My First Grow: Northern Lights


Active Member
Not sure how NL grows but on my Afghan Kush Special I top it once at like two weeks and then tie the main branches down as far as they'll go to open up the middle of the plant. Wait another week or two and then top the main shoots that are tied down again. This will give you over 20 tops that will all get the same amount of light. The middle shoots will also develop as fast as the main shoots and be just as big. Good luck


Well-Known Member

The plants in those pictures kicks ass! How did they turned out? And what strain is it?
Mina is now starting to take off at the height.


Active Member
looks good man. make sure you remove some of your older LST spots or else the plant might grow into that wire... happened to me although it doesnt seem to have made much of an effect... i think i might have actually ended up super cropping it.


Well-Known Member
2011 - 10 - 30
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Thanks for that gingerbuddha! After I read your post I looked at my old LST-strings and you're once again right;
I've pulled the strings to hard to the strings had grown "into the stems" a little bit, nothing to worry about though.
Now, three days later the marks are almost gone.

Working at my new grow/blom area now. Just need to buy som adapter to the fans and then it's ready to go!
It'll be 250W CFL w/ reflector, Diamond Mylar covered inside and a ScrOG-net. Pictures will be up as soon as it's ready!


Well-Known Member
2011 - 10 - 30
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Thanks for that gingerbuddha! After I read your post I looked at my old LST-strings and you're once again right;
I've pulled the strings to hard to the strings had grown "into the stems" a little bit, nothing to worry about though.
Now, three days later the marks are almost gone.

Working at my new grow/blom area now. Just need to buy som adapter to the fans and then it's ready to go!
It'll be 250W CFL w/ reflector, Diamond Mylar covered inside and a ScrOG-net. Pictures will be up as soon as it's ready!
shes growing nice n thick dude. ;) is she a fem?


Active Member
2011 - 10 - 30
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Thanks for that gingerbuddha! After I read your post I looked at my old LST-strings and you're once again right;
I've pulled the strings to hard to the strings had grown "into the stems" a little bit, nothing to worry about though.
Now, three days later the marks are almost gone.

Working at my new grow/blom area now. Just need to buy som adapter to the fans and then it's ready to go!
It'll be 250W CFL w/ reflector, Diamond Mylar covered inside and a ScrOG-net. Pictures will be up as soon as it's ready!

hehe, it doesn't take much more than a week or two for those stems to grow around whatever it is restricting them. I switched over to a scrog last night to test it out. We'll see how this goes.


Well-Known Member
My new grow box (18.1" x 14.1" x 35")
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Tadaa! It's finished! Just waiting for the Easy Rolls, fan adapters and the ScrOG screen and then it's ready.
And don't mind the 'air bubbles', they're all smoothened out. :)

I am having 4 fans in there, the two at the top is exhaust fans, and then I've placed one intake fan above the screen and one under.
The one fan which is placed under the net isn't visible in the pictures since the pot is hiding it. All the fans is 120x120 mm PC fans.

I'm feeling kinda stupid... I've been underwatering(!) for some time. Can you believe that?! These AirPots make the soil dry out quickly...
Now I've been watering more often than I used to for the past week and the plant looks bigger and healthier than ever!


Active Member
cleannnnn. I like it, but is that fan in the middle your intake? it should be closer to the bottom of the box. edit nvm read through, so your intake is hidden by the pot?


Well-Known Member

Yeah, I've got two intake - one above the screen blowing fresh air to the tops/buds. And one under the screen giving the roots and plants some fresh :)


Active Member
that should work pretty well. Have you checked the temps with lights on yet? Thank god a cold front came in here, woke up this morning and cab temp was at 74 after 12 hours of lights on :D


Well-Known Member
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The net is ready and now all I need is those Easy Rolls so I can adjust the height of the reflector.
I have now removed all LST to make the plant grow up through the net and then I will bend it down with LST.

As you can see in the forth picture I've used to little soil. It's almost like 3 inches from the soil to the top of the pot.

I know, the screen is late and won't be used to it's fully potential but I'm just gaining experience :)
I'm thinking of maybe eventuelly trimm it below the net and let it veg for a little longer after it's grown for some time now - how does that sounds?

Thansk for looking!

EDIT #1: Oh, on the third picture you also can see my little fella. Trustworthy friend since 3 years back. In need of a wash though... :p

EDIT #2: And the humidity has been between 35% and 50% all the time during veg. I really have NO possibility to get it up. Instead I spray
the plant 2-3 times a day which I've found be good enough.

Yeah, I'm running it now and it helds are pretty steady temperature at 78-80 fahren, with just the door open and no fans blowing.
I'm a little worried though... I will place this box in my clothing cabinet. (the upper half of the cabinet is my shirts, and below will this box be).
The good thing is that the cabinet is like 20" deep which gives me like 6" free space from where the fans can get fresh air, since the box is like 14" deep.


Well-Known Member
looking great! keep it up :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:

i had trouble using too-little soil in the beginning myself. when you fill the pots, there are a lot of air gaps in the soil that go away with watering. so a couple weeks after you've filled the pot, the soil has compacted considerably leaving you with extra space up top. annoyyinggggggg. point being, dont be stingy when filling up the pots with soil!


Well-Known Member
looking great! keep it up :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:

i had trouble using too-little soil in the beginning myself. when you fill the pots, there are a lot of air gaps in the soil that go away with watering. so a couple weeks after you've filled the pot, the soil has compacted considerably leaving you with extra space up top. annoyyinggggggg. point being, dont be stingy when filling up the pots with soil!
True that my friend. That that! :)


Well-Known Member
2011 - 11 - 09

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Things are going really great now! Tomorrow I will add another 125W of CFL (5 25W CFL bulbs).
Oh, and I also have topped her once again (topped the two tops) :)

Problems so far: Rootbound, underwatering and too little soil.