All This Talk About Taxes


New Member
taxes = slavery

liberals = communists

what's next??

give me a break.... you want low taxes and zero government?? GO TO SOMALIA.

leave the people who want to lived in a well-governed and civilized society alone.
A lot of people wouldnt go to somalia
Because you know
They have Like Black people and Muslims


Active Member
Firstly, taxation is not slavery, You may not agree with the rate of return but you do get something for your money. I have used the same comparison before. A statement like this reminds me of a guy who exits a fine hotel in Vegas and claims he shouldn't pay the bill because the building was there when he got there, as were the beds, the water and the plumbing - why should HE pay anything for those services?
You are correct except for one thing. A large portion of your taxes go to the banks that sell us our money at interest. As time goes by this rate has been and wil continue to increase exponentially. We have no choice but to pay and acure this debt because the only way to get more money to pay the debt on the old money is to borrow more new money - at interest- to pay the old interest. SO we are forced to pay the banks a large portion of our taxes to in exchange for our labour. Thus we have slavery.

sums it up pretty good :



Well-Known Member
You used a really bad example there. If I purchase services from someone of my own volition I expect to be billed for said services as we have a contract in place.

people don't go to jail for not paying their taxes? What illusory world do you live in?

I will list just a few people who have gone to prison for not paying taxes.
John Durante-10 years
Kent Hovind-10 years
Irwin Schiff-8 years
Gordon Kahl, killed by US marshals in Arkansas who were taking him to prison for not paying his you know what.
Ed and Elaine Brown
Robert Beale
Leona Helmsley
Wesley Snipes
Richard Hatch (Survivor)
Al Capone

There are tens of thousands of people in prison this very moment who are there simply because they refused to pay their taxes.

refusing to pay federal income taxes is a federal felony.
Incorrect sir. Although this is a common belief especially among those most angry with their government. These people went to jail for defrauding the government or tax EVASION. This would be failure to report income, reporting inaccurately, using illegal means in order to aviod assessment of taxes.
You cannot be placed in jail simply for failing to pay duely reported taxes, there is no debtor's prision in the United States with two exceptions, Failure to pay wages and failure to pay child support.

I know it is anecdotal but I will tell you that I once owed the Internal Revenue Service in excess of 40 thousand dollars. I never paid and I was never jailed.


Well-Known Member
You are correct except for one thing. A large portion of your taxes go to the banks that sell us our money at interest. As time goes by this rate has been and wil continue to increase exponentially. We have no choice but to pay and acure this debt because the only way to get more money to pay the debt on the old money is to borrow more new money - at interest- to pay the old interest. SO we are forced to pay the banks a large portion of our taxes to in exchange for our labour. Thus we have slavery.

sums it up pretty good :


Interesting as this is, taxation, no matter how those taxes are used is still not slavery.


Well-Known Member
Incorrect sir. Although this is a common belief especially among those most angry with their government. These people went to jail for defrauding the government or tax EVASION. This would be failure to report income, reporting inaccurately, using illegal means in order to aviod assessment of taxes.
You cannot be placed in jail simply for failing to pay duely reported taxes, there is no debtor's prision in the United States with two exceptions, Failure to pay wages and failure to pay child support.

I know it is anecdotal but I will tell you that I once owed the Internal Revenue Service in excess of 40 thousand dollars. I never paid and I was never jailed.
If you fill out the forms and send it to the IRS and it says you OWE and you don't pay, of course they won't throw you in prison, you have already admitted that you owe them by filing your tax forms. I guess we are talking semantics here, but if you make income and have taxes due and don't file your taxes, you will go to jail. Fraud on your tax forms is illegal, not because you aren't paying your taxes, but because FRAUD is illegal.

So that $40K you owed them, you never paid and they never did anything about it? So I assume you never pay your taxes then, is that correct?

I think people may have a misunderstanding of what a slaves life was like 200 years ago in the US. Sure, for some it wasn't a good life at all, but for some slaves life was actually pretty good. Do some research on how slaves lived and some of their own thoughts and you will find it wasn't daily beatings and rapes and 20 hour work days 7 days a week. Some slaves actually enjoyed themselves very much and didn't even consider themselves a slave, but more like a privileged black person with a benefactor. Some slaves were sent to University and were given homes for them selves and their families. Slave life for all was not just like a episode of Roots or anything. And just like you don't consider paying 1/3 of your labor to government as slavery, those slaves that were well treated didn't really consider themselves as slaves either.


Well-Known Member
If you fill out the forms and send it to the IRS and it says you OWE and you don't pay, of course they won't throw you in prison, you have already admitted that you owe them by filing your tax forms. I guess we are talking semantics here, but if you make income and have taxes due and don't file your taxes, you will go to jail. Fraud on your tax forms is illegal, not because you aren't paying your taxes, but because FRAUD is illegal.

So that $40K you owed them, you never paid and they never did anything about it? So I assume you never pay your taxes then, is that correct?

I think people may have a misunderstanding of what a slaves life was like 200 years ago in the US. Sure, for some it wasn't a good life at all, but for some slaves life was actually pretty good. Do some research on how slaves lived and some of their own thoughts and you will find it wasn't daily beatings and rapes and 20 hour work days 7 days a week. Some slaves actually enjoyed themselves very much and didn't even consider themselves a slave, but more like a privileged black person with a benefactor. Some slaves were sent to University and were given homes for them selves and their families. Slave life for all was not just like a episode of Roots or anything. And just like you don't consider paying 1/3 of your labor to government as slavery, those slaves that were well treated didn't really consider themselves as slaves either.

I will not argue that every slave owner was a monster, undoubtably some treated their slaves well, but the institution itself is given to hideous abuse subject to the character of the people in ownership and eventually those people will succumb to the power inherent in owning another person. The fact is the same however, a tax on your labor is simply that, a tax on your labor and not slavery, you can always decide not to work as hard, to change jobs and earn less money, or the opposite, you can work even harder and get more money. Slaves never had that option.

There is nothing semantic only about the difference between fraud and failure to pay. If you owe they may be very hard on you but you will not go to jail and you will not be physicaly harmed if you simply don't pay what you admit by their rules, that you owe.

I pay taxes like everyone else. There is a 10 year statute of limitations on the collection of any money due the IRS. Had I paid a single cent, had I spoken to them or had any sort of agreement then the statute of limitations would have been reset every time I did. I had only to ignore all letters, adjust my witholding to have them owe me nothing and me owe them nothing for 10 years and then contact them in writting saying that their time to collect was over and the debt was deleted in it's entirety including all penalties. My girlfriend at the time was a tax interventionist and she showed me the codes, we were very very careful but it worked rather well. I don't think the IRS likes people knowing about this.


New Member
I think people may have a misunderstanding of what a slaves life was like 200 years ago in the US. Sure, for some it wasn't a good life at all, but for some slaves life was actually pretty good. Do some research on how slaves lived and some of their own thoughts and you will find it wasn't daily beatings and rapes and 20 hour work days 7 days a week. Some slaves actually enjoyed themselves very much and didn't even consider themselves a slave, but more like a privileged black person with a benefactor. Some slaves were sent to University and were given homes for them selves and their families. Slave life for all was not just like a episode of Roots or anything. And just like you don't consider paying 1/3 of your labor to government as slavery, those slaves that were well treated didn't really consider themselves as slaves either.
Honestly trying to Paint a rosy Picture of Slavery? WTF


Active Member
Interesting as this is, taxation, no matter how those taxes are used is still not slavery.
So if an un-elected individual (or group of individuals or corporation) steals control of taxes and bilks a portion of those taxes soley for themselves and uses your labour to generate those taxes it isn't slavery? Ok.... Will you chnage your tune when 100% of your taxes goes to these people?

OK let me adjust it a little. Right now only 3 months a year of your labour is slavery and so we should just be thankfull that its not twelve months and go back to watching Survivor and not worry about these things.


Well-Known Member
So if an un-elected individual (or group of individuals or corporation) steals control of taxes and bilks a portion of those taxes soley for themselves and uses your labour to generate those taxes it isn't slavery? Ok.... Will you chnage your tune when 100% of your taxes goes to these people?

OK let me adjust it a little. Right now only 3 months a year of your labour is slavery and so we should just be thankfull that its not twelve months and go back to watching Survivor and not worry about these things.

It may be wrong, it may be unacceptable but it is not slavery, as I said, in this country you are free not to work and thus not to owe taxes at all. No slave has ever been free not to work in one sense or another by his own volition. I will never "change my tune" because there is no tune here - taxation, no matter where the funds go, is not slavery, it may be theft, it may be all sorts of things but it is not slavery unless and until your government tells you that you have to work.


Active Member
it may be all sorts of things but it is not slavery unless and until your government tells you that you have to work.
If I don't pay my taxes I go to jail where I am forced to work or at the very least I sit in a cage while a person collects tax payer dollars to make sure I stay in that cage as long as possible.

By your very definition it is salvery because we are forced to pay taxes if we want to work and earn a living. As I have said befor I have no problem paying taxes as long as 100% of that money is spent within the government and is spent fiscally resposonsibly (no red ink). As soon as a portion of my labour tax is stolen by an un-elected private person or corporation it becomes slavery.


Well-Known Member
If I don't pay my taxes I go to jail where I am forced to work or at the very least I sit in a cage while a person collects tax payer dollars to make sure I stay in that cage as long as possible.

By your very definition it is salvery because we are forced to pay taxes if we want to work and earn a living. As I have said befor I have no problem paying taxes as long as 100% of that money is spent within the government and is spent fiscally resposonsibly (no red ink). As soon as a portion of my labour tax is stolen by an un-elected private person or corporation it becomes slavery.

You do not go to jail if you don't pay your taxes Coals. Tickets to the zoo cost 10 dollars, you don't get to only pay 8 because you don't like zebras.

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
A little known fact, and one the IRS will not tell you, is that IRS liens can be charged off through Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

The rule is this: As long as you have filed, and that filing is over three years old, it can be charged off.


New Member
Why do people go to jail for tax evasion?

That analogy holds no gravity is this context and you know it.
Failure to File is against the Law. And even then the IRS will let you file late with fees and penaltys.

You can owe millions and not go to jail.

But if you try to hide, defraud or evade taxes that is illegal

And I know a Doctor who is a very very moral man. He was trained as a jesuit priest. (married now no longer with the church.
He went to jail for 6 months (2 year sentence) He refused to file taxes because he did not support the Goverments action in Nicarauga. Rather than File he went to jail.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
taxes = slavery

liberals = communists

what's next??

give me a break.... you want low taxes and zero government?? GO TO SOMALIA.

leave the people who want to lived in a well-governed and civilized society alone.
Please explain why in this "well governed society" known as the United States of America there are more people in prison than any other country by percent of population ? If it is so 'well governed" why is it the biggest debtor country in the world ? Also why can't people own their own bodies here?


New Member
Ask your law and order Republicans who look for any excuse to lock people up and disinfranchise them in the process

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Ask your law and order Republicans who look for any excuse to lock people up and disinfranchise them in the process
They are not "my" law and order Republicans. I do not ascribe to the initiation of force, be it thru the Democratic or Republican form of governmental theft.