Nice try buddy. All these things that the ARABS did was pre-mohammed, befor 630 s. When looking pre and post mohammed you see an almost drop off in technology from the area. Furthermore, muslims dont use alcohol as an antiseptic unless unknowingly as the TOUCHING of alcohol is harram (forbidden) yes, those advances were made in the same area, but it certainly wasnt islam
"Al-Hazen 965 -1038 is the person who first found the relationship between light source, lens and resultant image. That is why called as "Al-Hazen Theorem". He also explained how an eye can see. He said that we can only see when light falls on that object and reflect back to our eyes."
So since Muhammad died in 632, and this "Al-Hazen guy" is before Muhammad? and before Islam?
From wikipedia
"Science in the medieval Islamic world, also known as Islamic science or Arabic science, is the science developed and practiced in the Islamic world during the Islamic Golden Age (c.750 CE - c.1258 CE). During this time, Indian, Iranian and especially Greek knowledge was translated into Arabic. These translations became a wellspring for scientific advances, by scientists from the Islamic civilization, during the Middle Ages."
Not all Muslims are ARABS you damn fool.
The arabian peninsula consists of Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain.
All these "arabs" are not even Islamic.
Thanks for making yourself look....well....dumb
Also the Quran says nothing about forcing women to be confined to certain rooms in the home, nor does it require ALL women to be veiled. Muhammad didnt treat his wife as a dog like most Islamic men do in our era. He treated her (he was originally married to a single woman who owned the "company" he worked for) with respect and took her voice into consideration on many occasions. It was the Islamic Fundamentalists (which exist in every religion), such as the Taliban, that enforced these extreme laws and brought back the barbaric law system of the past.