• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Why we need religion.


Well-Known Member
We need some form of spirituality, and values attributed to 'religion' but there is always the pitfall of 'Religiousness' we can fall into.


Actually, pastor was speaking today about not regarding him as some saint, reminding us to read the word of god for ourselves, making decisions for ourselves and talking to god for ourselves. I think it's good for one to have a good relationship with god rather than mindlessly following instruction.

There are things we shouldn't do for a damn good reason, whether we wish to accept it or not. Look at the mess the world is in. Look at the mess we are all in inside. There are things I have done and said that are not right and I am paying for them. Man is stubborn and will just have to deal with the consequences of his actions. Many are too proud to think there is someone bigger than them. We're like little children wHo want to the polar opposite of what we've been told.

I'm not trying to preach because I'm as a fucked up as anyone else. Even pastor told us a little story today about what happened with his mother catching him and his girlfriend...


what a surprise!

a religious person who uses their stale set of beliefs as an attempt to justify their bigotry.



sounds like you've got it all figured out.
I have no idea what your talking about here.
But one thing is for certain, you took my entire post & just MEDIA-NIZED it.
You did exactly what the media would of done with a statement like that.
Take bits & parts, piece em together, & give your audience a much different statement then the original.

What a surprise!
Lol, bravo!

buddha webb

New Member
David Cameron,
is a puppet,doing what hes told by them in charge (capitalists).
David Cameron was brought up in a very well to do family and never wanted for ANYTHING in his life....He is in no position to tell my dog what to do! never mind a poplulation.Hes not to blame,hes the scapegoat......The world is ran by less than 1% of the total population..these people need puppets to get what they want,and to keep the people with nothing,so as not to be detrimental to there abuses of power.....
There facts!!!

David Cameron has just stated that we are a Christian country. We've been waging wars for the apst decade with 3 different countries, for no valid reason. Define "peace"


Well-Known Member
I have no idea what your talking about here.
But one thing is for certain, you took my entire post & just MEDIA-NIZED it.
You did exactly what the media would of done with a statement like that.
Take bits & parts, piece em together, & give your audience a much different statement then the original.

What a surprise!
Lol, bravo!
i highlighted relevant parts.

if this earns the label of "media-nizing" from you, so be it. however you need to rationalize it in your own feeble mind.

paraphrasing what you said: "religions keeps the homo rate down. we NEED religion"

the full context is there for all to see. sorry it pisses you off that i call out bigotry like yours when i see it.

care to justify why you think that certain sexual orientations are inferior now?

i'm all ears.

Smoke Friend

Active Member
If non would worship God it dose not gain 1 atoms worth of his kingdom, if every human pray to God it dosent give him one atoms worth of hes kingdom. translason : God is not in need of you're prayers YOU are.

Whit all the false religons thats been infiltrated and all the media creating a false illuson of what reality is, i can clearly see why people dont like it.

Its time to wake up. do some reserch by you're self.

Smoke Friend

Active Member
True religon is a way of life. satanism is the opposite on the moral ethic standpoints. Todays media and world feed materalism into our heart. What do you think is the cost of wealth?

Even tho people waste their whole life for materalism you're never really able to grasp the riches you have been reatching for.


i highlighted relevant parts.

if this earns the label of "media-nizing" from you, so be it. however you need to rationalize it in your own feeble mind.

paraphrasing what you said: "religions keeps the homo rate down. we NEED religion"

the full context is there for all to see. sorry it pisses you off that i call out bigotry like yours when i see it.

care to justify why you think that certain sexual orientations are inferior now?

i'm all ears.
Those bullet-points were being used as examples to references in the Bible.
I never once said I agreed or disagreed with any of those given points.
Furthermore, I stand by my original statement, WITHOUT religion more people would commit the following acts MORE OFTEN;

-The list goes on... must I continue?

The fact of the matter is, many studies have been conducted in favor of what I am stating.
Whether those studies prove anything or not, that is what ultimately made my original statements a THEORY.
Do you remember what I opened my thread with, what word was used?
That's what I thought, THEORY.

I am not a religious person, I am not a anti-homosexual person, I am not a murderer... but I am also certainly not wrong in anything I said.
It sounds more like you took offense to the statement & in turn you were offended being a closet and/or open homosexual yourself.
Now, I am very regretful that you "thought" I was pissed about anything.
Like stated, I didn't even know what you were talking about, so how I can be "pissed" about anything is just a silly assumption on your part.

Anything else I can help you with this evening sir/ma'am?


Well-Known Member
...I am not a anti-homosexual person...

i wish i could tell you that i know anyone who could honestly make that statement, yet who thinks (like you do) that anyone who speaks out against bigotry like yours must be gay or closet gay.

most anyone who is not bigoted against gays understands that even heterosexuals can advocate against people like you who put homosexuality on a list with murderers and states "we need this".

in trying to defend yourself, you have only given me another hint that i was indeed correct in my assumptions about you.

i'm going out to jack in the box. have fun with your proselytizing.



i wish i could tell you that i know anyone who could honestly make that statement, yet who thinks (like you do) that anyone who speaks out against bigotry like yours must be gay or closet gay.

most anyone who is not bigoted against gays understands that even heterosexuals can advocate against people like you who put homosexuality on a list with murderers and states "we need this".

in trying to defend yourself, you have only given me another hint that i was indeed correct in my assumptions about you.

i'm going out to jack in the box. have fun with your proselytizing.
In other words, "I'm sorry, I give up... I really had no point." is what I interpreted there.
Could be wrong? Highly doubtful though.

I put homosexuals on the list as well as body modifications, but I didn't hear you bitching about that one?
So, what is my stance against people who modify there body with piercings, tattoo's, & other such things?

Please, come back after your 50-cent taco trip & enlighten us more on what you think I think.
Lmao, your a funny one.


The idea was to create a "book of laws" according to what they thought was right/wrong. Now, remember, other then the fact that back then things were much different then they are now morally, in other cultures right to them could be very wrong to us. Some of the laws they wanted followed were things such as;
AS STATED ABOVE: I clearly said that the list consisted of "what they thought was right/wrong."
Not what "I" thought was right or wrong.

"in other cultures right to them could be very wrong to us"
Meaning what they thought was wrong (homosexuality) may not be wrong to us and/or some of us today.

"Some of the laws they wanted followed were things such as"
Some of the laws THEY wanted us to follow, it didn't say anywhere there some of the laws "I" agree with.

Like I said, I never once stated that I was in favor of one over another on that list. Or agree/disagreed with any.
That my friends, is called GETTING OWNED UNCLEFUCK.
Thanks for playing. =)


Well-Known Member
That my friends, is called GETTING OWNED UNCLEFUCK.
ya know what is a sure sign that you owned someone? when you resort to insults and asserting that you owned them.


but getting back to the point, you accused me of being gay or closet gay for the simple act of speaking out against the not so subtle bigotry you are posting.

it is a telltale sign that you are bigoted against gays. people who do not share your bigotry understand that a person need not be gay in order to defend against bigotry towards gays.

you do not seem to get this concept. hardly surprising.

now go ahead, tell me how you owned me and insult me some more. post shit (literally, shit) on my visitor page exclaiming how grandly you owned me. i can't get enough of it.


Lol knew you'd reply.
I didn't bother reading the response because "supposedly" you were going to Jack in the Box.
It was fun though, really, it was.
Nice try.


Ursus marijanus
OK so let me try to get this straight, Mr. KnowItAll.
Are you NOT associating yourself with an anti-gay stance?
I will admit that I conflated your list of religious commandments with the title (Why We Need Religion) as an endorsement of those commandments.
But on a re-read, I see that while my conclusion is suggested, it is not compelled.
So I'm inviting you to speak your own opinion ... in re the morality or immorality of sexual orientation. cn


Well-Known Member
OK so let me try to get this straight, Mr. KnowItAll.
Are you NOT associating yourself with an anti-gay stance?
I will admit that I conflated your list of religious commandments with the title (Why We Need Religion) as an endorsement of those commandments.
But on a re-read, I see that while my conclusion is suggested, it is not compelled.
So I'm inviting you to speak your own opinion ... in re the morality or immorality of sexual orientation. cn
thank you! i am interested to see what he says as well.

i know he only posted the anti-gay stuff, and did not necessarily say he endorsed it.

although, the the fact that he said we need it set off my shit detector. then when he accused me of being gay for simply speaking against it, the shit alarm went off into full shit blast. you could smell it in the winds of shit for miles.

perhaps he will be so brave as to tell us what he really feels.


OK so let me try to get this straight, Mr. KnowItAll.
Are you NOT associating yourself with an anti-gay stance?
I will admit that I conflated your list of religious commandments with the title (Why We Need Religion) as an endorsement of those commandments.
But on a re-read, I see that while my conclusion is suggested, it is not compelled.
So I'm inviting you to speak your own opinion ... in re the morality or immorality of sexual orientation. cn
Thank you for not automatically assuming your first assumption.
As this does clearly give you an advantage in life, to not always go by first judgment.
But rather getting conclusions.
Thank you for that.

No, I am not anti nor pro homosexual.
I live in California, I voted on gay marriage & I voted that it SHOULD be allowed.
To me, it does not matter if you are into men or women, if your in "love" or think you are, then whatever.
It does not Effect me at all if you choose to be with a man or woman, nor does you getting married effect me.
Therefore, how could I vote against it?
If you believe a man & woman should be married & not man/man, or woman/woman, then simply DON'T marry the same sex.
I don't see why we as a FREE country are taking that right from certain minorities.
It would be like outlawing cigarettes just because you don't agree with smoking them.

But then again, this is an entirely different topic.
Like I said, I was simply using those bullet-points as examples.
I wasn't even necessarily referring to Christianity or any religion in particular, I was just using the most widely known of them for examples.
To give readers a better perspective, you know?

I myself have tattoo's, so how could I put "body modifications" on the list, when I have modified my own with piercings/ink?
Simply examples, this is why I pounded the point that these IDEA'S were created LONG AGO, based off what THEY thought was right or wrong, not what I THINK is right or wrong.
Although I do agree with some of the Bible's sins being "sins" I also disagree with some.
Which is also why I pointed out that the GREAT BOOK has many flaws & plot holes itself.


thank you! i am interested to see what he says as well.

i know he only posted the anti-gay stuff, and did not necessarily say he endorsed it.

although, the the fact that he said we need it set off my shit detector. then when he accused me of being gay for simply speaking against it, the shit alarm went off into full shit blast. you could smell it in the winds of shit for miles.

perhaps he will be so brave as to tell us what he really feels.
So your admitting my response pissed you off?
When in fact you were claiming your response pissed me off?
Lmao, the irony!

Like I said from the get-go UncleFuck, I didn't even understand your original statement, in which I never even had anything to say against you.
It wasn't until you started to tell me what "YOU" thought "I" thought.
Then we had a problem.
I had no problem with you expressing any opinion on what you thought I meant... just as Canna did to me.

Although, Canna came at me with a different, more respectable, more matured response, seeking my answer/response.
He even went as far as saying he believed the same thing you believed, but he never once told me what "I" thought or what "I" endorsed/supported.
Instead, he ASKED.

That's how simple it is.
Take note for future reference please & thank you.

But I do see where the misunderstanding was on both your part & mine Uncle.
But you completely went the wrong way about it.
It wasn't until Canna replied with his statement that made me understand where YOU were coming from when you AGREED with him.

So there is my response to everything, since you were "interested" in it. =)


Ursus marijanus
Thank you for the detailed reply, Mr. KnowItAll. It completely answered my question ... and it serves me as a good example of why I should read carefully. cn

~grin~ Of course you do realize that you're going STRAIGHT to the hot spot for those diabolical tattoos.


Thank you for the detailed reply, Mr. KnowItAll. It completely answered my question ... and it serves me as a good example of why I should read carefully. cn

~grin~ Of course you do realize that you're going STRAIGHT to the hot spot for those diabolical tattoos.
I should be thanking you, if it weren't for you, I probably would still be wondering why Uncle was all over my case.
Lol, I seriously didn't understand how in the Hell my statements could have been lost in translation.
But I do see the way it's worded with the title, could be misleading I suppose, not completely your fault on the way you read/interpreted it.
I will just have to do a better job of explaining myself for now on.

But I do always look for feedback on my theories.
I am not here to fight, nor am I here to push an opinion on anyone.
I simply get high, I take 30-minutes from my week to think about a random topic, I write a short excerpt on it, then post it for responses.
I like to see what others feel, think, etc. on these sort of topics because this is the shit that interests me.
I can care less about Kim Kardashian's wax-job... I want to know/share things about LIFE!


Well-Known Member
Thank you for not automatically assuming your first assumption.
As this does clearly give you an advantage in life, to not always go by first judgment.
But rather getting conclusions.
Thank you for that.

No, I am not anti nor pro homosexual.
I live in California, I voted on gay marriage & I voted that it SHOULD be allowed.
To me, it does not matter if you are into men or women, if your in "love" or think you are, then whatever.
It does not Effect me at all if you choose to be with a man or woman, nor does you getting married effect me.
Therefore, how could I vote against it?
If you believe a man & woman should be married & not man/man, or woman/woman, then simply DON'T marry the same sex.
I don't see why we as a FREE country are taking that right from certain minorities.
It would be like outlawing cigarettes just because you don't agree with smoking them.

But then again, this is an entirely different topic.
Like I said, I was simply using those bullet-points as examples.
I wasn't even necessarily referring to Christianity or any religion in particular, I was just using the most widely known of them for examples.
To give readers a better perspective, you know?

I myself have tattoo's, so how could I put "body modifications" on the list, when I have modified my own with piercings/ink?
Simply examples, this is why I pounded the point that these IDEA'S were created LONG AGO, based off what THEY thought was right or wrong, not what I THINK is right or wrong.
Although I do agree with some of the Bible's sins being "sins" I also disagree with some.
Which is also why I pointed out that the GREAT BOOK has many flaws & plot holes itself.
well, it appears i was wrong.

my apologies then.