mine have been showing sex around 7-10 days of 12/12. It wont be hard to see as long as you know what to look for. Google image search male cannabis flower and female cannabis flower to get lots of examples. but so far everyone here has been right, too early to tell for now, but you'll be able to tell the difference, Males make little balls then bananas, females look like a tiny little tulip flower, with two tiny hairs emerging from the point a leaf emerges from the stem... if sex is forced. If it is mature and shows on its own, a pure white fuzzy hair from the main trunk. Males usually develop a day or two before fems so you get a chance to pull them, and it wont hurt to wait another day to make sure what you see is actually what you think it is, if you start to see balls developing it will still be a few days before they are mature enough to release pollen. If you get a hermie, dont try to cut off the male flowers and think you will get good bud... it will all get pollinated and will pollinate every other fem you have. you'll miss at least one male banana then you're done, muchos semillas senior. kill em immediately and dont feel bad about it. yeah it sucks, but you'll be pissed if your whole garden gets pollinated cuz you were sentimental about one hermi plant. I killed 3 last night, sucks but mexican cartel brick bagseeds are riddled with Hermi's.