you got it bro jut lookin out.
PM is only a big deal if left un treated. it spreads like wild fire and murders plants. you need to get some Serenade asap! spray down all your plants even the stocks, branches and under the leaves. scrub walls and floor of grow room with 5% bleach 95% water solution. spray down thewhite grapes and the apollo too even though thers none on apollo. PM can live inside the plants for 2-3 weeks before showing signs.
PM is caused in higher rH%, little or no ventilation, plants too close together. PM was brought into my grow via infected plants. i didnt know shit bout PM so it got really bad on all my flowering girls. and i just noticed after a few weeks after getting PM under control i PM in the veg room wtf! but i got that locked down to. lesson ther is you can treat plants all day, but if you dont wash the room you cant get fully rid of it.
hope this helps bro! peace and good luck
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