Not sure why my plants are so dry

Hy take a look at this, they have small yelloe spots on that, and to touch they feel really hard.
I've been giving them 200mls of water a day with HESI Blue and green nutes as recommended, so it can't be nute burn. the only thing that has changed is that there are now more plants in my tent. any ideas? air flow? I have two inline fans, one sucking air from outside the house into the tent, and another(weaker) exhaustDSC00802.jpgDSC00803.jpgDSC00804.jpgDSC00805.jpg


Active Member
i would say harvest sooner. the leaves are yellowing because the plants are using there last bit of nutrients and sugars for the buds. its time has come pretty soon you will have way to much CBD and low THC.


Active Member
man this looks like what happened to me with a salt build up. no water to the damn plants important parts.


Well-Known Member
may be to hot in there ? How close is the light? Also you want want to check your PH. You say its not nute burn but those leafs are clearly burned.