Are Intelligent Women Sexy?


...seriously ladies men know what ur trying to hide under all makeup and itchy cheap fabrics ;)

Anyone else giggle watching ladies "try" to walk in 6 inch spikes ;) No sweety it's not sexy hahahaha
First of all let me say I am an advocate of the freedom of anyone to wear anything that makes them feel like a dolled up Barbie doll.
I also have the freedom to laught to myself EVERY SINGLE TIME I see a woman in high heels or any other phony clothing/body mod. It reminds me of a corset. These things are obviously uncomfort of the individual in order to project an image to others. Fake hair, Fake eyes, Fake eye color, fake lip color, fake cheek colors, guess what you find when you attempt anything other than a physical relationship? A fake person, oftentimes VERY mixed up due to cultural conditioning unfortunately. Kinda reminds me of the song "Virtual Insanity". I'll stick to N.S.A.

Men need (NEED....not want) the woman to assume the role of intelligence in a relationship. The modern way that has been given, is to ensure that women are rewarded more for their glamour than their intelligence. therefore the woman will choose an intention of glamour prior to intelligence. and thats how to disable a nation for a generation or two. Autonomous incompatibility, which leads to dysfunction. Men and women with their heads planted firmly in anus.

whats funny is seeing these phony clowns evaluate people, places, and things as if there was anything accurate about the perspective of a virtual person. i just admire them like a flower in the garden. but i wouldn't trust them phony ladies for shit with shit.

There are plenty of intelligent women with natural beauty all over. most of them marry their high school sweetheart, or just diss the hell out of a lowlife bastard like myself. its ok though, i'm catching up, just around 10 years behind schedule.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Kuroi i'm almost 30 and i still look like a teenager if i don't dress age appropriate fluff my hair and wear a pound of makeup, i hated this until i reached 25 and realised how old some of my friends would look in 10 yrs, hahahaha

Smart women do seem to be far and few between these days, i blame the parents, my three 17-18 yr old cousins (twins and sister) are such pretty girls , but still lack basic womenly skills such as frying an egg or even using a coffe maker lol these "girls" seem to think that being pretty is much more important then being able to provide for themselves, Jesus in 15 yrs this world will be full of stupid fake hot women, seriously ladies men know what ur trying to hide under all makeup and itchy cheap fabrics ;)

Anyone else giggle watching ladies "try" to walk in 6 inch spikes ;) No sweety it's not sexy hahahaha
the horror! i jus pictured a world full of Jessica Simpsons !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Pickle Queen
First of all let me say I am an advocate of the freedom of anyone to wear anything that makes them feel like a dolled up Barbie doll.
I also have the freedom to laught to myself EVERY SINGLE TIME I see a woman in high heels or any other phony clothing/body mod. It reminds me of a corset. These things are obviously uncomfort of the individual in order to project an image to others. Fake hair, Fake eyes, Fake eye color, fake lip color, fake cheek colors, guess what you find when you attempt anything other than a physical relationship? A fake person, oftentimes VERY mixed up due to cultural conditioning unfortunately. Kinda reminds me of the song "Virtual Insanity". I'll stick to N.S.A.

Men need (NEED....not want) the woman to assume the role of intelligence in a relationship. The modern way that has been given, is to ensure that women are rewarded more for their glamour than their intelligence. therefore the woman will choose an intention of glamour prior to intelligence. and thats how to disable a nation for a generation or two. Autonomous incompatibility, which leads to dysfunction. Men and women with their heads planted firmly in anus.

whats funny is seeing these phony clowns evaluate people, places, and things as if there was anything accurate about the perspective of a virtual person. i just admire them like a flower in the garden. but i wouldn't trust them phony ladies for shit with shit.

There are plenty of intelligent women with natural beauty all over. most of them marry their high school sweetheart, or just diss the hell out of a lowlife bastard like myself. its ok though, i'm catching up, just around 10 years behind schedule.
LMFAO i dated my highschool sweetheart for 5 yrs, almost married him ;)

Don't get me wrong there is a time and place to rock a sexy slinky black dress and my hair gets fucking big if i curl it, but for everyday life i don't feel the need to cover my real face or wear clothes that conform with societies idea of whats "in" ;)


Well-Known Member
Smart women are attractive if you agree with 90% of what they say.

If you disagree with 90% of what they say...they are not attractive at all.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Smart women are attractive if you agree with 90% of what they say.

If you disagree with 90% of what they say...they are not attractive at all.
2 Points, not going to bother to formulate them into a proper rebuttal,

1. You can't learn to accept a person's views if they aren't your own
2. If she's smart than what she says is going to be at least partly factual


Well-Known Member
The fact that you talk in this manner is very unbecoming sir. ;)
hmm perhaps, dont worry, i like you just fine.
You should see my mama. She always had an older attitude. She's 37 but has been mistaken for my sister or girlfriend a frightening amount of times.
yeah, mama looks real young too
I think Crypt may mean true love isn't always 'rainbows and sparkles'. Your true love will want to be with you past the 'Honeymoon period' when you are old and unattractive, or even times when your personality doesn't seem so attractive. No big gestures of love are necessary, and sometimes it is the unwritten utterances that best convey affection.
that is very well put,but its simpler than that, true love is automatically family. (bond deep as between parents and a child (though somewhat different lol)
That is not to say we should all become horribly disillusioned and come to expect nothing much from a romantic relationship. Then we'd get all bitter and cynical. I agree with both you and Crypt, SSO.

well, crypt is not wrong, i understand his viewpoint, its just that i think he hasnt seen enough of the view yet.

and undoubtedly there is someone else that thinks my view is inadequate as well ;)


Well-Known Member
the most interesting and fun people to be around, are crazy,

its just when they are insane too, which is a bother. (screaming and throwing stuff or worse lol)