Strawberry Cough Kings Kush Critical Acapulco Gold Sensi Star& Original Skunk #1 grow


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the lack of updates lately. pic update coming later on today.

Pretty much nothing new to report. Water food, water, food. etc. no real plant problems.

I have noticed however that the OS#1 is taking on a musty/musky scent. Hopefully we'll be smelling some dead/rotting skunk soon (fingers crossed). the critical and strawberry cough are taking on a sweet scent (wouldnt call it fruity just yet). nice so far though.

the Strawberry Cough is HUGE. it outgrew the AG x's 2. the AG is the slowest to flower to this point. it hasnt formed any real hair clusters to speak of just yet. a few stray hairs. now i know why it takes forever to flower lol.

I may be speaking pre-maturely however i think the stretch is over. or most of it is anyway.


Well-Known Member
Hey sorry for getting back to this so late.

Sorry for the horrible pic also. I had to blank some things out that made it into the pic this time.

Idk if im being paranoid or what but i feel like im not growing these plants properly. i appear to be doing everything right (pretty much) but im not getting the production i was expecting after 5wks of veg...




Well-Known Member
Not much to report. Plants doing pretty well for the most part.

the Critical+ (to this point) is the BEST smelling plant of them all! it smells like fruity flavored candy or something.

Im struggling w/ my humidity a lil bit again. It seems we have a rainy weather pattern thats bringing in humidity and its cold as a b*tch on top of it.

Temps aren't a problem though. I do have a heater that keeps things @ 63-65 or higher. in the 12hr on time period the temps stay between 75 and 80.

After 12hrs in the dark my humidity is around 60-62% humidity (no fans are running during lights out). during lights on my humidity is usually around 50% but can reach up to 57% or so.

Anyone know at what percent its easily to get mold? my only experience is once i had to leave my plants in an enclosed space for 24hrs and humidity hit 78%! Im hoping ill be able to flower these out in the conditions im stuck with.

Im using a butt load of fans/cooling/heating. I have an A/c unit for when temps (or humidity) become too high) and 4 fans (not counting a ceiling fan) plus a heater to keep temps up when necessary.

Im going to start running my fans during lights out (not all of them) and try to find a way to vent my room (for me its impossible the way it is to vent the room out w/o also introducing light to the plants).

Any tips/input welcome.

enjoy some snapshots from today. (the Strawberry cough and the Critical+ are budding very nicely btw)



Well-Known Member
Just a pic update really. How do they look?

I think they are ok except the KK (Kings kush) doesnt appear 100% happy and either does my sour cream in veg. Any idea as to what it could be?

Humidity is 50-55% during lights on and up to 60% during lights off. how am i doing?

oh and incase i didnt mention it before...the strawberry cough has 8 colas. :) im impressed w/ its production this far given its reputation for being a low yielding plant. looks promising. might have gotten a good pheno.


Lysemith, Lowkey

Well-Known Member
man, nothings for sure for yield until you've weighed, some plants bulk up retardedly in the last two weeks. your seedlings look good, my ag is small but two of 4 are showing pistils.

and i think you want to avoid humidity of 60%+ in flower. or have great airflow and manage airborne fungus.


Well-Known Member
man, nothings for sure for yield until you've weighed, some plants bulk up retardedly in the last two weeks. your seedlings look good, my ag is small but two of 4 are showing pistils.

and i think you want to avoid humidity of 60%+ in flower. or have great airflow and manage airborne fungus.

Correct me if im wrong but isn't there a spray in production right now that helps prevent fungus/mold? similar to the spray out there used to prevent hermies/reverse em?

If so i should get a bottle as a preventive measure i think.

my humidity tends to hit around 60% during lights out and down to around 49-55% during lights on. im using 5 fans total. one ceiling fan. one that blows on 1 600w AND across one half of the that blows on the other hps light and across the other half of the plants. one that blows on a ballast i cant move out of the room (cord is too short so it has to stay in there) and one that i put in the doorway of the grow room blowing out of the room into the rest of the building (sort of like an "exhaust" even though my room isnt sealed properly because well its an actual room and i cant drill holes into the wall, etc for a proper exhaust.

Im hoping that plus my air conditioner can keep things in check. I only run it to lower humidity as temps usually wont exceed 80 w/ just the fans going.

if i had to add more fans i wouldn't know where to plug them in @ this point lmao.

so thoughts?


how tall is your AG plants? my advice is flower early or LST/supercrop/top/fim excessively. Mine is pretty freakin tall. not as tall as my Strawberry Cough (which i believe has finished stretching already). its a VERY slow plant to flower. right now its the furthest behind in terms of flowering compared to the rest.

my AG appears to be a heavy drinker if that makes sense. not necessarily heavy feeder (ie nutes) just needs water often. by the end of this grow ill probably have to dedicate a 600w to it. right now its sharing a light with the SC and the Critical.

do you have pics of yours?

Thanks for chiming in. it means a lot to me.


Well-Known Member
Ok. the humidity is still an uphill battle. Some days I win some days i lose. Today was more humid than normal so with lights out (and fans/ac) the humidity never dropped below 59-60 at any given time. without the ac/fans who knows that it would have been.

Once the lights came on and the grow area was opened up for better ventilation it came down to 50-51%. the way my grow is set up it must be closed in during the dark cycle otherwise outside light sources would disrupt the 12/12 period so i have to deal with it.

Im REALLY considering a natural/semi natural way of removing the excess humidity. Something along the lines of kitty litter (silica gel and clay i heard are good but idk how true the clay type is) or rice, etc.

Ive read you can put kitty litter in socks. tie those socks in a knot (to hold the kitty litter inside) and place them/hang them wherever you need them.

Im just not sure how much (or what brand/type) kitty litter one would need to drop the humidity to at least the 50's range consistently. I feel a lot better flowering at 50% than 60% humidity.

I don't think im in danger just quite yet as my plants are just now forming actual buds (instead of just clusters of pistils). I just need some guidance to prevent it from happening.

This time every year humidity gives me a problem AND for some reason im ALWAYS flowering during is time of year w/o really attempting to.

Anywho. Picture time and good happy thoughts:


Well-Known Member
Also i think its fair to say that whoever thought the mystery sprout and the original amnesia were two sprouts from one seed was wrong.

If you look those are entirely two different sets of genes imo. Also for some incredibly unknown reason the mystery sprout is THEE happiest plant i have period and idk y.

Lysemith, Lowkey

Well-Known Member
I am most certainly flowering early, im growing landrace indica next to landrace sativa, so I think they are only going to veg for 1 or 2 more weeks, they were started under 12/12 HPS, so a couple are already technically in flower, im hoping a shift to 16/8 won't throw them out of it and allow the rest to veg.

As for the anti-fungal/bacterial spray, 2 tsp 3% H2O2, hydrogen peroxide, per liter of ph corrected water and spray - liberally. this stuff is an oxidizer so it might kill some smell via oxidizing terpenes, and if its too strong it will hurt your leaves, but it is the cheap effective alternative. it might be a little basic now that I think about it.


Well-Known Member
You can pick up some closet dehumidifiers for a closet from walmart. They're little containers with some type of carbon inside I think. I use them in my vehicles when I store them to avoid mildew problems. Pick up 2 for probably $12, you'll be able to drop rh at least a few % for about 6 months.

edit:grow is looking great man!! Strawberry Cough 5 weeks into flower myself, smelling amazing!!


Well-Known Member
I am most certainly flowering early, im growing landrace indica next to landrace sativa, so I think they are only going to veg for 1 or 2 more weeks, they were started under 12/12 HPS, so a couple are already technically in flower, im hoping a shift to 16/8 won't throw them out of it and allow the rest to veg.

As for the anti-fungal/bacterial spray, 2 tsp 3% H2O2, hydrogen peroxide, per liter of ph corrected water and spray - liberally. this stuff is an oxidizer so it might kill some smell via oxidizing terpenes, and if its too strong it will hurt your leaves, but it is the cheap effective alternative. it might be a little basic now that I think about it.
i might sound like a complete jackass for asking his but wouldn't spraying anything on my plants contribute to high humidity and more of a chance of bud rot/mold? how well does the hydrogen peroxide work? will it have any lasting effect on the potency, quality, or taste/smell of the buds? how often should i spray and how far before the chop should i stop this type of treatment?

it works to prevent mold? or get rid of existing mold. have you used it?

any/all help appreciated.

You can pick up some closet dehumidifiers for a closet from walmart. They're little containers with some type of carbon inside I think. I use them in my vehicles when I store them to avoid mildew problems. Pick up 2 for probably $12, you'll be able to drop rh at least a few % for about 6 months.

edit:grow is looking great man!! Strawberry Cough 5 weeks into flower myself, smelling amazing!!
id use closet dehumidifiers but my room is 8ft by 10ft w/ 7ft tall ceilings. wouldnt a closet dehumidifier be pretty ineffective? just asking as i have no idea personally.

do you have pics of your SC?

Lysemith, Lowkey

Well-Known Member
okay: so H202 oxidizes, breaks down, organic materials like fungus, bacteria, terpenes and esthers (smells). Thats why it bubbles when you poor it on your wound. The concentration I told you previously won't hurt your plants, I have used this spritz all through flower, days before harvest and not noticed anything bad. Also adds O2 to the root zone, but could kill off your mycchorizae herd which is quite troublesome in soil.

I most recently used is on rusty leaf blight, which disappeared shortly afterwards, the stuffs not very strong but it could detract from smell while growing, but I don't think it will detract from the final product.

Use it liberally, just barely coat leaf surfaces, don't soak em'. when humidity is an issue go light on the foliar.

For the humidity: buy a new shitty 10$ door and some weather stripping and a 8" booster fan from home-depot, cut holes in the door and set up a high powered outlet to vent the heat/humidity. You really need something pulling air and water out of your room.


Well-Known Member
okay: so H202 oxidizes, breaks down, organic materials like fungus, bacteria, terpenes and esthers (smells). Thats why it bubbles when you poor it on your wound. The concentration I told you previously won't hurt your plants, I have used this spritz all through flower, days before harvest and not noticed anything bad. Also adds O2 to the root zone, but could kill off your mycchorizae herd which is quite troublesome in soil.

I most recently used is on rusty leaf blight, which disappeared shortly afterwards, the stuffs not very strong but it could detract from smell while growing, but I don't think it will detract from the final product.

Use it liberally, just barely coat leaf surfaces, don't soak em'. when humidity is an issue go light on the foliar.

For the humidity: buy a new shitty 10$ door and some weather stripping and a 8" booster fan from home-depot, cut holes in the door and set up a high powered outlet to vent the heat/humidity. You really need something pulling air and water out of your room.
so if i understand this right: it wont hurt the plants or final result (ie. the buds after harvest/cure). dont mix it in the water and feed to the plants as i would nutes as it will kill the good bacteria in my soil...

$10 door? where do they sell those lol ive never seen doors much cheaper than $100.


Well-Known Member
im thinking ill try and use my space heater to fix some of the humidity problems. good or bad idea?

my logic says using a heater will lower the humidity by heating up the room/drying it out. correcT?

how hot should i let the room get in the dark cycle?

right now i avg 63-68 degrees (& as high as 62% humidity) during lights out and 73-79degrees (50-55% humidity) during lights on if this info helps you in your decision.

Lysemith, Lowkey

Well-Known Member
they sell very cheap doors at the habitat for humanity surplus, among many other place...:peace:
exactly what I was thinking about, and you can get a nice screen door from lowes or something for about 30.

I would not add a heater, it is not going to de-hydrate your room like you imagine. - Ventilation is the key


Well-Known Member
exactly what I was thinking about, and you can get a nice screen door from lowes or something for about 30.

I would not add a heater, it is not going to de-hydrate your room like you imagine. - Ventilation is the key
why not? i thought one way you get rid of humidity by raising the temps? was i misinformed? its possible as this is the "interwebs" were people give misguided advice all the time. lol

Thanks for letting me know this before i made the mistake of using it! my temps are 70 right now with 58-59% humidity right now (im in the dark cycle for a few more hrs)


Well-Known Member
beware of what advice you take from the interweb, gotta use your noggin' and wade thru all the bullshit and trolls thinking they know what they are talking about, look at my sig for an example of one to avoid :peace:


Well-Known Member
id use closet dehumidifiers but my room is 8ft by 10ft w/ 7ft tall ceilings. wouldnt a closet dehumidifier be pretty ineffective? just asking as i have no idea personally.

do you have pics of your SC?
That's why I recommended using more than one. I really couldn't tell you how many cubic feet they're good for, that area may in fact be too large. I just found them for $3 on amazon though, so honestly even if you had to buy 5 of them at a time its not much...just a thought. Good luck! And I'll get some pictures as soon as I can, check out my grow thread later on, theyll be in there.

Also, on the temp thing. Higher temps don't cause any humidity change. A higher temp increases solubility of h2o in gas form (humidity), meaning the humidity CAN be higher before it rains. This doesn't mean the amount of h2o in the air changes. People commonly associate cold temps with higher humidity because they find condensation after a cold night. That condensation is the same h2o that was in the hotter air, in turn meaning that the hotter air had a higher humidity. But the condensation with then evaporate back into the air. I think I made sense here. Let me know if I didn't and I'll hit another bongsmilie and try again


Well-Known Member

Pics, pics, and more pics! thats as current as today.

Im pleased to announce my humidity was lower today. it was 55% max in the dark cycle and 49-52% during lights on. So its getting better slowly.

Im contemplating the hydrogen peroxide as a preventive measure soon.

i watered the AG and the Critical today as they looked like they needed it. Tomorrow will probably be a feeding for sensi star and a watering for the strawberry cough and possibly the skunk.

Also im not sure whats the deal with some of my vegging plants. the Original Amnesia looks bad as does the sour cream runt all the way on the left.

i plan on killing off the sour cream thentransplanting the 1gal mystery plant into a 3gal pot.