grow room vs tents heat signature, ventilation and discreetness


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone at roll it up i am about to start my first grow but i have really serious questions as to using :

grow tents vs a grow room.

Also issues about using :

Lighting and Ventilation

4 to 6 600 watt hps lights

And finally the heat signature from grow room or tent.

Please can i get some info as i will really appreciate it i understand its my first grow but i would be growing 20 to 50 babies in a perpetual cycle.

I am based in UK so any advice from Uk growers and people from other places would be appreciated, and i too have the problem of CHOPPERS FLYING all the time.


Well-Known Member
What are you're concerns with ventilation and the lights?

Heat signatures can be dealt with via a properly insulated area along with somewhere to send all the heat.

The biggest thing that would concern me would be going from an average electric using household to a very high borderline suspicious electric usage household. Because all those lights will require serious fan power to run them along with AC to keep temps stable.

4x600w lights use around 2.6kwh of electric every hour for 12 hours. So for 12 hours a day this would be 31.2kwh before you add fans. Then there is AC which would use at least 1 kwh of electric every hour an extra 24kwh taking your daily usage to 55.2kwh.

The average UK house uses 3300kwh of electric per year according to power companies.

4 lights with AC a year would equate to 20148kwh per year. More than 6 times the average UK usage.



Well-Known Member
Is the heat sig harder to pick up during the day. If it is run lights during the day but for your first grow I would start off small

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
Yes using 4 to 6 600w lamps is high for a residential area. If solar is popular there then you might wanna look into getting a grid tie in system to help drop your power usage from the grid. Also if you really wanna use that make 600w lamps you will wanna look into more energy efficient stuff. Like change go from 13w CFLs or w/e higher wattage light your using and buy 3.5w LED lights. Another one is to find fans that draw as little power possible but move alot of CFM worth of air. And many other things to save alot of power.

If you live by a river or creek you would wanna look into micro hydro. Its cheap and you can produce alot of power.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
i hope u gota genarator... like jondamon said...if ur in the UK ur gunna cause an eyebrow or two to rise....
If he has the roof and yard space and he gets alot of sun solar would be way better due to the cost of fuel for the generator but also the start up cost and repair cost and replacement cost. Another one he can go is micro hydro.


Active Member
Gonna be a huge tent bro, I use 2 400w in a 4x4x78 and it's perfect. Anything more and I would have to rethink all my fans and vents. I would guess your talking about maybe a 10x10?? More room = more smoke :weed:


Active Member
i say just go with a greenhouse but you UK boys dont see the sun much over there lol jp...when people think of a green house they think of a big ol' house thing with glass windows and anybody can see right thru... but i remember my grampa had a green house with no glass at was some kinda plastic that let the light in and was water proof to add more light....the way he did it was pretty good idea he basicly used the sun and light he wasent growing pot but i always wonder what that kinda set up would yeild. and how much power it was saving compared to just light bulbs going to equal the same lums....just a thought dont mind me.


Well-Known Member
What are you're concerns with ventilation and the lights?

Heat signatures can be dealt with via a properly insulated area along with somewhere to send all the heat.

The biggest thing that would concern me would be going from an average electric using household to a very high borderline suspicious electric usage household. Because all those lights will require serious fan power to run them along with AC to keep temps stable.

4x600w lights use around 2.6kwh of electric every hour for 12 hours. So for 12 hours a day this would be 31.2kwh before you add fans. Then there is AC which would use at least 1 kwh of electric every hour an extra 24kwh taking your daily usage to 55.2kwh.

The average UK house uses 3300kwh of electric per year according to power companies.

4 lights with AC a year would equate to 20148kwh per year. More than 6 times the average UK usage.

Hi nice to hear from you again jondamon i really appreciate your reply some very useful info you have gave to me i will take that into account, i have checked this website for consumption and it does say average uk house has 3300kwh but not sure if its per year or month and also says average house hold has bills of around £40 a month which is not true as i live with family at moment and our quarterly bill is around £300 or more also as you have gave me the figures an me doing the maths it does work out 6 times more than average house hold, so whats the way around it? also would i have to take free electric and some paid lol? or just use some efficient lights like LED's if not use less lights instead of 4 to 6 hps's i can go with 2 600 watters?

Also i have the concern of ventilation an cooling to stay away from the radar/heat signature, to minimize attention.

What do you think about using tents in a room, or lining the room with C3 anti Detection film?

And the concern


Well-Known Member
If using 2x 600w HPS then you won't have to worry about heat signature if just ventilate into another room/part of the house.


Well-Known Member
As DJ has said, using 2x600w isn't really a worry.

I agree with you NASAR that the power companies could do with looking again at what REAL households use per year as most TV's these days use as much electric as an HPS.

I run the following in my room
600w hps
100w RVK Fan
55w RVK Fan
85w tubular heater
150w of oscillating fans
225w dehumidifier occasionally
6w water pump
6w air stone pump

Most of my household lights are cfl 11w varieties, along with living in the house a 3 person family I pay £165 per month for elec and gas. If I ran a second light which I could due to all my equipment it would probably run me another £25 on top of what I already pay for another 600w.

I vent into my attic area and have done for 2 years. Of course though I added extra ventilation to my attic using vents in the roof and extra soffit vents to create cross flow of air.

My 100w fan which runs my light exhausts into the attic but by the time it reaches the end of the duct work the air is pretty cold.

I have the same concerns about the heat being a 1st timer. Im going to build a 4x4x5 box in my attic. Is it wise to vent into the chimney?


Well-Known Member
I may be a good idea to that, but it will be nice to know how many lights in a tent or a 2 bedroom house can accommodate safely with out raising eye brows.