Your fav religious /anti religious vids

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
dude, monsters that will torture you and eat you is way scarier than a cow or bull. plus darken woods is way scarier than a ranch.

you said you know a lot about fear, once you know it and understand it... you can decide what to do with it. the fear is always there, you just decide to not be afraid.

you can either pretend the fear isnt there (very easy, like an emu sticking its head in the ground pretending the lion cant eat him) or accept the fear is there, and decide to face it head on (accept the lion is there and turn to face it, real courage)


Well-Known Member
Yea man, there is nothing scary on a ranch of 3000 acres! And i firgot, you are a higher level thinker that knows everything

You learn what to do with fear by not being afraid and confronting it... If you are walking down the street and a ravage dog attacks you and you are scared of dogs, your natural reaction will be to run, not stay there and understand what you are going to do. Unless you do not FEAR dogs then you can stay there and stand your ground

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
bro, you are terrified of those dogs... but in spite of that fear you face them, that is what courage is. to face your fear.
my uncle was in veitnam, he was in the middle of a fire fight, he was scared shitless... bullets raining everywhere, there was nothing he could do about that fear, but in spite of that fear... he stood his ground and kept shooting, all the while knowing he could be shot at any moment.


  1. The ability to do something that frightens one.
  2. Strength in the face of pain or grief.
the fear was always with him, but he was courageous and fought even though he was afraid. that person fought those dogs even though they were afraid.

but its scary to change the way you think, so i assume you will continue to deny this.


Well-Known Member
I doubt your uncle was in Vietnam cause if he was you would have known how to spell it.

It is called adaptation to your environment... If you dont know what that is, well you just dont know.

bro, you are terrified of those dogs... but in spite of that fear you face them, that is what courage is. to face your fear.
my uncle was in veitnam, he was in the middle of a fire fight, he was scared shitless... bullets raining everywhere, there was nothing he could do about that fear, but in spite of that fear... he stood his ground and kept shooting, all the while knowing he could be shot at any moment.


  1. The ability to do something that frightens one.
  2. Strength in the face of pain or grief.
the fear was always with him, but he was courageous and fought even though he was afraid. that person fought those dogs even though they were afraid.

but its scary to change the way you think, so i assume you will continue to deny this.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
I doubt your uncle was in Vietnam cause if he was you would have known how to spell it.

It is called adaptation to your environment... If you dont know what that is, well you just dont know.
there is no reasoning with someone who thinks without reason. all that you have done is ridicule the statements i make that you do not understand, or better yet, refuse to understand. it is a sign of immaturity, and also the will to be ignorant despite the facts. i am done arguing with you.

watch this video.


eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...Luger, I get that. But if 97% means all, then I guess science will always 'win'. (no, that's not my view of science.) you see what I mean? Doesn't science put a ton of 'faith' into 3%? As long as 97% are on board, we have a theory.

...inverted christianity :lol:


Well-Known Member
heres another good one...


Well-Known Member
...Luger, I get that. But if 97% means all, then I guess science will always 'win'. (no, that's not my view of science.) you see what I mean? Doesn't science put a ton of 'faith' into 3%? As long as 97% are on board, we have a theory.

...inverted christianity :lol:
are you talking about percentages of people that believe a theory to be true? sorry im confused

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
are you talking about percentages of people that believe a theory to be true? sorry im confused
...sorry 'bout that. I've seen Heis say many times that majority rules in science. I take that as 97% 'can't be wrong', while the other 3% of speculation 'waits' for a supporting role, as it were. Correct me if I am wrong, no worries there. :)


Well-Known Member

  1. Be aware of through observation, inquiry, or information.
  2. Have knowledge or information concerning.
Science tells us what we can know, what we can be aware of through observation, inquiry or information.

Theology on the other hand induces the dogmatic belief that we have knowledge, where in fact we have ignorance, and by doing so generates a kind of impertinent insolence towards the universe.

Uncertainty in the presents of vivid hopes and fears is painful, but must be endured if we wish to live without the support of comforting fairy tales……..
I know what know means, and you can post inane definitions all day and it doesn't change what the scientific method is about.

sci·en·tif·ic meth·od
scientific methods, plural

A method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.

No where does it say science shows us what we can know for sure with 100% certainty. That's what knowing is, with certainty. There is no 100% certainty in science, and you need to acknowledge that before we move on. No amount of copy/pasting definitions, or listing your opinions will change that.

You want talk about knowing, sure; here's something we know; science doesn't deal with certainty. Knowing is explicitly certain. Therefore, science doesn't make claims about knowing.


Well-Known Member
...sorry 'bout that. I've seen Heis say many times that majority rules in science. I take that as 97% 'can't be wrong', while the other 3% of speculation 'waits' for a supporting role, as it were. Correct me if I am wrong, no worries there. :)
well its not that the theory of gravity CANT be wrong. we just have a huge pile of supporting evidence for it, and we can reasonably say that its (probably) true, based on our observations. however, there is still the possibility of new information coming in tomorrow that is verifiable and testable that completely rewrites our theory of gravity. its not very likely, but science always allows for the possibility.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
I know what know means, and you can post inane definitions all day and it doesn't change what the scientific method is about.

sci·en·tif·ic meth·od
scientific methods, plural

A method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.

No where does it say science shows us what we can know for sure with 100% certainty. That's what knowing is, with certainty. There is no 100% certainty in science, and you need to acknowledge that before we move on. No amount of copy/pasting definitions, or listing your opinions will change that.

You want talk about knowing, sure; here's something we know; science doesn't deal with certainty. Knowing is explicitly certain. Therefore, science doesn't make claims about knowing.
i NEVER once said science deals with certainty.

i said EXACTLY this:
Science tells us what we can be AWARE of through observation, inquiry or information.

Theology on the other hand induces the dogmatic belief that we have knowledge, where in fact we have ignorance, and by doing so generates a kind of impertinent insolence towards the universe. -
i would like to see you argue this.


Well-Known Member
i think it would be sweet if it was a rule, that you had to say "maybe" after everything that isn't 100% true, or proven.
That would begin to get ridiculous. I don't think there is anything that can be 100% proven.

Germs cause disease - maybe
The universe began with a Big Bang - maybe
The speed of light is a universal barrier - maybe
I am not a brain in a jar - maybe


Well-Known Member
i NEVER once said science deals with certainty.

i said EXACTLY this:
Science tells us what we can be AWARE of through observation, inquiry or information.

Theology on the other hand induces the dogmatic belief that we have knowledge, where in fact we have ignorance, and by doing so generates a kind of impertinent insolence towards the universe. -
i would like to see you argue this.
No, you said Science tells us what we can KNOW, and I said it doesn't. Then you said it did, then I said it didn't. Then you said you didn't say science was about knowing.

So.... your move?

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
No, you said Science tells us what we can KNOW, and I said it doesn't. Then you said it did, then I said it didn't. Then you said you didn't say science was about knowing.

So.... your move?
how old are you, cant you understand? or are you seriously THAT stupid.


  1. Be aware of through observation, inquiry, or information.
  2. Have knowledge or information concerning.

    i dont think theres any way i can break it down for you any simpler

    *shaking my head in utter disappointment, this is hopeless


Well-Known Member
how old are you, cant you understand? or are you seriously THAT stupid.


  1. Be aware of through observation, inquiry, or information.
  2. Have knowledge or information concerning.

    i dont think theres any way i can break it down for you any simpler

    *shaking my head in utter disappointment, this is hopeless

I have to chuckle at you calling me stupid, that's pretty rich! lol
