Perkele's Growing Journal First plant


Well-Known Member
Pre-flower showing while still under veg lighting schedule is not flowering, its just pre-flowers indicating they plant is sexually mature. Unless its an auto flower of course...
thanks for correcting me on that one, i was under the impresion that once pistols started developing the plant was "flowering"

thats what i get for thinking lol


Well-Known Member
And you can repot and switch lights at the same time. But odds are your plant may never realize the full benefits of the larger container. During transition, the period following the switch from veg lighting to flower lighting schedules, the plant shifts gears and root development pretty much comes to a crawl by the time the plant actually begins to flower. And the period of time allowed for the plant to get use to its new digs before flowering is dependent of how large of a container size difference was used in the transplant.....
I will just let it for 2-3 days in 18/6 and after I'll switch it to 12/12...can wait :D


Well-Known Member
I've decided to cut daily 1 hour from 18/6 until I'll bring it to 12/12 so the transit will mimic the season change. she'll be 17/7


Weed Modifier
Mj is pretty resilient to stress too just thought i would throw that out there, never seen a plant die of stress its always improper conditions, poor soil, PH , bugs deficiency's , burns.

never seen a thread where someone "stressed" thier plant to death LOL
i know about is my accident :( " Topped Seedling "



Well-Known Member
finger's crossed :)

I am thinking now to let it for couple of days for the roots to accommodate into the new soil and as soon as that will be done, flowering time.
Bit Saturday I'll go visit some friends and I'll let the little one home alone till the 2nd of January... I'll give it a good watering before and hopefully she'll be fine
just buy a little bottle dripper cost a couple of coins and you can celebrate christmas and new year without woring about your little ladies


Weed Modifier
she recovered well?
yup.. here she is...was stunted and took time to get going, but to think people told me to get rid of her? :-P

the cuttings I took from her are even better! ;)



Well-Known Member
Day 48, some pics for update. It looks good, getting bigger. No new changes into the leaves, no trace of any gnats. Soil still moist. I gave it a thought and I will cut more hours, not only one a day. Today I will let it in 14/10 and tomorrow I'll let it for 12/12.
Rotation of DSCF1997.jpgDSCF2007.jpg

On the next post with pics, I'll try to concentrate some micro pics on the girl's hairs.