Active Member

so as you can see im having an issue with a few (literally 3) of the leaves o my top sets has started to go "limp" or like deflated if you will. i flipped my babies two weeks ago and they sarted flowering hard 4 days ago. for some backround info, i grow under a 600hps using the SCROG method. i keep my water quality, ph, and watering times pretty much perfect or at least i thought. i use humbolt A&B (5-5-9) in conjunction with great white (root benefitting bacteria) and Ginormous (0-18-16) my temperatures are about 68 at night and 79 durin the day. i grow in a organic soil with perlite and everythings pretty clean.the only thing thats slightly off is my RH which is anywhaere between 28-40% and no higher during the day.
so basically im lookin for one of you wise weedheads out there to tell me if you can identify what is causing this problem, what happens if i is prolonged, and of course, how i can promptly correct the situation.
greatly appreciate any reples in advance