My First Legal Medical Grow

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Well-Known Member
nice thats all the info i needed pretty much haha. did you just use a home depot bucket? hope everything is doing well for you today buddy. some funky weather lately!


Well-Known Member
nice thats all the info i needed pretty much haha. did you just use a home depot bucket? hope everything is doing well for you today buddy. some funky weather lately!
Step 1: Put your trim in the homer bucket
Step 2: Put your dry ice in the bucket.
Step 3: Shake a bit and let sit do Ice freezes trim.
Step 4: Place Bubble bag OVER the 5 gal bucket
Step 5: Shake it like a salt shaker
Step 6: Sit at your table and feel like Tony Montana for a bit
Step 6: Scrape up your kief


Well-Known Member
I cant wait to try it with my trimmings....Hey bro I wanted to ask you, should I save the leaves I am plucking off my plants now or just use final trimmings for the dry ice kief?


Well-Known Member
sativas are the gear to have lol

i was very close to gettin these yest...but all they had was Fem? do they come reg to?
I dont think so, This one is from a single fem seed that was planted over a year ago, clones just kept showing up cause they root so fast, so it just stayed in the garden :)
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