Water farm help


Well-Known Member
I have a water farm that came with the 3 part General hydrophonics Nutes, Has anyone used them with any luck ? I took a lil seedling washed to roots off real careful and used 1/4 tsp of each per gallon X2 Ph water to 5.6 and the lil girl is not growing and her leaves are turnning yellow. It has been two weeks, I changed the water out for fresh and bumped ppm up to 800 and still no luck. looks like she grew very little. Using t8 6 bulb for now with the light an inch away and have a fan blowing on her to keep her cool. I see a lot of salt build up on the drip ring all ready. Or should I trash em And use something difrrent? I use the fox farm line up for my soil grows that seem to be doing fine. >>>>Oh my


Well-Known Member
could it be the ph'ing proccese? adding harsh chemicals to the water to acheive correct ph sometimes detrimental ??


Well-Known Member
Useing general hydroponics ph up and down, I Ph the water after i ad the nuts, stir real well double check before i dump in the tank. Using the same Ph up and down for the soil grows and the girls look real well.


Well-Known Member
I'd imagine it must be semi successful, there's got to be something else going on with your situation.


Active Member
Ive used the 3 part in waterfarm buckets with great results. To make it easy on myself I switched over to supernatural 1 part with some boosters and sweet in bloom. they get salty as all hell but still work fine. Are you testing your TDS when your solution is fresh and taking some samples daily? there is a lot of evaporation with those since the drip rings are always going so adding fresh water daily and pouring it on the ring can help. Make sure to change your nutes weekly and test for TDS daily and you will be fine.

By harvest time there will be lots of built up salts but like I said they work great.


Active Member
Do you know what your water temp is? Even though it sounds like you took much care with your roots there was damage if from nothing else the movement of the structure and running water over them. Like I said before the buckets show alot of buildup and durring the grow you will see holes clog on the drip ring. When changing my nutes i would do a fill of just ph'd water and let that run for an hour straight then drain that again to try to keep up with the build up.

Are you keeping the drip ring on for the entire light cycle? I had mine on a 7.5 min on and 15 minute off cycle while the lights were on and completely off when the room was dark.


I had a seedling that stagnated and it turned out it wasn't getting the nutrients. i added some aluminum foil to route the nutrient solution to the hydroton right next to the plant, but not on it. this turned everything around and the plant is doing very well. My guess is that the roots aren't long enough to get to the nutrients?


Active Member
The General Hydro 3 part nutrients do work. I use their 3 part nutrients for the base nutrients in my grows. (link in sig)

Exactly how big was your seedling when you put it in the system? I have taken seedlings myself and washed off the roots that where in dirt and put them in a hydro system. I've never experienced any shock from doing so ether. I'm wondering if maybe your giving it to much nutrients. Also what is the temperature of your nutrient solution?

The Dawg

Well-Known Member
Good Morning Ohmy.This Is The Guide that Im Using Donated By Mr.Green123.
Seedlins,Early Sprouts 100 To 250
Early Vegging 300 To 400
Full Vegetation 450 to 700
Early Blooming 750 To 950
Full Mature Bloom 1000 To 1600

This Is Only A Rough Ppm Guide.Your Ladies Will Tell You What they Need.Peace And Hair Grease bongsmilie

The Thread Below Is What Turned Me And Several Other People To WaterFarming.It's A Must Read For W/F



Well-Known Member
your ppm is probably way too high for a baby plant. dawgs advice is great.. good guide to use as a rule of thumb :)

Mr. Bob

Hey man I use the same general hydro line up with the bucket I have two these are some pics of mine. LOTS of salt build up but it is working really well and I used distilled water and add nutes then mix and my ph is like always perfect right when I change water and nutes. I top off with distilled water and now I will be pouring it on the ring to see if that helps with the salt build up. This is my first hydro and first time using nutes, or at least adding anything extra. Right now it has been 12 days and I wont lie at the beginning it was not looking good a little bit more stretching than I am used to. But I am feeding them right now with 15 ml of micro then 20 ml of grow and 5 ml of bloom its the second time I have added this amount of nutes and it has brought my plants alive. I am adding a 4 foot wide 4 foot deep 6 and half feet tall grow tent here in a couple of days.


The Dawg

Well-Known Member
Hey man I use the same general hydro line up with the bucket I have two these are some pics of mine. LOTS of salt build up but it is working really well and I used distilled water and add nutes then mix and my ph is like always perfect right when I change water and nutes. I top off with distilled water and now I will be pouring it on the ring to see if that helps with the salt build up. This is my first hydro and first time using nutes, or at least adding anything extra. Right now it has been 12 days and I wont lie at the beginning it was not looking good a little bit more stretching than I am used to. But I am feeding them right now with 15 ml of micro then 20 ml of grow and 5 ml of bloom its the second time I have added this amount of nutes and it has brought my plants alive. I am adding a 4 foot wide 4 foot deep 6 and half feet tall grow tent here in a couple of days.
Bob The Salt Build Up Is Due To Heat Evaporation.Now If You Put A Piece Of Tin-Foil Over The Top Of Your WaterFarm This Will Reduce If Not Ellimate Your Salt Problem.I've Been Running Mine For 32 Days And No Build Up Yet.Peace And Hair Grease:bigjoint:

Mr. Bob

Yo Dawg what are the benefits of doing that just wondering will it make anything better or will it be about the same and would I poke holes into the foil I assume lol right im new to this so bare with me.

The Dawg

Well-Known Member
Yo Dawg what are the benefits of doing that just wondering will it make anything better or will it be about the same and would I poke holes into the foil I assume lol right im new to this so bare with me.
No Problem Bob Im Also New To Growing.The Benefits Of Using Tin Foil Is It Keeps Alge From Forming And Keeps Evaporation Down.You Cover The Top Of The Farm No Holes.Check Out The Thread Below This Is Where I Got My Inspriation To Go Hydro-Waterfarming.Also Check Out My Grow.Peace And Hair Grease:blsmoke:


Below Is My Grow