

Well-Known Member
When I was around 15-16 I had some crazy experiences involving "demonic" spirits messing with friends, and girl friends, Ouija boards saying things, Strange things happening in mirrors, and some other stuff. One day it happened while I was on the phone with a Muslim friend of mine. I'll call her...Isa. While on the phone, some crazy shit happened to me, and she tried to help. Teaching me a little about Islam along the way.

Shit got CRAZY, I was outside, and shit got crazier, so she decided to come pick me up.
She came and got me, and her mom did a prayer over my head. (In the Quran there are tons of prayers for summoning angels, and even one to summon ALL the angels of heaven)
At that time I became Muslim.
I started hanging out with them more, and Isa, her sister An, and their mom, taught me a lot more about the religion...

I want to share what I learned...
This family is from Jordan. We smoked Hookah with them (Their mom included), and they had done it since kindergarten. But were not allowed to smoke cigarettes. It was something religious for them.

We talked about Heaven and Hell, and Adam, and this is what their mom told me.
"Angel" and "Demon" is just a faction. Like "Axis" and "Allies".
The TRUE name of the race is "Djinn", like we are "Humans". They (At one time) were all the same faction. But then god made man and was proud.
God told the Djinn, that they are to bow to the new human race.
But Lucifer was disgusted. He said "Adam is made of dirt, and I am made of fire/light, I will not bow to dirt."
So the angels that disagreed with god are now labeled "Demons" and live in hell. Because they will not "serve" man.

Then they taught me about King Solomon, and the "Secret History" of the Jewish race. (The Islam have a third person view of Judaism and Christianity, so the story is a little different...WAY different almost)
The Jewish people were..."Summoning" Djinn. Now, when you summon a Djinn, it can do favors for you...
But you owe it a favor in return. So the Jewish people that were summoning Djinn, were not only receiving favors FROM demons. They were doing favors FOR demons. Except one person...

King Solomon was a great wizard.
He was able to have ENDLESS Djinn in his service, and owe NONE of them favors. He basically could use them as slaves.
Islam discourages magic, and considers anyone who messes with it to be "Evil" in a way...Because of the servitude to demons/Djinn. And they consider this to be a VERY dark time.
Then there was word of an even STRONGER wizard. Even stronger than king Solomon. "The King of Kings" people were saying...But the rumors were that this man was not even BORN yet.
He would be born soon though. So Solomon murdered ALL the young babies. But missed the young wizard.
And Jesus came to power, eventually leaving the Jews behind (With the New Testament after his death).

To the Muslims, this was a very dark and evil, struggle for magical/evil power...

And that's one of the few 3rd person perspectives we've got...


Well-Known Member
And that's one of the few 3rd person perspectives we've got...
WTF are you talking about? What holy text ISN'T in the 3rd person?

I would be surprised at anyone that hears the Islamic tradition teaches about Jews and still think there can be peace between Israel and the surrounding Muslim nations are delusional.


Well-Known Member
WTF are you talking about? What holy text ISN'T in the 3rd person?

I would be surprised at anyone that hears the Islamic tradition teaches about Jews and still think there can be peace between Israel and the surrounding Muslim nations are delusional.
I'm saying that Islam (The Quran) is one of the few 3rd person writings we have about Jews and Christians :dunce: :lol:


Well-Known Member
im not sure they tought you the koran correctly.

according to what im reading the koran says that power over the evil djinns was given to solomon by god. (who punished the demons with fire if they disobeyed.)

sounds rather ridiculous, here are demons, completely controlled by god and how then are they a problem?


Well-Known Member
im not sure they tought you the koran correctly.

according to what im reading the koran says that power over the evil djinns was given to solomon by god. (who punished the demons with fire if they disobeyed.)

sounds rather ridiculous, here are demons, completely controlled by god and how then are they a problem?
They aren't.

Why would god have control of disobeying demons?
YOUR understanding is skewed.


Well-Known Member
I'm saying that Islam (The Quran) is one of the few 3rd person writings we have about Jews and Christians :dunce: :lol:
you make no sense. Tell me what story of the Jews and Xians are in first or second person, and then tell me why it even matters? Maybe you mean something other than 'third person.'


Well-Known Member
They aren't.

Why would god have control of disobeying demons?
YOUR understanding is skewed.
well, it was not in arabic, though it did have alot of arabian letters as well, this website.

so the islam god is not omnipotent?

oh, i just find the supernatural part of religions usually rather ridiculous :) sometimes nice philosophy in it.
though actually what i find ridiculous about the supernatural definitions of that era in that place, is rather how its colored by their own world vision.

sorta hierarchy among god and angels and devils that makes little sense from an enlightened point of view.

makes one think that these writings were done by people that had had brief glimpses of something they did not understand and then they filled in the blanks with whatever nonsense was popular to think at the time..


Well-Known Member
you make no sense. Tell me what story of the Jews and Xians are in first or second person, and then tell me why it even matters? Maybe you mean something other than 'third person.'
Oh my god.

You are misunderstanding...


The ISLAM have information about CHRISTIANS...AND JEWS...
Not much OTHER history, BESIDES religious documents, even HAS reference of these two people doing anything...

Hence why I said "Few"...:D

It matters, because we can't just take the Christians, and Jews word for it, we NEED that 3rd person perspective to get a REAL story :dunce:


Well-Known Member
well, it was not in arabic, though it did have alot of arabian letters as well, this website.

so the islam god is not omnipotent?

oh, i just find the supernatural part of religions usually rather ridiculous :) sometimes nice philosophy in it.
though actually what i find ridiculous about the supernatural definitions of that era in that place, is rather how its colored by their own world vision.

sorta hierarchy among god and angels and devils that makes little sense from an enlightened point of view.

makes one think that these writings were done by people that had had brief glimpses of something they did not understand and then they filled in the blanks with whatever nonsense was popular to think at the time..
God is omnipotent to them.

But why are you assuming god "Controls" demons.

God DOES NOT "Control" satan OR his minions in ANY religion...
Why would he in Islam?


Well-Known Member
God is omnipotent to them.

But why are you assuming god "Controls" demons.

God DOES NOT "Control" satan OR his minions in ANY religion...
Why would he in Islam?

...not assuming anything, just stating what it said on that page.

and actually, according to all the religious texts ive read.

god Allows satan to do what he does.

(satan means accuser, its a job title.. (in some stories, they are having a chat and even a bet)


Well-Known Member
...not assuming anything, just stating what it said on that page.

and actually, according to all the religious texts ive read.

god Allows satan to do what he does.

(satan means accuser, its a job title.. (in some stories, they are having a chat and even a bet)
But by "Allowing satan to do what he wants"
He is "Not Controlling them" (For the time being?)

And EXACTLY my point.
God can "BET", and "Argue" with satan.

Satan is not "Under his control"


Well-Known Member
actually, he is, he is Allowed to operate (or commanded to..)

implying that ultimate control is gods.


Well-Known Member
Here. You answered yourself :D
im not sure they tought you the koran correctly.

according to what im reading the koran says that power over the evil djinns was given to solomon by god. (who punished the demons with fire if they disobeyed.)

sounds rather ridiculous, here are demons, completely controlled by god and how then are they a problem?
actually, he is, he is Allowed to operate (or commanded to..)

implying that ultimate control is gods.


Well-Known Member

  • "controlled by god and how then are they a problem?"

    talking about this?

    that also means that the ultimate blame lies with god.

    and this just a cosmic chessgame between an idiot and himself.​



Well-Known Member

  • "controlled by god and how then are they a problem?"

    talking about this?

    that also means that the ultimate blame lies with god.

    and this just a cosmic chessgame between an idiot and himself.

I guess it does...

God was probably just bored one day, and let it happen...:lol:


Well-Known Member
Oh my god.

You are misunderstanding...
Yes I am misunderstanding, which is what I suspected and why I mentioned you mean something other than "third person perspective" which refers to the type of narrative when telling a story.

The ISLAM have information about CHRISTIANS...AND JEWS...
What kind of information do you suppose Mohammed had about the Jews and Xians that he didn't get from biblical sources? It's like when a movie is made from a book but change some of the details, it doesn't change the fact that the story was fiction.
Not much OTHER history, BESIDES religious documents, even HAS reference of these two people doing anything...

Hence why I said "Few"...:D

It matters, because we can't just take the Christians, and Jews word for it, we NEED that 3rd person perspective to get a REAL story :dunce:
You are merely highlighting your lack of knowledge about things you make claims about. You ignore historians like Philo of Alexandria and Flavius Josephus that wrote about the Jews in the first century. There have been independent writings about the Jews and Xians ever since, much of it written before Islam was introduce in the 7th century.

Just because you are unaware that something exists does not make it non-existent. This lack of historical documentation is only in your imagination.