You could not post a link proving me wrong in any matter of time, because I didn't say that. I said adding H2O2 doesn't change THE AMOUNT OF DISSOLVED OXYGEN THAT WATER CAN HOLD. I didn't say that adding H2O2 doesn't put oxygen into water, of course it does, as does putting an airstone in your water. But neither of those can achieve more than 9 ppm.
what dont you understand about a regular airstone barely does shit. its mostly about the water moving. its all good im tired of explaining it. put this in your pipe and smoke it. the data is in
5 gallon bucket with 4 gallons of water at 70.52 degrees f. Air stone is rated at 10.83 L/min of air.
No air stone and no h2o2:
65.1% saturation, 5.74 ppm, 5.74 mg/L
Air stone only (rated at 10.83 L/min):
95.8% saturation, 8.47 ppm, 8.47 mg/L
40 mL 29% h2o2 with no airstone:
103.9% saturation, 9.20 ppm, 9.20 mg/L
whatever you knew what i was trying to say but you wanted to argue. now your just playing word games