My First Legal Medical Grow

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Well-Known Member
BC didnt mention how I helped him today with his greenhouse......He hooked me up with a very special gift for helping him! All I did was hold the ladder and hand him the staple gun!

I got paid in full....."The God Father of Bud"

Northern Lights Dank Ass Nug!!!! Us old goats know and have a special love for this strain! Always great to see the younger crowds enjoy a old school strain that still bangs!!!

PB170352 (2).jpgPB170356.jpg

Thanks bro, this hit the spot!!!!




Well-Known Member
Hey BKB that NL looks tastey bro!!....................Our beloved Livers is ment to a NL pheno from the 80's..................does that bud pong??? lol


Well-Known Member
bc what temp does a greenhouse need to be for the mmj to thrive?
Well to "Thrive" I would asssume mid 70's is perfect. Our daytemps right now are high 60's low 70's and nights are around 50 so i think they should be allright. This won't be the first time I flowered out there in the winter.


Well-Known Member
Today is end of week 4 for a majority of the ladies, (excluding the Mercury at 3 weeks, and the Sour OG at 2 weeks, and the topped cougar at roughly 1 week.)

MIR on them this morning, gonna feed them in a bit. Love seeing them perk after the feed.


Well-Known Member
DF, what kind of bike is that in your Avatar? I like the street-fighter look and in the market for a new bike, someone stole mine out of my garage in June...never found.


Well-Known Member
DF, what kind of bike is that in your Avatar? I like the street-fighter look and in the market for a new bike, someone stole mine out of my garage in June...never found.
Awe dude that fuckin sucks, seems you just had more and more bad luck with that bike huh.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
DF, what kind of bike is that in your Avatar? I like the street-fighter look and in the market for a new bike, someone stole mine out of my garage in June...never found.
That sucks steal a mans bike is worse than killing his dog and raping his wife! or killing his wife and raping his dog..same thing

thats a rigid bobber style chooper in the pic

what you lookin for, a sport bike or a harley style?
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