How long does it take for trichs to go from energetic to couchlock?


Well-Known Member
If harvested now, my Northern lights would give me an "energetic" high as the trichs are cloudy and some amber. How long does it take for them to change to give me a couchlock high?



Well-Known Member
If harvested now, my Northern lights would give me an "energetic" high as the trichs are cloudy and some amber. How long does it take for them to change to give me a couchlock high?

The "couchlock" feeling you are speaking of can be attributed to CBD which is another type of cannabinoid that is strain dependent, or CBN if its more of a "sleepy/drowsy" couchlock. CBN comes from degraded THC molecules, which are those "amber" trichs you the more couchlock you want, the more you let turn also remember the longer you let a strain remain growing after its peak potency harvesting period(during the period you are probably in right now), the more likely of having a hermi happen due to the plants wanting to procreate later in life.


Well-Known Member
The more cloudy trichs you allow to turn amber, the more couchlock the stone. If you go long enough you'll get bud that sends you to sleepy land. What you have now is what is usually considered peak ripeness. It's up to you. Happy growing!

If harvested now, my Northern lights would give me an "energetic" high as the trichs are cloudy and some amber. How long does it take for them to change to give me a couchlock high?



Active Member
I'm about at where you are at and was wondering about starting a 48-72 hr dark period before the harvest. Will more of the trichs turn amber in the dark for a couple days, or should I wait until I see the amount of amber I want ( maybe 25-50 %) until I kill the lights before harvest?
Currently the trichs are just starting to turn at the tips of the bigger sugar leaves.


Well-Known Member
I usually let them go 80% milky 20% amber on my indica doms and 100% milky on sativa doms. She doesn't really age in the dark, but you will see a few more amber trichs. The theory is that in the dark period more thc is converted from cbd's/cbn's, giving more potent bud.


Well-Known Member
Despite my plant having cloudy and some amber trichs there is still white pistils. Surely its not ready yet?

The photos were taken two days ago



Well-Known Member
When about 50% of the pistils change, 80% milky/20% amber, then I harvest. You can harvest the mature nugs and leave the undergrowth to develop a bit more over the next week.