Aussie Growers Thread


I LST my big one today, it already shot back up in a few hours which is good. Could i go any lower or should i keep it at this height?

Also a new addition to my indoor grow experiments, This is my desk i have connected the 3 front of the drawers together for a nice stealth cab. I just need some more fans to show up and ill get it up and running, Although i keep forgetting about it and looking into non existent drawers for things D:. Bong for comparison, its a pretty big one too btw lol.


I'm not to sure on wat the laws and penalties are in Vic , anyone no wat I'd be looking at if I got caught with about 12 plants ."
hrmm it would depend on few things tbh like if u had any priors and if u can prove its just for you and you get in more trouble if its indoor, 12 plants isn't that much prob just slap on the wrist if u have clean record but i'm not 100% sure, yeah let me or toxer know where that shop is located thanks man


New Member
heya lad's just chucking up a couple old photo's of my first hydro grow shots were last week switched to 12/12 now so things are a little different!! Got a TH seeds SAGE DARKSTAR DINAFEM Moby Dick


Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member
I LST my big one today, it already shot back up in a few hours which is good. Could i go any lower or should i keep it at this height?

Also a new addition to my indoor grow experiments, This is my desk i have connected the 3 front of the drawers together for a nice stealth cab. I just need some more fans to show up and ill get it up and running, Although i keep forgetting about it and looking into non existent drawers for things D:. Bong for comparison, its a pretty big one too btw lol.
the ingenuity of of aussie potheads never ceases to amaze:bigjoint: it takes a stoners motivation to have a secret drawer entrance, bloody brilliant!
That LST is perfect mate, are you planning on pulling her down tighter? Bend away till your hearts content, i usually bend with a bit of strategy which doesnt always work out how i planned haha live n learn

GL with your project mate id be keen to see more as its finished, uh and tbanga maybe stick a note to the front of the drawers to remind yourself to keep out:wall::mrgreen:hehehe

Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member
heya lad's just chucking up a couple old photo's of my first hydro grow shots were last week switched to 12/12 now so things are a little different!! Got a TH seeds SAGE DARKSTAR DINAFEM Moby Dick
oooh a bunch of healthy murrays on there way to big hefty flowers
whats up man, i see hydroton drippers, rocks.. spill:blsmoke::mrgreen:


New Member
lol yeh like a few different medias im using atm buddy! dripper system atm too thinking of going back to hand feeding just easier and my watering systems leaking into the pool and eek 84% humidity ouch!! my perlite cow-poo coco mix is steaming ahead of the pack tho!

Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member
lol yeh like a few different medias im using atm buddy!
f'in oath mate, gotta keep up the r&d to stay on top of the game:confused::eyesmoke:
dripper system atm too thinking of going back to hand feeding just easier
i enjoy handwatering to as you can study the progress, it keeps you involved,. but it also gets old fast. automated everything is the go.
my watering systems leaking into the pool and eek 84% humidity ouch!!
Hmm time to get a pen and pad and figure drainage. Things can be a pain in the ass sometimes:mrgreen::blsmoke:
Check out VPD- vapor pressure deficit, you can find info
If humidity is too low (i.e. high VPD), the stomata on the leaves tend to close in order to limit transpiration and prevent wilting. This closing of the stomata will also limit the rate of CO2 uptake and hence limit photosynthesis and consequently plant growth. Low humidity also reduces turgidity (water pressure within the plant cells) and this in turn also restricts growth. Blossom end rot in tomatoes and capsicum can also be attributed to low humidity (high VPD).

Conversely, if humidity is too high (i.e. low VPD) the stomata will fully open but even so the plants will be unable to evaporate enough water to carry minerals into the plant and so again, growth will be impeded and mineral deficiencies (particularly calcium) may occur. In addition, the plants may exhibit soft growth, fungal problems and mineral deficiency symptoms

if the temperature is 85F, humidity should not be higher than 62%
if the temperature is 80F, humidity should not be higher than 58%
If the temperature is 75F, humidity should not be higher than 53%
If the temperature is 70F, humidity should not be higher than 47%
the rule of thumb seems to be a target temp of 80F should have just under 60% humidity.
my perlite cow-poo coco mix is steaming ahead of the pack tho!


New Member
yes R+D rules haha um yup fuck 84% is killing me starting with the main problems first haha i know em just gotta change em! anyone used say like silica or hippo moisture absorbers im in a 1.2x.1.2 tent too!
Been on holiday's just got back today, will catch up on everything tonight!
Finally my new tent has arrived, new beans, waiting on my gh waterfarms =D
Going to be an awesome christmas, i'll post pics when everything has arrived,
happy farming people


Well-Known Member
Hmm my lowryders I have got outdoors with my tomatoes are starting to get a black/moldy leaf curl but so are the tomatoes next to them , I'm starting to think the tomatoes have gave my babies blight!!!! Anyone no if this is even possible?


hey i was just wondering if anyone here buys seeds from the net? if so what sites have you had good experiences with? just im wanting to buy some just a bit wary about getting busted or something. i live in sa so yeh any help would be greatly appreciated =]