Here's A Good Spin On Alien Theory


Well-Known Member
I was reading an article the other day about how it would make more sense had aliens been here the entire time we've been here maybe longer maybe shorter. Its whole thing was that had there been this far superior race living here, it is possible that we wouldn't notice them. We all see aliens as some magical strange phenomenon. Strange lights in the sky, weird abductions, occurances..

Now think of a group of wild monkeys living in the forest. When an airplane or car passes them, they don't know what to think. They see it as some magical bird or strange thing. This is because their level of conscsousness is lower than ours. What it was saying is that there could be species that have a higher conscousness level than our own. There for mocking us, manipulating us. Like we are animals. It would be easy for them.

Imagine a flying helicopter and a bunch of people jumping out of it and tagging a chimp. Now to the chimp a bunch of crazy creatures came flying out of a very loud magical bird, then put some thing on its ear, and left. Why? The article was saying this is in comparison what they could be doing to us, many people have stories of being abducted, tagged, studied, and put back. Another popular thing was them taking babies. Apparently aliens like babies? Steal them right out of their cribs.

Also if you think about it, this would help the whole aliens helping out in building pyrimades and other things as well. Remember the pyrimades were built before the wheel so how in the hell did they move those rocks that weigh out to many many tons? All the heiroglyphics and such were just drawings of the super-intelligent species that we see as aliens coming from other planets, but could very well just be from here. Same goes for faries, gnomes, elves(possibly)..

Don't think this is logical? Just ask a monkey or a bear.

I stole a lot of this stuff from that article I wish I could find it...


Well-Known Member
lol yea Ive read alot of alein articles and scientists theories, some of it sounds really farfetched to me. Basically people believe aleins were the things responsible for speeding up the evolution of mankind. It goes like aleins used our animals on planet earth as test subjects or experiments, they did crazy breeding of different species, trying to create what we would call hybrids and bring them back to their own planet. Scientists also believe that these aleins were breeding with people, according to some text human and alein crossbreeds were supposed to be like superbeings, have super strength and intellegence. Its like its taken us millions of years, yes millions of years to evole into a chimpanzee man or nethanderal, and then in just the past one hundred thousand years our brain size has tripled, scientists still cant understand what has made our intellegance of mankind prosper so much in such a little time other than without the help of extra terrestials. What the scientists are trying to conclude is that we all share alein dna in our blood. lol think about that for a second or ten


Well-Known Member
Alien, that's right bro, right here right now. :joint::peace:

Can't see me, can you?

It's my special powers - so watch your back - we are already here bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Its all just crazy man the whole alien thing.. I guess itd make sense that they helped us evolve so exponentially, yet farfetched like you were saying.. I can't say I totally believe all that stuff, but I do see it as possible. One idea I just ha is that it seems that there is a select few people who I actually consider as 'intelligent' as myself that I know in real life. A select few, other people just seem like robots. Not dissing them, just saying it is very apparent that they are no where near the same level of thinking. that could possibly tie into what stonerman was saying. Perhaps these few people are closer in the big family tree of evolution to advanced alien hybrid breeds, than the rest of the people. Then again maybe its just distinguishing intelligent from unintelligent.. What is intelligence anyways? Seems pretty irrelevant. Some people just think more


Well-Known Member
lol yea Ive read alot of alein articles and scientists theories, some of it sounds really farfetched to me. Basically people believe aleins were the things responsible for speeding up the evolution of mankind. It goes like aleins used our animals on planet earth as test subjects or experiments, they did crazy breeding of different species, trying to create what we would call hybrids and bring them back to their own planet. Scientists also believe that these aleins were breeding with people, according to some text human and alein crossbreeds were supposed to be like superbeings, have super strength and intellegence. Its like its taken us millions of years, yes millions of years to evole into a chimpanzee man or nethanderal, and then in just the past one hundred thousand years our brain size has tripled, scientists still cant understand what has made our intellegance of mankind prosper so much in such a little time other than without the help of extra terrestials. What the scientists are trying to conclude is that we all share alein dna in our blood. lol think about that for a second or ten
Scientists do not say ANY of this.


Well-Known Member
I was reading an article the other day about how it would make more sense had aliens been here the entire time we've been here maybe longer maybe shorter. Its whole thing was that had there been this far superior race living here, it is possible that we wouldn't notice them. We all see aliens as some magical strange phenomenon. Strange lights in the sky, weird abductions, occurances..

Now think of a group of wild monkeys living in the forest. When an airplane or car passes them, they don't know what to think. They see it as some magical bird or strange thing. This is because their level of conscsousness is lower than ours. What it was saying is that there could be species that have a higher conscousness level than our own. There for mocking us, manipulating us. Like we are animals. It would be easy for them.

Imagine a flying helicopter and a bunch of people jumping out of it and tagging a chimp. Now to the chimp a bunch of crazy creatures came flying out of a very loud magical bird, then put some thing on its ear, and left. Why? The article was saying this is in comparison what they could be doing to us, many people have stories of being abducted, tagged, studied, and put back. Another popular thing was them taking babies. Apparently aliens like babies? Steal them right out of their cribs.

Also if you think about it, this would help the whole aliens helping out in building pyrimades and other things as well. Remember the pyrimades were built before the wheel so how in the hell did they move those rocks that weigh out to many many tons? All the heiroglyphics and such were just drawings of the super-intelligent species that we see as aliens coming from other planets, but could very well just be from here. Same goes for faries, gnomes, elves(possibly)..

Don't think this is logical? Just ask a monkey or a bear.

I stole a lot of this stuff from that article I wish I could find it...
Here is a recent post of mine from a related thread. no alien explanation necessary:

I still hear about these 'unexplainable' mysteries of how no one knows how the pyramids were built, or the Gothic Cathedrals, etc.. Nova is an awesome show that answers some of these questions. I'm sure if one wanted to truly find out how most of these things were constructed, they could do a cursory Google search on what we really know about their construction. Here's two Nova videos that 'unweave the rainbow' on how mysterious structures were built:

The Pyramids:

Gothic Cathedrals:


Well-Known Member
No your right, the scientists dont say it, they write it down and get the guy reading the documentary to say it.
Figures you would miss the point entirely. Scientists don't claim any of those things. The people that do are not doing science.


Well-Known Member
What I don't get is why aliens are always depicted as these ugly little monsters. You'd think such an advanced civilization would have done something about their looks cause some of these human chicks we got here are pretty damn hot.

What good are aliens if we arent going to want to fuck them? Damn dude, if you are going to make something up, forget believable and just go with what would be most awesome.


Well-Known Member
What I don't get is why aliens are always depicted as these ugly little monsters. You'd think such an advanced civilization would have done something about their looks cause some of these human chicks we got here are pretty damn hot.

What good are aliens if we arent going to want to fuck them? Damn dude, if you are going to make something up, forget believable and just go with what would be most awesome.
How come there aren't more alien photos, back in the day when you needed 3 guys and 10k worth of camera equipment there was a new pic every week NOW there's a phone on every hip we got nothing, seems odd is all I'm saying.


Well-Known Member NOTES.--The Fathers of the Ethiopian Church emphasize the difficulty which Satan found in entering Paradise. He knew that he could not carry out his plan for ruining Adam if he entered Paradise in his own form, and he decided that he must assume the form of some bird or animal or reptile if he was to succeed. He applied to the white bird Arzel, and the green bird Besel, and a red bird, but each refused to take him to the place where Eve was. Then he applied to p. 66 the elephant, and the lion, and the leopard, and the hyena, and the wild boar; the first four refused point blank to do what Satan wished, and the wild boar attempted to gore him with his tusks. On this Satan took to flight. He then went to the animal Sereg, which was commonly known as the "digger of graves," but this animal refused to help him, and then Satan approached the animal called "Taman," "the front part of which was like a camel's foal." This creature agreed to help him, and, mounted on his back, Satan entered Paradise and stood before Eve. The serpent became spokesman for him, and Eve hearkened to him and ate of the fruit. According to the "Book of the Mysteries of Heaven and Earth," the tree was called "Sezen," and each fruit cluster contained, 150,000 grains, or berries. It is described as a large and handsome tree, and it has been identified with the "Sendâlê," or sandal-wood tree. According to the same authorities, the Tree of Life was the prototype of the Cross on which our Lord was crucified.]

The extraordinary qualities with which Adam was blessed, physical and spiritual as well, aroused the envy of the angels. They attempted to consume him with fire, and he would have perished, had not the protecting hand of God rested upon him, and established peace between him and the heavenly host. In particular, Satan was jealous of the first man, and his evil thoughts finally led to his fall. After Adam had been endowed with a soul, God invited all the angels to come and pay him reverence and homage. Satan, the greatest of the angels in heaven, with twelve wings, instead of six like all the others, refused to pay heed to the behest of God, saying, "Thou didst create us angels from the splendor of the Shekinah, and now Thou dost command us to cast ourselves down before the creature which Thou didst fashion out of the dust of the ground!" God answered, "Yet this dust of the ground has more wisdom and understanding than thou." Satan demanded a trial of wit with Adam, and God assented thereto, saying: "I have created beasts, birds, and reptiles, I shall have them all come before thee and before Adam. If thou art able to give them names, I shall command Adam to show honor unto thee, and thou shalt rest next to the Shekinah of My glory. But if not, and Adam calls them by the names I have assigned to them, then thou wilt be subject to Adam, and he shall have a place in My garden, and cultivate it." Thus spake God, and He betook Himself to Paradise, Satan following Him. When Adam beheld God, he said to his wife, "O come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our Maker." Now Satan attempted to assign names to the animals. He failed with the first two that presented themselves, the ox and the cow. God led two others before him, the camel and the donkey, with the same result. Then God turned to Adam, and questioned him regarding the names of the same animals, framing His questions in such wise that the first letter of the first word was the same as the first letter of the name of the animal standing before him. Thus Adam divined the proper name, and Satan was forced to acknowledge the superiority of the first man. Nevertheless he broke out in wild outcries that reached the heavens, and he refused to do homage unto Adam as he had been bidden. The host of angels led by him did likewise, in spite of the urgent representations of Michael, who was the first to prostrate himself before Adam in order to show a good example to the other angels. Michael addressed Satan: "Give adoration to the image of God! But if thou doest it not, then the Lord God will break out in wrath against thee." Satan replied: "If He breaks out in wrath against me, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will be like the Most High! "At once God flung Satan and his host out of heaven, down to the earth, and from that moment dates the enmity between Satan and man.'

Among the animals the serpent was notable. Of all of them he had the most excellent qualities, in some of which he resembled man. Like man he stood upright upon two feet, and in height he was equal to the camel. Had it not been for the fall of man, which brought misfortune to them, too, one pair of serpents would have sufficed to perform all the work man has to do, and, besides, they would have supplied him with silver, gold, gems, and pearls. As a matter of fact, it was the very ability of the serpent that led to the ruin of man and his own ruin. His superior mental gifts caused him to become an infidel. It likewise explains his envy of man, especially of his conjugal relations. Envy made him meditate ways and means of bringing about the death of Adam. He was too well acquainted with the character of the man to attempt to exercise tricks of persuasion upon him, and he approached the woman, knowing that women are beguiled easily. The conversation with Eve was cunningly planned, she could not but be caught in a trap. The serpent began, "Is it true that God hath said, Ye shall not eat of every tree in the garden?" "We may," rejoined Eve, "eat of the fruit of all the trees in the garden, except that which is in the midst of the garden, and that we may not even touch, lest we be stricken with death." She spoke thus, because in his zeal to guard her against the transgressing of the Divine command, Adam had forbidden Eve to touch the tree, though God had mentioned only the eating of the fruit. It remains a truth, what the proverb says, "Better a wall ten hands high that stands, than a wall a hundred ells high that cannot stand." It was Adam's exaggeration that afforded the serpent the possibility of persuading Eve to taste of the forbidden fruit. The serpent pushed Eve against the tree, and said: "Thou seest that touching the tree has not caused thy death. As little will it hurt thee to eat the fruit of the tree. Naught but malevolence has prompted the prohibition, for as soon as ye eat thereof, ye shall be as God. As He creates and destroys worlds, so will ye have the power to create and destroy. As He doth slay and revive, so will ye have the power to slay and revive. He Himself ate first of the fruit of the tree, and then He created the world. Therefore doth He forbid you to eat thereof, lest you create other worlds. Everyone knows that 'artisans of the same guild hate one another.' Furthermore, have ye not observed that every creature hath dominion over the creature fashioned before itself? The heavens were made on the first day, and they are kept in place by the firmament made on the second day. The firmament, in turn, is ruled by the plants, the creation of the third day, for they take up all the water of the firmament. The sun and the other celestial bodies, which were created on the fourth day, have power over the world of plants. They can ripen their fruits and flourish only through their influence. The creation of the fifth day, the animal world, rules over the celestial spheres. Witness the ziz, which can darken the sun with its pinions. But ye are masters of the whole of creation, because ye were the last to be created. Hasten now and eat of the fruit of the tree in the midst of the garden, and become independent of God, lest He bring forth still other creatures to bear rule over you."
To give due weight to these words, the serpent began to shake the tree violently and bring down its fruit. He ate thereof, saying: "As I do not die of eating the fruit, so wilt thou not die." Now Eve could not but say to herself, "All that my master"--so she called Adam--"commanded me is but lies," and she determined to follow the advice of the serpent. Yet she could not bring herself to disobey the command of God utterly. She made a compromise with her conscience. First she ate only the outside skin of the fruit, and then, seeing that death did not fell her, she ate the fruit itself. Scarce had she finished, when she saw the Angel of Death before her. Expecting her end to come immediately, she resolved to make Adam eat of the forbidden fruit, too, lest he espouse another wife after her death. It required tears and lamentations on her part to prevail upon Adam to take the baleful step. Not yet satisfied, she gave of the fruit to all other living beings, that they, too, might be subject to death. All ate, and they all are mortal, with the exception of the bird malham, who refused the fruit, with the words: "Is it not enough that ye have sinned against God, and have brought death to others? Must ye still come to me and seek to persuade me into disobeying God's command, that I may eat and die thereof? I will not do your bidding." A heavenly voice was heard then to say to Adam and Eve: "To you was the command given. Ye did not heed it; ye did transgress it, and ye did seek to persuade the bird malham. He was steadfast, and he feared Me, although I gave him no command. Therefore he shall never taste of death, neither he nor his descendants--they all shall live forever in Paradise."
Adam spoke to Eve: "Didst thou give me of the tree of which I forbade thee to eat? Thou didst give me thereof, for my eyes are opened, and the teeth in my mouth are set on edge." Eve made answer, "As my teeth were set on edge, so may the teeth of all living beings be set on edge." The first result was that Adam and Eve became naked. Before, their bodies had been overlaid with a horny skin, and enveloped with the cloud of glory. No sooner had they violated the command given them than the cloud of glory and the horny skin dropped from them, and they stood there in their nakedness, and ashamed. Adam tried to gather leaves from the trees to cover part of their bodies, but he heard one tree after the other say: "There is the thief that deceived his Creator. Nay, the foot of pride shall not come against me, nor the hand of the wicked touch me. Hence, and take no leaves from me!" Only the fig-tree granted him permission to take of its leaves. That was because the fig was the forbidden fruit itself. Adam had the same experience as that prince who seduced one of the maid-ser vants in the palace. When the king, his father, chased him out, he vainly sought a refuge with the other maid-servants, but only she who had caused his disgrace would grant him assistance.

As long as Adam stood naked, casting about for means of escape from his embarrassment, God did not appear unto him, for one should not "strive to see a man in the hour of his disgrace." He waited until Adam and Eve had covered themselves with fig leaves. But even before God spoke to him, Adam knew what was impending. He heard the angels announce, "God betaketh Himself unto those that dwell in Paradise." He heard more, too. He heard what the angels were saying to one another about his fall, and what they were saying to God. In astonishment the angels exclaimed: "What! He still walks about in Paradise? He is not yet dead?" Whereupon God: "I said to him, 'In the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die!' Now, ye know not what manner of day I meant--one of My days of a thousand years, or one of your days. I will give him one of My days. He shall have nine hundred and thirty years to live, and seventy to leave to his descendants."
When Adam and Eve heard God approaching, they hid among the trees--which would not have been possible before the fall. Before he committed his trespass, Adam's height was from the heavens to the earth, but afterward it was reduced to one hundred ells. Another consequence of his sin was the fear Adam felt when he heard the voice of God: before his fall it had not disquieted him in the least. Hence it was that when Adam said, "I heard Thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid," God replied, "Aforetime thou wert not afraid, and now thou art afraid?"
God refrained from reproaches at first. Standing at the gate of Paradise, He but asked, "Where art thou, Adam?" Thus did God desire to teach man a rule of polite behavior, never to enter the house of another without announcing himself. It cannot be denied, the words "Where art thou?" were pregnant with meaning. They were intended to bring home to Adam the vast difference between his latter and his former state--between his supernatural size then and his shrunken size now; between the lordship of God over him then and the lordship of the serpent over him now. At the same time, God wanted to give Adam the opportunity of repenting of his sin, and he would have received Divine forgiveness for it. But so far from repenting of it, Adam slandered God, and uttered blasphemies against Him. When God asked him, "Hast thou eaten of the tree whereof I commanded thee thou shouldst not eat?" he did not confess his sin, but excused himself with the words: "O Lord of the world! As long as I was alone, I did not fall into sin, but as soon as this woman came to me, she tempted me." God replied: "I gave her unto thee as a help, and thou art ungrateful when thou accusest her, saying, 'She gave me of the tree.' Thou shouldst not have obeyed her, for thou art the head, and not she." God, who knows all things, had foreseen exactly this, and He had not created Eve until Adam had asked Him for a helpmate, so that he might not have apparently good reason for reproaching God with having created woman.
As Adam tried to shift the blame for his misdeed from himself, so also Eve. She, like her husband, did not confess her transgression and pray for pardon, which would have been granted to her. Gracious as God is, He did not pronounce the doom upon Adam and Eve until they showed themselves stiff-necked. Not so with the serpent. God inflicted the curse upon the serpent without hearing his defense; for the serpent is a villain, and the wicked are good debaters. If God had questioned him, the serpent would have answered: "Thou didst give them a command, and I did contradict it. Why did they obey me, and not Thee?" Therefore God did not enter into an argument with the serpent, but straightway decreed the following ten punishments: The mouth of the serpent was closed, and his power of speech taken away; his hands and feet were hacked off; the earth was given him as food; he must suffer great pain in sloughing his skin; enmity is to exist between him and man; if he eats the choicest viands, or drinks the sweetest beverages, they all change into dust in his mouth; the pregnancy of the female serpent lasts seven years; men shall seek to kill him as soon as they catch sight of him; even in the future world, where all beings will be blessed, he will not escape the punishment decreed for him; he will vanish from out of the Holy Land if Israel walks in the ways of God.
Furthermore, God spake to the serpent: "I created thee to be king over all animals, cattle and the beasts of the field alike; but thou wast not satisfied. Therefore thou shalt be cursed above all cattle and above every beast of the field. I created thee of upright posture; but thou wast not satisfied. Therefore thou shalt go upon thy belly. I created thee to eat the same food as man; but thou wast not satisfied. Therefore thou shalt eat dust all the days of thy life. Thou didst seek to cause the death of Adam in order to espouse his wife. Therefore I will put enmity between thee and the woman." How true it is--he who lusts after what is not his due, not only does he not attain his desire, but he also loses what he has!
As angels had been present when the doom was pronounced upon the serpent--for God had convoked a Sanhedrin of seventy-one angels when He sat in judgment upon him--so the execution of the decree against him was entrusted to angels. They descended from heaven, and chopped off his hands and feet. His suffering was so great that his agonized cries could be heard from one end of the world to the other.