Aussie Growers Thread

Sorry for the multi post!! they seem to have the waterfarms but in the 8 pack i hear the resivoir is awful as fuck might go with the powergrower =P i'll call them tomorrow as you said they might be able to work something out, so fucking excited
Where abouts you from anyway? im in melbourne, got my tent from sydney,took almost 2 weeks lol
sorry guys that I havent been on lately. Been busy training and started a new job. but in good news I received my grow tent, grow trays, intake and exhaust fans and water pump.
Seems as though all the Aussies are stepping up there game, lets prove as Aussies we can grow some fucking dank budz =D Glad to hear about the new job best of luck champ!


Well-Known Member
yeah im from newcastle so it was just down the rd for me i guess. melbourne i would still expect it within a week i order shit from down there all the time doesnt usually take that long. i guess a tents a pretty big item though.


Well-Known Member
im glad you brought this topic up actually because i have a few spare air pumps lying around so i am going to make 2 more waterfarms of my own. i can get all the gear to make 2 for about $100 plus it will be fun to make

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I found an airpump outside my door the other day :)

I guess the guy that I borrowed the light off of thought I could use it...

And I just smoked some quick dried leaf off of my 1 HBD that actually started flowering when it was supposed to... about half a joint of the quick dried leaf and it feels like about a toke of some okish weed... So I've got high hopes for the actual bud... it tastes a little sweet and there is some other sort of flavour that I can't describe...


Just smoked a small amount of quick dried bud... I only sacrificed a small small nug for the Qucik dry and it ended up being about a quarter of a one paper...
I can't wait to have some properly cured Himalaya Blue... This shit has the best flavour of anything I've had so far since I had my first toke 7 years ago... I'm definitely going to be growing more of this... I hope the curing leaves this mystery flavour in it... it's probably just the deisel in it or something... dunno... never had anything described as diesel before...
My kalashkanova smells of fuel like dirty dirty diesil lol =P @forget man im so hopeless at building/making things when it comes to grow systems and im a civil engineer lol. im originally from Newcastle bro, lived in hamilton, Swansea and Nords wharf if you've heard of them places, wont go into detail where i am now because these sites provoke police haha

This is going to sound retarded!
How the fuck do i upload photos without imageshack? since my net browser wont allow me to use it!!

Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member
My kalashkanova smells of fuel like dirty dirty diesil lol =P @forget man im so hopeless at building/making things when it comes to grow systems and im a civil engineer lol. im originally from Newcastle bro, lived in hamilton, Swansea and Nords wharf if you've heard of them places, wont go into detail where i am now because these sites provoke police haha

This is going to sound retarded!
How the fuck do i upload photos without imageshack? since my net browser wont allow me to use it!!
go into your CP and make an album then you can UL them direct


Well-Known Member
My kalashkanova smells of fuel like dirty dirty diesil lol =P @forget man im so hopeless at building/making things when it comes to grow systems and im a civil engineer lol. im originally from Newcastle bro, lived in hamilton, Swansea and Nords wharf if you've heard of them places, wont go into detail where i am now because these sites provoke police haha

This is going to sound retarded!

How the fuck do i upload photos without imageshack? since my net browser wont allow me to use it!!
i use of course thats only if u dont mind having all your photos uploaded on another site. u can password protect it and stuff though im not really 1 to worry too much.
@Toxer, have you smoked the Bluewidow? i gre her out not long ago, the smell is so fruity, seems more like a hobbiest plant, it came out with some nice colours and finished really fast, the smoke wasnt as good as i imagined, but it might just be me =P
They look amazing by the ay kudos to you my friend!

Also can anyone get there hands on c99 cuttings or seeds? i think im getting close to receiving pms haha =D

New tent, 1.4x14x2m high, perfect for what i want to do =D mylar finish!

New seeds, white widow, white rhino and strawberry cough, got some afghan haze 33, jack, confidential cheese and powerkush as freebies =D will be growing the afghan outside this summer and the jack ill grow indoor sometime next season the rest will be sold to friends at work since they enjoy/love the Weed i grow!

Sorry for the crap photos will get better ones when my new iphone4-s comes =P

Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member

New tent, 1.4x14x2m high, perfect for what i want to do =D mylar finish!

New seeds, white widow, white rhino and strawberry cough, got some afghan haze 33, jack, confidential cheese and powerkush as freebies =D will be growing the afghan outside this summer and the jack ill grow indoor sometime next season the rest will be sold to friends at work since they enjoy/love the Weed i grow!

Sorry for the crap photos will get better ones when my new iphone4-s comes =P
looking good slippery!
ive got a pack of cindy f2's from 'fractal', made from mosca negra beans who uses original brothers grimm stock.
I nwant to select f3s from these, as well as collect pollen and make some crosses i have in mind. I dont know how familiar you are with cindy mate but as you probably know shes well inbred so a very good breeding tool.
Just getting the time to grow them out is hard with a full plate as it is. We need to start a 'collective' so we can pass things around and help eachother out.
For sure i'm more than happy to share! i was about to say!! i'll be taking cuts off my kalashkanova before the new year, ill get them rooted and on the go only problem shes in organics but shes an absolute freak, spitting 3 branches on each node at a time rather than 2, i've been revegging her for just over 4 months now she's finally taking to the outdoors, heavy yielder and a wonderful plant, the smoke is out of this world, i believe i have the ak47 pheno diesil smell great dense fat collas, i gre it out before it as quite small and got 2 1/2 ozz off 3 collas =D
I'm open for trade, we need to do this over email rather then here, im not a paranoid person im very vocal about the plant in which alot of us love =D
Only problem pigs dont like it haha =(
Also, id be very interested in some of that pollen dude, i've been growing since i was 14, one of the first plants i ever grew out was a c99 from brothers grimm, i remember hulucinating the buds where small dense sticky resenous little fuckers with the strongest hit i've ever taken =D
Wouldn't be good for me now considering i have anxiety from taking other harder drugs, which i regret doing so now, so growing is my safe haven my life my everything, i've always been interested in breeding and trying new things!

First pic gives you a fair idea of the internoding, 3 branches every node sometimes 4 and yes shes pure female, growing apidly now thats shes outside getting good light and a nice amount of rain.

Top view, i had to tip it as it cant get any light to the canopy, tipped at 6th node or whatever this plant confuses me as to where the noding begins and where it stops if u catch my drift!

This gives u the best example of what i mean, yes i got off my ass and got the ne phone, impressed with the pics, hope you enjoy as much as ive enjoyed this long ride through reveg =D
As you can see i had a minor magnesium deficiancy i was woried she wouldnt make it but shes sturdy and has pulled through!


hey everyone, i was just wondering if anyone here either sells clones or knows anyone in s.a by any chance. very interested if so =] feel free to pm me

Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member
@slippery- fuckin oath mate, like i said in the PM ill get something sorted and we'll go from there.
The kalash, tri-foliate nice! has she always had the 3 nodes or is it just due to the funky re-veg? She sounds like kill the way you describe her *licks lips hehehe.
Ive got my kush cut and SLH needing some new homes while i move on to other projects, if we spread the genetics we can always get them back too.

Edit; i think i might create a group for hardcore aussie growers, but it might have to be at a different site because im not sure if you can make groups private here. im working on it, if anyones interested PM me