Ideas for starting seeds/light veging

I am sorry I didnt fully explain myself the first time but in my last post I explained my reasoning behind why 240 is more eficent


Well-Known Member
I am sorry I didnt fully explain myself the first time but in my last post I explained my reasoning behind why 240 is more eficent
But it won't save you any money $ on your electric bill. :idea:

It's not THAT efficient. You wouldn't even save a dollar. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
didnt mean to bash ya bro .. just didnt want people to think if they switch to 220 they save $ right away .. and with the new digital ballasts there isnt that much degradation
I beg to differ, 15% is 15% and the more ballasts you have the more it saves you. And yes I would agree that the new digital ballasts there is not that much degradation thus why I only buy digital ballasts if I can help it.
I will do you one better sir I will set up a test between two ballasts and get two energy monitors and run a cycle with them and I will see what I come up with. But professionals in my field are who taught me what I know and I haven't gone wrong so far.


Well-Known Member
sorry but you wont save 1/2 on your electric bill. not even 15%. it will be slightly more efficient but not enough to notice. if I come over & pee in your pool,I made it deeper. right? thats the type of difference you are looking at.
instead of running 2 ballasts for your test, try running 1 for a week at 110 volt, then switch it to 220 for a week. I bet I could find 2 identical ballasts that have a 5% difference right out of the box.