Gimme some ideas....

So, my roommates and I have all agreed that if none of us have a test, paper due the next day, or any important meetings within 2 days, we can discretely dose each other with mushrooms.

Rules are:

you must take the same amount you dose someone else with

you must tell them after they eat them

it cannot be done after sunset

So basically, I want some good ideas! ive got some fungus heading my way and I want to get them good.


Active Member
Wow really have any of you ever tripped before? This sounds really stupid to be honest considering none of you have the same tolerances sounds like its gonna end badly. Glad I'm not on your friends list but either way best of luck to you and your friends


Active Member
What's with the games? Stop fucking around, and just eat an 8th or more a piece and learn a little about the world you exist in.
yes we have all tripped before and all of our tolerances are extremely similar. this isn't something we are just jumping into without any knowledge....

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
you guys are party poopers.... I'll let you know how it goes thanks for the (lack of) advice...
No problem You do realize hallucinagen's work off of your mood, at least from my experiance... f your in a bad pissed off mood and your friends slip you a big dose, you better try to buckle up fast because your in for one helluva ride to say the


Active Member
you guys are party poopers.... I'll let you know how it goes thanks for the (lack of) advice...
Your the one who asked for advice not our fault you don't like it lol. And honestly advice I have to give is to tell your friends they should find new friends that wanna enjoy shit


Active Member
god, is everyone on here trying to be this guy's fucking mom? holy shit... seems like it'd be kinda hard to get someone to discretely eat 2 grams'd definately wanna just throw em with some food you all were eating, like pizza like fight said...or maybe even some sort of fruity or sweet desert? something you don't have to cook the mushrooms with and destroy the psy, but could cover up the taste...