All This Talk About Taxes


New Member
Stupid people rely on government run programs to make ends meet. Smart seniors saved and invested, they don't need SS.

If you live below the Poverty line, that is your fault and no one else.
Yeah Smart Seniors
Oh You Mean the Ones who made enough to live and Invest with. Yet the other day you were Bitching and Moaning that all the jobs dont pay a living wage
You are full of Hypocrisy.
And thanks for calling My grandparents Stupid
They should of made enough to live out the rest of their lives with all the Lucent stock they ended up with
Oh wait. That companys stock is worthless and on the Penny stock exchange

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Government doesn't give contracts to people with no ablility to produce a product, Without already having the production facility in place you will NEVER get a contract. Poor/working class people do not own factories. You NEED a rich person who has the capitol to be successful in manufacturing.
Wealthy people don't produce fighters, the workers do. Simply owning a factory isn't the same as building a fighter. If you eliminate all the wealthy people, someone else will rise to take their place then the fighter gets built. If you eliminate all the workers, there is no one to build the fighter. A factory doesn't build that fighter without people in there working.

Stupid people rely on government run programs to make ends meet. Smart seniors saved and invested, they don't need SS.
So people are stupid for relying on something they've paid into their whole lives and are entitled to just because we have asshole republicans who want to steal from them and therefor they deserve to be kicked out on to the streets? Real compassionate there. Stealing from the elderly to the point they are homeless is about the most shameful idea I've ever heard in my entire live.

If you live below the Poverty line, that is your fault and no one else
So if someone is born with a low IQ and only capable of working a minimum wage job their whole life where saving money is not an option, that person deserves to be thrown out on the streets? Real nice.


Well-Known Member
Yeah Smart Seniors
Oh You Mean the Ones who made enough to live and Invest with. Yet the other day you were Bitching and Moaning that all the jobs dont pay a living wage
You are full of Hypocrisy.
Please show us all by quoting where I bitched and moaned about jobs that don't pay a good wage? You won't, you can't because you are too stupid to know one person from the next. Your grandparents didn't know that you shouldn't put all your eggs into one basket? they are stupid. I can see the stupidity gene has already affected you too.


Well-Known Member
Wealthy people don't produce fighters, the workers do. Simply owning a factory isn't the same as building a fighter. If you eliminate all the wealthy people, someone else will rise to take their place then the fighter gets built. If you eliminate all the workers, there is no one to build the fighter. A factory doesn't build that fighter without people in there working.
You cannot build a fighter without a factory, period. You can keep yapping about how its the "Worker" (now a robot) who makes things, but it won't change the fact that workers are useless without something to actually work on. Take away all the rich people (and therefore all the factories) and you just have a bunch of out of work workers.

So people are stupid for relying on something they've paid into their whole lives and are entitled to just because we have asshole republicans who want to steal from them and therefor they deserve to be kicked out on to the streets? Real compassionate there. Stealing from the elderly to the point they are homeless is about the most shameful idea I've ever heard in my entire live.
Yes, your are really dumb for relying on someone else for your means. Does it mean you deserve to be kicked out into the streets? only you said that, not me.

So if someone is born with a low IQ and only capable of working a minimum wage job their whole life where saving money is not an option, that person deserves to be thrown out on the streets? Real nice.
It sure as hell isn't my fault! Make that person's family take care of him, why steal from me instead? Theft is wrong, how can you so blatantly support theft on a wide scale? Even God understands this, for it says thou shalt not steal, not thou shalt pay for another.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
You cannot build a fighter without a factory, period. You can keep yapping about how its the "Worker" (now a robot) who makes things, but it won't change the fact that workers are useless without something to actually work on. Take away all the rich people (and therefore all the factories) and you just have a bunch of out of work workers.
Wealthy people don't build factories either. Workers build those as well.

Yes, your are really dumb for relying on someone else for your means. Does it mean you deserve to be kicked out into the streets? only you said that, not me.
Ok. Well I feel the same way about your bank account. We should empty your bank account so we can pay off debt. You can sleep on the street. That is really no different than what you're suggesting. The guy paid into social security his whole life. It's his money, he earned it. He's entitled to it just as much as you are entitled to the money in your bank account.

It sure as hell isn't my fault! Make that person's family take care of him, why steal from me instead? Theft is wrong, how can you so blatantly support theft on a wide scale? Even God understands this, for it says thou shalt not steal, not thou shalt pay for another.
The guy already paid into social security his whole life. It's his money. Taking it away from him is in fact stealing. You're the one suggesting we steal his money to pay down debt, not me.


New Member
The guy already paid into social security his whole life. It's his money. Taking it away from him is in fact stealing. You're the one suggesting we steal his money to pay down debt, not me.
But Dan The Republicans dont want to steal the Money. They want that money Put into the Free market where you will have more choice on what to do with your now Dwindling pension fund that the Wall streeters are Bleeding off.
I mean Brokers dont give a shit if you make money or not, Their interest is in Churning accounts for the Brokerage fees

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Ok, then, fine, all children born into Poverty is YOUR fault. Pay up!
I would gladly pay up, because I know first-hand that it isn't the childs fault, or mine.

I was raised on government assistance, was it my fault? Am I grateful that my brother and I didn't just starve, or live in homeless shelters? Totally.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I would gladly pay up, because I know first-hand that it isn't the childs fault, or mine.

I was raised on government assistance, was it my fault? Am I grateful that my brother and I didn't just starve, or live in homeless shelters? Totally.
I'm with you on this. I will pay taxes to help care for those who need the assistance. It was there for me when I needed it. I feel I have an obligation to pay into the system so that someone else may survive difficult times. I had savings and a nice 401K that was decimated when the economy collapsed. I used every last drop to pay bills and keep up with payments when my company outsourced and I was laid off. I barely made it. Barely. I don't know where most of you get the idea that getting unemployment or welfare is some cash cow that falls like manna from heaven. Its embarrassing and degrading and most of the time doesn't cover all the bills. I tried my best to get off of unemployment as soon as I could. Two years later i was still unemployed. Corporations and businesses started this new policy of not hiring unemployed people. Which made it even harder for me to find a job.

I've been working since the age of 16. This is the first time in my life I went more than 2 months without a job. It was a very emasculating and humbling experience. Yeah, unemployment/welfare is no picnic.


Well-Known Member
Please show us all by quoting where I bitched and moaned about jobs that don't pay a good wage? You won't, you can't because you are too stupid to know one person from the next. Your grandparents didn't know that you shouldn't put all your eggs into one basket? they are stupid. I can see the stupidity gene has already affected you too.
It was from my anti immigration argument- i had pointed out that because of immigration and an abundance of workers their are people who are willing to work for less than the cost of living because their unable to demand a higher salary- this lowers our standard of living.


Well-Known Member
I would gladly pay up, because I know first-hand that it isn't the childs fault, or mine.

I was raised on government assistance, was it my fault? Am I grateful that my brother and I didn't just starve, or live in homeless shelters? Totally.
I'm with you on this. I will pay taxes to help care for those who need the assistance. It was there for me when I needed it. I feel I have an obligation to pay into the system so that someone else may survive difficult times. I had savings and a nice 401K that was decimated when the economy collapsed. I used every last drop to pay bills and keep up with payments when my company outsourced and I was laid off. I barely made it. Barely. I don't know where most of you get the idea that getting unemployment or welfare is some cash cow that falls like manna from heaven. Its embarrassing and degrading and most of the time doesn't cover all the bills. I tried my best to get off of unemployment as soon as I could. Two years later i was still unemployed. Corporations and businesses started this new policy of not hiring unemployed people. Which made it even harder for me to find a job.

I've been working since the age of 16. This is the first time in my life I went more than 2 months without a job. It was a very emasculating and humbling experience. Yeah, unemployment/welfare is no picnic.
Couldn't you just give to needy neighbors or give to a local church that helps people or start your own outreach program to help people? Why not eliminate the middle man so that your entire contribution can go to those in need instead of a large portion being used to pay for those who administer these programs

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Couldn't you just give to needy neighbors or give to a local church that helps people or start your own outreach program to help people? Why not eliminate the middle man so that your entire contribution can go to those in need instead of a large portion being used to pay for those who administer these programs
I give 10% of my income as tithing. I worked at the church welfare cannery to get food supplies in exchange. I'm a member of Friends of Pine Ridge. It's still isn't enough. Church programs and charitable organizations get overwhelmed. Especially in an economy like this. These organizations/churches depend on contributions to operate. If no one has money to give then there is nothing these organizations can do to help. Which is exactly what happened during the Great Depression. What happened then and what is happening now is exactly why we have a social safety net.


Well-Known Member
Actually no. You just happen to be one of the most ignorant people to ever walk the face of the earth. You're calling me stupid for citing a widely known truth. That's on you, not me. It's really not my fault you get your history from fox news.

You've been completely blinded by your ideology. Look for the truth instead of just believing people who tell you want to hear.
First off your graph is a percentage of GDP not dollars spent
Second off your graph is a pic in an article that agrees with what I said and is against everything you said.
You have to be one of the dumbest people on Gods green earth.

Here is the link

"[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]The conventions for measuring GDP include government expenditures, so GDP is a poor measure of underlying economic health. The government might, for instance, hire 10 million people to dig ditches during the day, 10 million more to fill them in at night, and 5 million bureaucrats to monitor the work. That would pump up GDP and reduce unemployment, but it wouldn’t increase society’s wealth. It would decrease it."[/FONT]


Well-Known Member
I give 10% of my income as tithing. I worked at the church welfare cannery to get food supplies in exchange. I'm a member of Friends of Pine Ridge. It's still isn't enough. Church programs and charitable organizations get overwhelmed. Especially in an economy like this. These organizations/churches depend on contributions to operate. If no one has money to give then there is nothing these organizations can do to help. Which is exactly what happened during the Great Depression. What happened then and what is happening now is exactly why we have a social safety net.
Because government manipulated the economy and failed is the reason for that depression and this one. People should never forget the cause.

By taxing and taking money out of the private sector people have less to spend on charitable organizations. Individuals have a far greater influence than a government entity. With government, you have no idea how that money is being spent.

When you yourself donate you are going to investigate which cause does the most good and more importantly you get to directly help the causes you are most interested in. If a family member has breast cancer aren't you going to donate more to that cause than to the diabetic cause. Both are very good causes but why not put your money into a charitable organization that will help the ones you love?


Well-Known Member
Because government manipulated the economy and failed is the reason for that depression and this one. People should never forget the cause.

By taxing and taking money out of the private sector people have less to spend on charitable organizations. Individuals have a far greater influence than a government entity. With government, you have no idea how that money is being spent.

When you yourself donate you are going to investigate which cause does the most good and more importantly you get to directly help the causes you are most interested in. If a family member has breast cancer aren't you going to donate more to that cause than to the diabetic cause. Both are very good causes but why not put your money into a charitable organization that will help the ones you love?
all untrue, uncited, fox news talking points.



Active Member
Population is only increasing and to want to cut "spending" is going to eliminate the middle class forever. The only thing that should be cut is defense spending but the previous administration already made policy not to cut defense "private contractors guarding oil" but to position itself for political leverage. This country has always and will always be controlled by the rich. We live in a desensitized cut throat world that is only going to get more fucked up and extreme.


Active Member
Compare Population from the 1930's 40's 50's and so on then compare wages, then compare defense spending and taxes, at this rate in 2050 avg salary going to be 150k and all the baby-boomers are going to be starving. Food, necessities will probably cost 5x what they do now and retirement plans aren't going to cover meds never mind electricity utilities ect


Active Member
Simple solution is to introduce government competition to the industries that only care about the bottom line. I.e Insurance companies, energy, also any city/state/fed employment funded by taxpayers should follow a simple rule of lower wages and a higher number of employees= more tax contribution less government aid.


Well-Known Member
Wealthy people don't build factories either. Workers build those as well.

Ok. Well I feel the same way about your bank account. We should empty your bank account so we can pay off debt. You can sleep on the street. That is really no different than what you're suggesting. The guy paid into social security his whole life. It's his money, he earned it. He's entitled to it just as much as you are entitled to the money in your bank account.

The guy already paid into social security his whole life. It's his money. Taking it away from him is in fact stealing. You're the one suggesting we steal his money to pay down debt, not me.
First of all i never suggested we do away with SS, you are the one who said that. Secondly, Workers are useless with no work to do. You have this idea that since i don't agree with your logic that it automatically makes me a republican, but then that would only make you a democrat, the dichotomy, the Hegelian dialectic. Stop labeling others.