Ill go check it out Kev, if you put your pics in Doggie nuts I saw them and DAMN!!! You are going the scrog route? Or whats your plans? Im trying to upload 33 new pics, but its taking awhile to send to my email. Just watered the lil ones with 2 gals of water, ph of 6.6natural water was nice this time! Used CALiMAGic 1tsp, Vit B+ 1tsp, Grow Big 6tsp, Big Bloom 3tsp.
The top to the Alien OG seems to have firmed up, i taped her up a lil better when I pulled her out for watering.
I just super-cropped the White Widow, and it went smoothly. My ego returned after the completion lol.
I will post up some new pics of the little ones here in a few. They are loving this MH, but fuck I feel light headed everytime I go into my tent now. I had to start wearing sun glasses, damn that light!
My other 4x8 tent just showed up! Once my girl gets home were taking cans back and then putting it up, and finally having everything setup and ready by tonight! Kev's bottle is being sent out in a half hour, just a great day! Pics comin soon!