First Grow using CFL's

DSCN2864.jpgDSCN2863.jpgDSCN2864.jpgDSCN2863.jpgWell here's a couple of pics. I am having trouble with my camera, supposed to be able to get within .8 of an inch but it wont focus very close at all, dont know if it is lighting or some other issue. Anyway I noticed this a.,m. 2 hair looking things on one of the older nodes. I think tthis is the beginning of flowersing (hopefully).
Well I finally managed to get a close up of the hairs I was talking about. Not sure if this is preflower or what. Maybe someone can answer for me: I see something on the net tha these may be indications of a female?



Well-Known Member
Well I finally managed to get a close up of the hairs I was talking about. Not sure if this is preflower or what. Maybe someone can answer for me: I see something on the net tha these may be indications of a female?

Those are stipules...not pistils...both male and female have them...still gotta wait bro :D
Okay so I decided to top my largest and oldest plant today. I was effectively out of space vertically unless I removed lighting from the top. The plant is nearly 20" in 4+ weeks. Next time I will buy a short variety, This is Afghan Special and it is growing 1" or more a day. Will be interesting to see what happens now.


Well-Known Member
you thought 85w is big you should see these 150w i got i will post a pic later im too lazy atm they are about a foot long and about as big around as a foot ball :)
Get some dark sunglasses you are gonna need them. I was surprised by my 85 watter, I figured it would generate a lot more heat, but it really doesnt. How much did it set you back and where did you buy it?


Well-Known Member
If your lights are close it shouldnt be growing at that rapid rate. Right now for me, i kept my lights 2 inches away a week then the next week its up to 7 inches then back to 2inches for one week, ive managed to keep em around ten inches at 3.5 weeks, it might not be too late for lst at 5 weeks depending on how long your going to veg, some pics of this plant woud be awsome
I think it is a large variety. Afghan Special... It has a 300 watt equiv. on top and 2 150w. equivs on 2 sides. all 2650K. I'll get some pics later, but not significantly different than last post here.
I topped this one yesterday, I havent thought about doing anything else except buying some short varieties. The newer seedlings I have are not nearly as stretched as this one. I think I had too little light first couple of weeks. Latest seedlings are in their 3rd. weeks and are only about 4-5 inches tall. zIn another week Ill know for sure. I have verified one thing, between me using potting soil with nutes in it and giving a little nutes too it was causing tips to turn brown. While new seedlings were potted in soil with nutes they havent browned on new growth yet. They are all except 1 in plain potting soil now. I have given them a little bone meal/blood meal and Epsom salts, plus some liquid schults flowering fert. about 1 time a week. Even the older plant quit browning on the tips too. While I may use some other method to grow in the future, it wont be with any potting soil with nutes in it.JMO


Well-Known Member
i hear you on that. im thinkin about just switching to the bubbling 5 gal buckets and say screw soil. my neighbors are getting suspicious with me buying all this soil.


Well-Known Member
you should look into using coco thats what i use in combination with air pots. root growth is 50x times faster and is dirt cheap-cheaper then dirt :)

i get em by the brick 13$ for 20gal equivalent (atleast 20 gal)
air pots are the best imo all my flower plants have them. they fit together perfectly like legos so you can cram alot more into your space and you never have to worry about transplant cuz of air prune.
its kinda one size fits all with them. unless you are trying to grow a 5ft tall tree then you obviously would want to go with a bigger size.

i was thinking of growing with airpots the whole way thru till flower then making a type of hydro container by then the roots will be coming out of the bottem grate and i can suspend them in water nd add bubblestones underneath them
Lol, Yeah I got soil all over the front porch and buckets. Mail lady must thing something is going on with a constant stream of packages... Good thing its near xmas!<G> I need to cool it anyway, I think I almost bought up all the cfls in the world....


Well-Known Member
i can relate to that i have a stack of boxes along the wall in my room 4ft long by 3 ft high