ugh my old room mate, although a nice guy, was a huge hassle. He basically told me that the living room was his room along with his bedroom. He left trash everywhere, never cleaned up once the whole year we were there, never did the dishes even when there was no dishes to take, he played xbox at all waking moments very loudly, then complained when I played my music in my room just because I have a little 25 watt (if that!) subwoofer. One day I came home, and my fucking door was bashed in. Big hole in the door, and the part that goes into the hole in the frame was totally broke. He "fixed" it with wood glue, but PUT IT IN BACKWARDS so the fucking thing opened without making a sound, I'm still convinced he did it so he could sneak into my room when I was sleeping as we work different shifts.
When I finished our grow, we had 4 ounces off our one plant (I did all the growing, he had the funds to buy the kit), I had 2 ounces he got 2. He smoked his in 2 weeks, I traded an ounce for an Extreme Q vape (which he BROKE) and sold a quarter to a good friend at a reasonable price. I told him I had a set amount I was going to sell, then I'd keep the rest, but like every damn day he asked me to sell him stuff when I barely had a quarter my self. But I am nice and I did smoke him up quite a bit, my home grown was better than what he could get.
Fuck room mates.