whats wrong here?


Well-Known Member
So I need to know WTF is the issue here. The Ph has been 6.3 I'm using promix#4, growing OG Kush, week2 of bud, feeding equal parts of micro, grow, bloom, of advanced nutes, The top parts of the plants seem healthy and bottom yellows. Temps are 85max out at 90 when buying co2 at 1000ppm. Have them in 5gallon pots plants are about 3.5 feet tall.Any good advice would be great thanks. Sorry for poor quality pics



Well-Known Member
Hey guy...
I think its CAl/mag prb if u have some brown pots in your large leafs? ...
Make a photo without Hps light it will clear for c the color of the prb /....


Well-Known Member
6.3 is great for soil but are you sure this measure is correct? because this defs are usually because of acidic PH. Even Mg/Mn/Ca def Turns your soil acidic. Foliar Feed them meanwhile using a Calmag supplement


Well-Known Member
It's some type of nutrient lockout possibly maybe a ph issues~
I'm trying some ffof and sunshine mix 4 mixed 50/50 with perlite
their looking real good the perlite is 7.0 ph this great for stabilizing
the ph~


Well-Known Member
Are you using RO water or tap water?
This is very important. You should only use Tap water! even if your supplementing extra Calmag.

I think it's definitely Mg, Also AN sucks balls so you're gonna have to buy their own Calmag supplement. Do urself a favor and ditch those nutes after this crop-


Well-Known Member
This is very important. You should only use Tap water! even if your supplementing extra Calmag.

I think it's definitely Mg, Also AN sucks balls so you're gonna have to buy their own Calmag supplement. Do urself a favor and ditch those nutes after this crop-
Wy does AN suck? I have calmag plus from biotonicare. I also have the raw for of Magnesium should I use that with my feeding or not?
Im using tap water that I get from a well. I let it sit out for a day before I feed the plants.

Also my friend said that he watered one time with a ph of 5.9 would that be enough to screw things up? If so what can be done to fix this. Im watering today. I sprayed plants with the calmag. How much should I be spraying the plant? How often? I also have a organic NPK Solution. So I just need to know what to use and how to use it. Also I watered today with a ph of 6.4 because I did a ph runoff test and it was 6.0


Well-Known Member
Prize, lack of compatibility with other brand supplements. You usually end up buying all their stuff to raise a good crop. and it's a freaking scam!


Well-Known Member
you have nutrient lockout coming from probably toxic salts in your soil like a build up of Mg or Ca... it would be advised to flush your soil thoroughly...

you said 5 gallon buckets so even though the size of the bucket doesnt have anything to do with liquid measurement flush it with 7 gallons of pH'd water of exactly 6.7 and preferably if you can get water that is 300 ppm or less it will help, otherwise flushing with high ppm water wont do much to help...

then... to get the most accurate run off and soil reading...

wait till the final gallon of water that youre going to be pouring in and let the bucket your plant is in sit in a run off catcher or whatever you have to catch the water with for at least 15 mins...

then pick up the pot your plant is in and get the drips from one of the drainage holes to drip out onto either a tester or a liquid pH test kit which should get your flush reading of
your pH back at around 6.5 and it should definitely by now clear out the toxic nute salt buildup...

and then wait a few days to a week before starting to add your normal feeding regiment...


Well-Known Member
dont know how you water your plant but if you just water it a little bit with nutes and often you will most likely over the course of time muck up your pH and have toxic soil by your 4th week of flowering...

But if you feed and water it with your water/nute solution, till it pours well out of the bottom... then wait till dry and the soil is light again then simply rinse and repeat... in other words when you do your feeding just feed it like you would normally with not too strong concentration of nutes and not too little concentration...

you should just end up using a higher volume of your mix or water... say when you normally feed your plant you feed it with 1 gallon of water/nute mix...

now instead of only 1 gallon give it 2 gallons with the same % of nutes and same ppm...

Yeah most of it will end up being wasted and you will go through your nutes slightly faster when it ends up running off... this way you are giving the plant the same good concentration as a % of nutrient mix... plus you are also clearing out the fertiliser salts that are left behind which the plant doesnt use anyways which has built up since last feeding ya dig ;)

so try to if you want to water and feed it until it saturates the soil and run off is quite apparent every time you... and you shouldnt get a buildup or even lock out your nutrients to your plants ever again...


Well-Known Member
Ok so I understand the flushing part but what do I do during the week that I cannot give it any nutes? Should I be spraying CalMag on the plants at night? If so how often?


Well-Known Member
Ok so I understand the flushing part but what do I do during the week that I cannot give it any nutes? Should I be spraying CalMag on the plants at night? If so how often?
Yes, you gotta keep feeding them through leaves while the medium is off. Agree about the fulsh..


Well-Known Member
So I flushed half the plants today and its my least fav thing in the whole fucking world. I'D rather eat sand!!! So if anyone can give me the best advice on how to avoid this that would be Fucking awesome. Keep in mind this is my first time thats why Im having issues. Is it because I have hard water? what forces my ph to drop when its constantly 6.3?


Well-Known Member
So I flushed half the plants today and its my least fav thing in the whole fucking world. I'D rather eat sand!!! So if anyone can give me the best advice on how to avoid this that would be Fucking awesome. Keep in mind this is my first time thats why Im having issues. Is it because I have hard water? what forces my ph to drop when its constantly 6.3?

Why pH Varies The ratio in uptake of anions (negatively charged nutrients) and cations (positively charged nutrients) by plants may cause substantial shifts in pH. In general, an excess of cation over anion leads to a decrease in pH, whereas an excess of anion over cation uptake leads to an increase in pH. As nitrogen (an element required in large quantities for healthy plant growth) may be supplied either as a cation (ammonium - NH4+) or an anion (nitrate - NO3), the ratio of these two forms of nitrogen in the nutrient solution can have large effects on both the rate and direction of pH changes with time. This shift in pH can be surprisingly fast. Daylight photosynthesis produces hydrogen ions which can cause the nutrient acidity to increase (lowering the pH). At dusk photosynthesis stops and the plants increase their rate of respiration and this coupled with the respiration of micro organisms and the decomposition of organic matter uses up the hydrogen ions so the acidity of the solution tends to decrease ( pH rises )
Source: http://www.greenmanspage.com/guides/phfacts.html


Well-Known Member
Are all you people retarded or just like giving bad advice? Mg is an IMMOBILE ELEMENT, deficiencies start at the top first.