Your fav religious /anti religious vids


Well-Known Member
Now, now. There you guys go with that skeptical tone. Let's let him explain, it's Tuesday and there's nothing good on ;)


Well-Known Member
heres episode 2 of that carl sagan thing



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Well-Known Member
I know that BB, zs made it seem as if faith is obsolete or something...

I think it's legitimate to have faith in ones significant other, Oly. We base that faith on time we spend in direct contact with them, and how we interact with them, physically. We usually have good reason to put faith in them (not always lol).

Mother of god I hope not.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
it is when you're talking metaphysics, or in lack for a better use of the term "god"

but if you can agree to disagree, i won't continue to urge you to answer the uncomfortable question i asked earlier.


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Active Member

Makes me wonder how this all could be an accident and how come we seem to be alone
how come earth like planets are so rare
how come our galaxy is so perfect to breed carbon based life
we have a moon to protect us we have Jupiter to protect us and we have a asteroid belt to protect us
we are the perfect distance form the sun
water is the only substance to expand when it is froze
all these things are necessary to our existence and yet it seems this is the only place to find it


Well-Known Member

Makes me wonder how this all could be an accident and how come we seem to be alone We seem to be alone because everything is so far away.
how come earth like planets are so rare What is rare to you? There could be millions. Latest estimate is there could be billions, in our own galaxy alone.
how come our galaxy is so perfect to breed carbon based life How come the universe is so good at creating black holes?
we have a moon to protect us we have Jupiter to protect us and we have a asteroid belt to protect us
we are the perfect distance form the sun
water is the only substance to expand when it is froze
all these things are necessary to our existence and yet it seems this is the only place to find it
Water is found all over the universe. It is by no means the only place it is found. Even if everything you say is true and the conditions for life is rare, all anyone can say is that earth happens to have the right conditions and probably why we find ourselves on this planet rather than some other one. It's the nature of probability, nothing else can be legitimately concluded from a rare earth hypothesis.

Since you were asking the questions, do you have some other idea about why and how?