Crazy? psycho? Share...

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I tried to drown my severely crippled hamster, he would not die , i freaked out thinking i was a killer and he finaly died all wrapped in his blankie, he was then tossed in my backyard fire pit to be one with nature.
But that was a messed up day :(

shoulda played hamster ball


Active Member
I constantly PICK at my face...any little pimple or scab I pick....I don't have severe acne or anything but it has left minor scarring that I hate, I really need to stop lol.


Pickle Queen
I constantly PICK at my face...any little pimple or scab I pick....I don't have severe acne or anything but it has left minor scarring that I hate, I really need to stop lol.
Do u have long nails? If so trim them when u notice ur picking, they seem to find every little bump, nick or piece of dry skin lol.
I'm almost 30 and still get a random pimple or 2 every month ;) lol I know i'm gonna sound like mom but do u wash u face well b4 bed, seriously all women should, so many sleep with makeup or other crap on their face, using warm water opens ur pores and allows u to properly exfoliate, did u know when u pick a pimple and make it bleed it takes 5 more days to heal versus letting not squeezing!!


Active Member
Do u have long nails? If so trim them when u notice ur picking, they seem to find every little bump, nick or piece of dry skin lol.
I'm almost 30 and still get a random pimple or 2 every month ;) lol I know i'm gonna sound like mom but do u wash u face well b4 bed, seriously all women should, so many sleep with makeup or other crap on their face, using warm water opens ur pores and allows u to properly exfoliate, did u know when u pick a pimple and make it bleed it takes 5 more days to heal versus letting not squeezing!!
I have normal length nails. I wash my face every morning and night. I don't have acne at all just random pimples every once in a while I just constantly pick and pick, and sometimes just pick at ANYTHING...I gotta stop haha.


Pickle Queen
I have normal length nails. I wash my face every morning and night. I don't have acne at all just random pimples every once in a while I just constantly pick and pick, and sometimes just pick at ANYTHING...I gotta stop haha.
Mittens !!!! hahahahaha

Total Head

Well-Known Member
I constantly PICK at my face...any little pimple or scab I pick....I don't have severe acne or anything but it has left minor scarring that I hate, I really need to stop lol.
if you want to reduce scarring you can put a dab of neosporin and a spot bandage (like when you get a shot) on there and wear it as long as you can bear, at least a day, or until there's no longer an open wound. if alcohol won't sting it, it's closed. this prevents scarring big time. it also works after you pop the occasional blemish. it will even help draw out additional pus so at least the pimple is flat.

when it starts itching, you win.


Active Member
I also like to steal Rosebud magazines from my friends....tear out pages....wipe my butt with them...then drop them off at Advanced Rosebud is shut down....I guess it worked!


New Member
i watched the first season of lost on dvd.................... i got bout four episodes into the second and they lost me.................