My 1000w Grow Set up Jilly Bean, Lambs bread, White Grapes


Well-Known Member
wow they look great kush! they are hella big.

BUUUUUUtt, it did look like you got PM pretty bad.. on the jilly bean is it? not shur man, but i would deffinatly look through all your girls for PM. i had it bad and whooped its ass thanks to BKB. but im here man if u need help!


Well-Known Member
thanksss all!! n nor cal ya the jilly bean has it alot!!! on the bottom only and the apollo 11 has NONE WHAT SO EVER NOT EVEN A DOT OF PM!!!

how could i treat this i think my only problem is fresh air comin in i keep the temps at like 75 to 73 on n like 61 to 50 night temps...


Well-Known Member
you got it bro jut lookin out.

PM is only a big deal if left un treated. it spreads like wild fire and murders plants. you need to get some Serenade asap! spray down all your plants even the stocks, branches and under the leaves. scrub walls and floor of grow room with 5% bleach 95% water solution. spray down thewhite grapes and the apollo too even though thers none on apollo. PM can live inside the plants for 2-3 weeks before showing signs.
PM is caused in higher rH%, little or no ventilation, plants too close together. PM was brought into my grow via infected plants. i didnt know shit bout PM so it got really bad on all my flowering girls. and i just noticed after a few weeks after getting PM under control i PM in the veg room wtf! but i got that locked down to. lesson ther is you can treat plants all day, but if you dont wash the room you cant get fully rid of it.

hope this helps bro! peace and good luck

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Well-Known Member
thanks nor cal !!


ya i gotta clean the room a little i got it in the tray but i got a few dead leafsss n sum soil i will clean them ASAP!!

so PM cud really affect the bud ?? to the point where u cant smoke it ??

its not that bad tho only lower growth the buds are fuckin huge on the jilly bean on the side to...

im in week 6 tomorrow of flowering!! want to get those buds SUPERRRRR DENSEE!!! ANy idEASS nORCAL??

cleared my INBOX bro


Well-Known Member
yea PM will actually merk your plant dude. it may not look bad, but it is. get serenade, you may need to do a soil drench with it was well... idk bout dense, but i have only begun to use bud boosting products. right now im useing khool bloom with great success!!!!


Well-Known Member
ya im using kool bloom 2 with floricious n flora nova n bloombastic !

forealll how will it merk it i dont think so unless it getss REALLy BAD


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much smelly its a honor..U finally made it by! Was waitin to see what u said :) thankkssss smellytreezzzYa I can't waittt ..........can't wait ta c more n more frost!!!! :)I'm jus thinking how tall they will be after 3 more weeks if there already 4 ft 4 or so :) :)Sour.


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much..think I seen some of ur grows! Its an apoll 11 has a bud that's so frosty the big fan leafs at the end close to the nug got like a rim of super shiny white frost! :)))))Ya first ever grow ! :) thanks to rui I will be harvesin way more then expecten! :) :) :) :) u all r so helpful I really appreciate itHeadband smoker.