Forum Moderators

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Well-Known Member
Thanx everyone... thanx to the trolls too:)

Just want to try to keep the money makers out of the medical side of the AmmA....its teh 1st thing that will get it all shut down.... imo.
sure im a bit angry at times, but i fight for the little guy, not the big guy..... its my way:)


Active Member
I support you 100% - i think we have a pretty special group of good people in the AZ section, if we can keep it that way, we will all have a great resource and support team.


Well-Known Member
Still wanting to clean the trash out of Az section:) Support your Philosophist!
just wanting to keep it legal and patient to patient.


Active Member
When considering this member for a mod, I just want to point out, he thinks I am someone else, but the real mods here can see this is my only account by my IP ADDRESS.
This member wants to ban ME and other members just because we are supporter of AZCS, and not supporters by working for them or even by giving them our money, we just like the fact they are actually HELPING patients.
If you read half of Philosophist 's posts in the AZ section, you'll notice its all hate speech, and I would personally never consider such a person to moderate a site.

Sure maybe I haven't been a member here for 10 yrs like i keep hearing about my post count, like i dont mean anything.
i only signed up for this site in June when i got my medical card. But i still want to throw in my 2 cents.



Well-Known Member
i NEVER said i wanted to ban or would ban you......
i wouldnt.
Please dont put words in my mouth. I only seek to keep our section free of advertising spam by ILLEGALLY OPERATING businesses.


New Member
i NEVER said i wanted to ban or would ban you......
i wouldnt.
Please dont put words in my mouth. I only seek to keep our section free of advertising spam by ILLEGALLY OPERATING businesses.
i like this i say he would be a great mod, ive seen him posts he's very helpful and btw we dont need those azcs guys on here.
Harassing us so yeah please take him into consideration.


I like your view on MMJ in our state. You can have my vote. Of course, after BIG business gets there talons in you I might have to re-think that vote, unless they want to stick those talons in me as well :shock:

Good luck man :peace:


Well-Known Member
Holy hell man......i changed it like few weeks back...i saw it on a forum and stole it... it was maybe from you^^
Ill change it if you want>< Im on a few forums for alot of different things..srry bro><
lol! That's not necessary my friend. I just saw the quote and had to say something. Happy growing!:weed:
I wanna give it a shot! I'm going to be a member of RIU for a very long time, and it's helped me gain so much knowledge about growing and I want to help RIU like RIU helped me out :D


Active Member
I wouldn't mind being a mod on the toke and talk forum :)

I have been at RIU now for about 2 weeks now and in that time I have learnt and abided by all the rules.
I have made more then 300 posts, most of which have been to help new people learn.
I have also become friends with many of the RIU locals including mods while having received more then 200 likes and more then 10 +rep.
I believe I would be a great addition as I am usually on when other mods aren't being that I am from Australia.
I look to contribute to this forum as much as possible including a contest I will be running in the following days :)

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