DR. aMbRa TrYcoMbs***** SuMmEr BUD baKE*******2011*****12/12 gRowiN'

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
good morning
im bumping my
Super Lumen wattage
down to
600 watts. i fear the worst with those crispy leaves on the bubblebomb. ..similar happened last 12/12 grow towards the end when they werent ready yet.
im thinkin mag def but not sure.. cuz it looks like burn.. but theses girls are over 24 inches from the light!
I have read before that bumping wattage down in the last couple weeks is good because it is similiar to what happens at the end of harvest time outsdie when the sun gets less strong.
oh yeah one other thingy.. my timer for my light was off by an hour. an hour extra light.. i hope that isnt a factor..not sure how long that has been going on. Im getting a new timer today.

this is one of the better images i have of the shit happenin on my one bubblebomb. this is some ugly shit..looks like rust under the trichoscope. and is hitting many of my smallest leaves on the budds..

have a wildly fun day


Well-Known Member
Look's like cal/mag Ambz. They go rusty looking then crispy and basically die! Ive only had it once and gave some epsom salts but wish i could help more. Its hard to look at when the bud's are so fine ! Very frosty looking.

p.s plant's are looking Phat. :) Love the outside shot in the sun. Still cant believe the weight on the bomb's from 12/12.
Job well done Doc.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
thanks for all the nice comments. I am very concerned about the little leaves turning brown by the buds. Its happening on more than one girl now. This evening im goint to flush them and get a ppm reading, i should have done this early, so dumb!!
Im going try to work with this let it rain concept.. took me FOREVER to find this link. and bluez i think you were interested in this as well.. Bkb, you do this right? riddleme talks mostly about doing this in soil.. coco ok too? i was horribly ill last night with a stomach flu never puked so violently in my life.. trying to recover getting there slowly. i hope everyone is doing well. take it easy amberez


Well-Known Member
Yes I Make It Rain (MIR) on both soil and CoCo grown plants....Did you want to try it out? I can hook you up with easy directions if you need it? There are many different ways to do it, I have my own little version of MIR.



Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Yes bkb. i would love your version of MIR. If you would be so kind to share it with me i would really appreciate it.
i like the concept very much. Riddlemes confused me a bit with raining at night ? should the flush day be done right before lights out?
It took me 2 hours to flush all girls and i am so glad i did. It took every bit of strength for me to do it, so sick and tired... after going to work sick as well.
Their ppm readings were outragoeously high.. some in the 3000s.
I will do another ppm reading in a couple days and deciede where to go from there. No real changes. Its as if they are just stunted, a few more amber pistils not too much change.
The mag boost i gave the girl with the most damaged leaves did not help..so that was obviously not the answer. ive got a good gut feeling this flush will help.
peace brother


Well-Known Member
I'm with Am, I want your version BKB!

AM, looking great! I'd definitely say the PPM's were the cause for the browning leaves near the buds...I'm sure the flush will do the trick for you!

You could also try giving them a foilar spray with pH'ed water and Epsom salt. If it's Magnesium it should do the trick...if not they'll love it regardless :-) Just do it with lights off! I made the mistake of doing it lights on a while ago when I started...bad idea.

Hope you start to feel better AM! Thera-flu and bong rips helped with me.


Well-Known Member
Well Making It Rain (MIR) is how I feed my plants not finish them....Whats good about MIR, you can feed all the way to the end because you do a flush every time you feed. I do a major flush in the beginning and then mini-flush till the end. As far as finishing a plant off, I do a drowning which means I keep the soil/CoCo plant mediums fully submerged at all times with water for about 5-10 days... I am always trying new things with my plants when it comes to finishing them off. I am going to be doing Molasses Flushes on my CoCo grown plants at the end and maybe another Molasses Drowning! I enjoy playing with ideas!

So do you want to know how I MIR or steps on finishing off a plant???




Well-Known Member
Read my thread, its in there.....j/k, i will write it up tomorrow and will post it here! Its late and I have to smoke some White Widow and wrap Xmas gifts!
@Ambz 3000ppm, WTF??? Might want to make sure your Meter is calibrated if needed or check your tap water and see what you get for a reading. 3000 is and hope wrong.




Well-Known Member
I was thinking the same about calibrating as well. I could of sworn I posted it in my previous response but I guess this Ogre is getting the best of me. :weed:

Sounds good BKB, I'll go back and re-read it for sure with more of a, I want to do this so remember everything attitude. Have fun dude!