def. though. The way you can start to tell, is when the veins in the leaf stay green but inbetween the veins it yellows up.
I'd check out the Lucas formula if I were you, since your using GH products anyways lol.
Yea I have a few leaves doing that... It's seemed to stop since the res change... I wasn't sure what it is... I've heard of people using calmag sups in conjunction with lucas... I might have to give that a try. And yes, I am using lucas formula atm.

You think it's the start of Cal-mag def though?