The DMT Gods

Would you Smoke DMT?

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I have had experiences lasting from two to 40 minutes, it all depends on how deep you allow yourself to go in.
I kind of abused the stuff at one point, so much so that I would never do it again. I recommend spacing it out it's use, not for tolerance reasons but because a bad experience is horrible.

Ayahuasca is dmt consumed in the presence of an MAOI. The experience? Fairly nauseating disorientating, fairly intense sometimes and scary. It's not the same for everyone, but that's how I felt about it. Some people also experience what I can only call projectile vomiting, the purge. I've done traditional along with other versions. If you're a person who pukes, expect a typhoon of vomit at some point. After the purge it kicks into full blast.

Freebase, basically you go from 0-60 in a matter of about a minute or less. The experience lasts for about 5 minutes (people say up to 20, but I've done upwards of 150mg and have never gone past 5 minutes). The experience is fairly intense, dream like. I've experienced everything from giant mosquitoes, elves/gnomes, ballerinas, robots, aliens, and even death. Everyone is different though.

There's a fairly well documented tek, google 'watcha tek'. It's not the most efficient method by any means, but works.

the longest trip ive ever had on dmt was over 10 mintues and that was smoking 50mg of it out of a bowl. I know i was tripping for that long beacause the song ended before my trip did.
will definatly try the brew i have a strong stomache ive never thrown up from mushrooms and hardly ever let myself get drunk enough to puke.
if any one needs a good way to vaporizer their dmt they can make a "Machine" out of a chillum and a little bit of steel wool. you torch the steel wool with a torch so you burn all the chemicals off it, then you take some pliers and rip a chunk off and shuve it in the bowl end of a chillum. Then you hold the head of the b owl over a flame and let it become hot enough so you can sprinkle your dmt over the steel wool and it actually bonds to the steel wool by "melting" to it. this is called "charging" the machine. After its cooled down you can put the flame to the end of it and inhale!
Yeah, some people don't vomit. What I heard is after consumption, about 45-60 minutes into it the serotonin receptors in your stomach get hit and it usually triggers vomiting. Honestly, I always felt better a few minutes after puking.

My suggestion for people who go the ayahuasca route, read up a lot and find recipes from people who actively do it. Source materials from reputable/recommended sources. For an maoi, B. Caapi might be more expensive, but it's preferred over syrian rue. You can also purchase an extract/freebase of the MAOI, but people selling it usually are sketch.

When it comes to freebase, you can smoke it or vape. As long as you're careful with combustion it works fine, might not be the most efficient method but in a pinch it will work.

If making a freebase, I'd advise recrystallization after freeze precipitation. After the initial extraction, the product is fairly cloudy and a recrystallization will give you the chance to further remove impurities (mostly fats) and end up with some akin to glass shards. Probably an extra 10 minutes of work and 3-4 hours of waiting. Once its done you have to find a way to store it to prevent oxidation, in a freebase form it degrades rather quickly.
You will vomit with certain aya mixturesas they contain ingredients to make you purge.
thats not a good comparison IMO

some one on a documentary said it was like "The Drive by of hallucinogenics" just imagine the peak of a 30 hit LSD trip packed into 5-10 mintues.....ya
I think it is more like mushrooms. Like a 5 hour mushroom trip crammed into 5 minutes.
A WHOLE lote of shrooms then, I only get the shroomed effect if I do the open eyed thing, or come out before things are done.

thats not a good comparison IMO

some one on a documentary said it was like "The Drive by of hallucinogenics" just imagine the peak of a 30 hit LSD trip packed into 5-10 mintues.....ya

yeah like i said if you took lsd and made nitrous verson of it thats pretty much what it like hard fast and in a hurry and then gone. i wasnt meaning reg nitrous. i ment if you made a lsd versoin of nitrous
I would say that is maybe true of salvia, very similar, totaly assualts you on all senses and makes you believe its real, with DMT you are mostly sober, yet running on a diffirent operatingh system, but you are always aware you are tripping.
hey wats up guys. about 7 months ago i was fortunate enough to get my hands on a psychoactive substance called DMT. Its a super powerful hallucinogenic that literally transports your mind to another universe. The hallucinations are so realistic you think that you are actually some where else. I wanted to know if any one on this site has had any experience with it and if so id like to hear it. I wrote up a small trip report when i had my first breakthrough dose, ill post it now...

this is my 4th time smoking dmt

i am 23 about 5'10'' 137 lbs

I have used hallucinogens so i am some what experienced

Smoked .06 g small white crystals, almost a yellowish tint to it but they have been ground up to mostly powder from all the handling and shaking around.

I sat back in my love sac. packed the dmt on a small bowl of ashes, then sprinkled a little marijuana on top. I smoked it out of a small glass spoon pipe.

i took one long draw off of the pipe not fully torching the bowl pack, but quickly moving it back and forth.

I held the smoke in for a few seconds, exhaled.

Repeated once again, same steps.

I could feel my body pulsating, like i was being hyper-launched into another universe. My body got hot and i had that familiar dmt taste. I was transported into a universe with 2 beings. they didn't have much form but i assumed it was a male and female entity's. they did not have human parts, but took on a human like form. no faces or anything just glowing with light and they had something for me. it was a small ball of light , geometric patterns but didn't stay in any form. i felt so grateful that these beings were giving something to me. I kept saying THANK YOU out loud thank you so much. in this universe i believed the beings to be my parents. when i was there i thought to myself, this is must be what its like to meet a god, i couldn't tell for sure what it was, but defiantly a greater being than myself. God/Goddess/Parents/Aliens/Beings what every they were i could tell they had much much farther knowledge than me, but they want to share a small part of their knowledge with me. I am not that good at writing trip reports, i have more of the dmt so i am defiantly going to try it again, i really want to know more about this marvelous drug. the first two times were kind of scary for me, but now that my body knows what it is like i feel like it can be a lot more peaceful and will acutely teach me something about myself or how to just become one with people.

ya so its pretty wild stuff. And DMT is in almost every living organism in the world (humans, animals, bugs, plants, grass, etc) Google DMT if you dont know about it and educate yourself!
wow i had the same experience you did withe male and female entities both my mother and father have transitioned and i felt like it was them holding me. Kinda scared to do it again having your ego ripped outta you is like dying it scared the shit outta me but afterwards it was the best thing that ever happened to me i was an alcohlic i haven't touched a drop since my DMT experience I asked the entities to heal me and they did. No cravings wat so ever I sit and watch my friends drink with no temptation. I proud to be in the DMT club.
After doing it a few times you loose all fear of death... :D

"It is irrational to fear something that occurs when one ceases to exist and since technically when you die you don't exist why fear death? Those who fear death could also argue the fear of birth then for the same reason."

From the movie Leaves of Grass. I watched that the other day and heard that quote by Edward Norton and I thought it was awesome.
How does one produce this stuff? The DMT I usually see online looks a lot like shaved crystal meth. And I guess it depends on who you acquire it from, given the fact that it's best to know who and where it comes from before actually using it. Personally I have heard only good things about DMT, in that it awakens the pineal gland and the conscious mind fully, seeing as we humans only use about 10%. Anyone had any bad trips on this stuff?
What do you guys think about one of these I haven't had a chance to try it yet. Felt like a tweeker ordering something like this.

i herd a "meth pipe" or "oil Burner" is the best way to smoke dmt, supposedly the glass vapor genie is the best thing to use to freebase dmt but they are fuckin expensive! When i first tryed dmt i thought i was having an allergic reaction to the drug, my breathing got very short and rapid and i started seeing these crazy hallucinations i thought i was crossing into the afterlife. but i talked myself through it and ended up being pretty life changing. the time i wrote about on this thread when i came out of it, i was so happy to be alive, not really sure why but i was. I am not afraid to die, im just afraid of when and how. there are tons of Tek's online on how to extract dmt. there is a bunch of articles on how to brew the ayuschua as well. the dmt that you said looks like shards of meth is probably some BOMB ass shit!